• 在动物园里吃只狗

    The snake was still digesting the dog at the zoo Wednesday.


  • 全部测试中,巴尼都先棍子试探。其中测试对象是一条橡胶

    In all three trials, Barney began by using a stick for inspection. One involved a rubber snake.


  • 说张丰在看过一条和一只鸟打架之后创造了太极。

    It is said Zhang Sanfeng created tai chi after watching a fight between a snake and a bird.


  • 经过一个叫做城门接着粪厂门,个门城墙一部分并且都经历很多年风风雨雨的洗礼。

    I went out through a gate called the Valley gate and then went to Serpent Well and then through Refuse gate, which were all parts of the wall that survived through the years.


  • 一条古老,力大无比的守护游牧民族宝藏史诗最后部分毕奥武夫和龙展开恶战。

    An ancient, powerful serpent that guards a horde of treasure. Beowulf fights the dragon in the third and final part of the epic.


  • 条“建立座拥有24兆瓦特发电量海浪能发电厂一步,届时发电厂能够15000户家庭供电。

    The three snakes are the first stage of a planned 24-megawatt wave-power farm, which will be capable of providing 15, 000 households with power.


  • 眼镜印度教占据着尤为神圣地位主神之一毗湿奴(Vishnu)经常被描绘为头顶上方群颈部膨起眼镜围绕的样子。

    The cobra, in particular, occupies a hallowed place in the Hindu religion. The god Vishnu is often portrayed with a halo of cobra heads, their hoods flaring, above his head.


  • Conrad解释道科学家提出候选物种:蜥、巨蜥小蜥蜴,它们最有可能滑动行走的祖先。

    Conrad explains that scientists have come up with three candidatesiguanas, monitor lizards, and skinks—as the most likely relatives to have made way for the slithering snake.


  • 研究人员使树15米高顶端飞行,过程中使用4个摄影机拍摄滑行的轨迹,拍摄维立体图像

    They launched the snakes from the top of a 15-metre tower and used four video cameras to construct 3-D images of the animals’ trajectories.


  • 然而仅有分之一观众选择3D世界中观看魔法少年宿敌决战

    But barely a third of the audience opted to watch the boy wizard battle his snake-faced foe in three dimensions.


  • 但是再一次很快出来而且拿着了片绿色树叶

    But the snake came out again soon and held three green leaves in its mouth.


  • 圣诞节第五暴雪新生皇后名马润人族的幽灵,一个全新SCV。 。

    On the Sixth Day of Christmas, Blizzard gave to me six zealots fighting, five newborn queens, four hydralisks, three marines, two terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV.


  • 学习了相关发音单词贝壳蜗牛松鼠太阳明治

    Some of the words that they have learned with this letter are shell, snail, snake, squirrel, sun, and sandwich.


  • 美国已经同意土耳其提供架眼镜攻击型直升机,用来对抗pkk鉴于土耳其和以色列之间仇恨,此项购买可能遭到国会反对

    America has agreed to give Turkey three Cobra attack helicopters to be used against the PKK, but the sale may run into congressional opposition because of the enmity between Turkey and Israel.


  • 具有不同元素属性,根据颜色判断。公会地下城复活,应当尽快

    Hydras will have different element and attack pattern depending on its color. Hydras may revive in guild dungeons, so kill it as soon as possible!


  • 一只巨大的角型悬浮的眼前嘴里丝丝吐出几乎碰到了他的鼻尖儿。

    Huge triangular snakeheads are suspended in his eyes; the tongue of the snake spit out his mouth slightest core almost touched his nose top.


  • 着被年怕井绳意味着再也不会再同样错误,你错误中汲取教训。

    Once bitten, twice shy. This means you never make the same mistake twice. You learn from your mistakes.


  • 圣诞节第七暴雪我们小狗六个狂热者,新生皇后名马润人族的幽灵,一个全新SCV。 。

    On the Seventh Day of Christmas, Blizzard gave to us seven zerglings swarming, six zealots fighting, five newborn queens, four hydralisks, three marines, two terran Wraiths and a brand new SCV.


  • 天蝎座这种标志形体蝎子

    Scorpio, the sign of this card, has three forms: scorpion, serpent, eagle.


  • 个人恰好摸到了大象鼻子。“你们个都是完全错误的,”,“只要任何亲眼所见的人,都会说它。”

    The third happened to take hold of the elephant's trunk. "You're both completely wrong, " he said. "This elephant is like a snake, as anybody can see. "


  • 岩石方面,南部发现世一早叠世绿岩

    Petrologically, new discovery includes a suite of the Late Permian-Early Triassic ophiolites in the southern part of the surveyed area and ophiolites in Duolie, Dagring Village.


  • 次震动时候,石头下钻条长张嘴都一朵玫瑰,只头一齐朝着牧羊小伙子伸过来,好像玫瑰送给

    There was a third blow, and out from under the rock crawled a serpent with three heads. In each of its mouths it held a rose and crawled toward the boy, as though it wanted to offer him the roses.


  • 研究人员使树15米高顶端飞行,过程中使用4个摄影机拍摄滑行的轨迹,拍摄维立体图像

    They launched the snakes from the top of a 15-metre tower and used four video cameras to construct 3-D images of the animals' trajectories.


  • 研究人员使树15米高顶端飞行,过程中使用4个摄影机拍摄滑行的轨迹,拍摄维立体图像

    They launched the snakes from the top of a 15-metre tower and used four video cameras to construct 3-D images of the animals' trajectories.


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