• 于是这个怪人来要

    So this individual came up and demanded money.


  • 佩内洛普走拥抱了妹妹

    Penelope came forward and embraced her sister.


  • 去,给了一个耳光

    He reached forward and gave her a slap.


  • 蹭了他们的

    Her cat came up and rubbed itself against their legs.


  • 坐在摇椅摇晃着。

    She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair.


  • 气喘吁吁地

    She came up gulping for air.


  • 座位上前摇后晃。

    She was rocking backwards and forwards in her seat.


  • 领奖

    She stepped up to receive her prize.


  • 伸着手走,“塞尔比先生夫人吧?”他

    He came forward with his hand out. "Mr. and Mrs. Selby?" he said.


  • 奶妈好像有点害怕

    The nurse came forward as if she were half afraid.


  • 最后,人群一个

    Finally, a man from the crowd came forward.


  • 最后,人群一个竿

    Finally, a man from the crowd came forward to take the pole.


  • 他们惊慌知道有什么麻烦

    They sprang forward with dismay in their faces, and begged to know his trouble.


  • 煤烟了下来大步走上前看看他们什么

    Soot had flown down and marched forward to see what was being done.


  • 出巡将近结束的时候,公爵不得不骑马上前作出提醒

    A little before the progress was ended, the Duke was obliged to ride forward, and make remonstrance.


  • 杰夫·撒切尔立即上前结识这位伟人受到全校的羡慕。

    Jeff Thatcher immediately went forward, to be familiar with the great man and be envied by the school.


  • 受惊姑娘们退她们角落里但是祖母急切地上前帮助儿子

    The frightened girls retreated to their corner; but the grandmother stepped eagerly forward to assist her son.


  • 具有攻击性通常吓跑敌人最后一分钟突然停下来

    An aggressive bear will usually rush forward to frighten away its enemy but would suddenly stop at the last minute.


  • 用不着生气。”这温迪刚才船舱指令于是图图有礼貌地去。

    "Don't irritate him unnecessarily," had been Wendy's instructions in the hold; so Tootles stepped forward politely.


  • 上前张开双臂搂住

    I ran up and threw my arms around him.


  • 悄悄上前来,对耳语了几句。

    She sidled up to me and whispered something in my ear.


  • 我们上前领奖大家都我们鼓掌

    Everyone clapped us when we went up to get our prize.


  • 椅子晃动,调皮孩子

    She rocks back and forth on her chair like a mischievous child.


  • 那条着尾巴上前去。

    The dog ran up, wagging its tail.


  • 不得不猛踩刹车以免

    She had to brake hard to avoid running into the car in front.


  • 壮胆上前去向作自我介绍

    Emboldened by the wine, he went over to introduce himself to her.


  • 大步上前迎接

    She came striding along to meet me.


  • 房子条路上前英里远的地方。

    Her house is half a mile down the road.


  • 他们挨个儿走上前去,咕哝出几句欢迎词尴尬地鞠躬致礼。

    One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.


  • 侦察劳伦斯海湾,沿着壮丽河流上前行直到现代蒙特利尔

    He reconnoitred the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, travelling up the magnificent river as far as modern Montreal.


- 来自原声例句

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