• 格陵兰融化进入北极附近海洋,从而会导致全世界海平面上升

    Melting ice in Greenland freshens the seas near the Arctic and contributes to rising sea levels around the world.


  • 只是格陵兰融化多少将会使海平面上升不清楚,主要因为融化发生速度科学家曾预料的多。

    It is unclear just how much melting ice from Greenland will push sea levels up, largely because the melting is occurring much more quickly than scientists predicted.


  • 尽管现在报道上升威胁到了这些事实上几十年反而降低了。

    Although there have been reports of rising sea levels threatening the islands, the sea level has actually lowered in recent decades.


  • 日本事故为问题投票人数上升提供契机

    But, after Japan's Fukushima disaster, the chance of a quorum in the nuclear vote rose.


  • 作为南极西部冰盖基本出口冰川全球海平面上升预测最大不确定性之一

    As a primary outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, the Pine Island Glacier is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in global sea level rise projections.


  • 麦克默多站(McMurdoStation)是位于罗斯(Ross Island)美国研究基地,研究记录显示过去三十年间,这里的夏季平均气温上升摄氏1.5超出全球平均升温幅度。

    The average summer temperature at McMurdo Station, the American research base on Ross Island, has inched up 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit in the past 30 years, records show, more than the global average.


  • 因此他们支持不断上升气温正在削减整个地区冰层覆盖的内容,包括沿着格陵兰边缘但是并不泰晤士报的地图册宣称的那样

    As such, they back the contention that rising temperatures are cutting ice cover across the region, including along the fringes of Greenland; but not anything like as fast as the Times Atlas claimed.


  • 泰国安达曼海南部太阳沐浴下珠宝——里最近上升英勇无畏沙滩爱好者们的乐园甲级名单的最顶端

    Thailand's sun-drenched jewel in the South Andaman Sea Koh Lipe has recently risen to the top of intrepid beach loversA-list of island paradises.


  • 比如说它们通常定期形成南非好望角海岸及南大样的格凌兰沿岸,并深海上升营养物为食。

    Red tides, for example, regularly form off the Cape coast of South Africa, fed by nutrients brought up from the deep, and off Kerguelen island in the Southern Ocean.


  • 南极洲北极格林兰周围不断升温海水未来几个世纪导致海平面上升,这点已达成共识

    There is strong consensus that warming waters around Antarctica, and Greenland in the arctic, will result in centuries of rising seas.


  • 马尔代夫希望2020年达到碳中和目标海平面上升威胁严重国家之一低洼屿环礁淹没

    The Maldives, which wants to be carbon-neutral by 2020, is one of the most vulnerable countries to a rise in sea levels because its low-lying islands and atolls would be submerged.


  • 格陵兰冰层融化速度正在加快,可能导致海平面加速上升

    The melting of Greenland's ice sheet is accelerating, threatening an increasing rise in sea levels.


  • 然而一些海平面是否上升格陵兰南极西部冰冠无法准确预测动向决定。

    Some, though, will depend on the behaviour of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps, which cannot be predicted with any certainty.


  • 并不意味着温度上升几度的情况下,格陵兰不会引发海平面上升

    It does not mean that Greenland will not contribute to increased sea level rise if temperatures increase by a few degrees.


  • 有些研究证明格陵兰南极洲加速可能很快会破坏它们的冰盖——几十年内导致海平面上升

    Some studies suggest that the acceleration of melting ice in Greenland and Antarctica could soon destabilise their great ice sheets - causing sea levels to rise by several metres over a few decades.


  • 按照气候预测的推断,如果附近海水温度继续上升,阿森很可能变得更加潮湿,上的植被也更加茂盛

    If nearby ocean temperatures climb higher still, as climate projections would have them do, Ascension will probably become ever moister and greener.


  • 但是即使只有南极洲西部格陵兰冰原一半融化的话海平面就会上升6 -7世界上的许多大城市都会被淹没前景令人沮丧。

    But if even half of the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets were to melt, sea levels would rise by six or seven metres, flooding many of the world's big cities, and the outlook is discouraging.


  • 另外一个上升地区Amager,也就是哥本哈根机场所在地。

    Another up-and-coming area is the island of Amager, home to the Copenhagen Airport.


  • Amadeus亚太地区的员工数量也上升15%,1 400人。该公司还分别在印度尼西亚的巴厘泰国苏梅缅甸仰光三个地区开设了办事处

    Amadeus also increased its headcount in Asia Pacific by 15% to more than 1, 400 employees and opened three new offices - in Bali, Indonesia; Koh Samui, Thailand; and Yangon, Myanmar.


  • 如果林兰所有冰雪融化北大西洋的话,世界海洋水平面上升到21.3英尺(6.5)。

    If all the ice on Greenland were to melt into the North Atlantic Ocean, global sea levels would rise by about 21.3 feet (6.5 meters).


  • 核电站2反应堆汽轮机房地下室积水放射性-134的水平急剧上升,达到正常标准的1千万

    The level of radioactive Iodine-134 in water in the basement of a turbine building adjoining the plant's Number-2 reactor spiked to more than 10 million times that of normal conditions.


  • 随着西北偏转实际上海拔应该是以缓慢稳定速率上升的。

    With the northwest of Oahu to the deflection, the elevation it actually should be based on a slow but steady rate rise.


  • 东北面比较少屏障的站点如长西贡横澜风速普遍落后急速上升

    Places unobstructed to the northeast like Cheung Chau, Sai Kung and Waglan Island generally saw a surge in wind speed after sunset.


  • 周三白色烟雾在由于地震受损的日本核电站上空升起,同时根据报道辐射指标再次上升

    A cloud of white smoke rose above Japan's earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Wednesday, as radiation levels were reported to have increased again.


  • 周三白色烟雾在由于地震受损的日本核电站上空升起,同时根据报道辐射指标再次上升

    A cloud of white smoke rose above Japan's earthquake-damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Wednesday, as radiation levels were reported to have increased again.


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