• 三菱电气公司日本宇航探索补给飞船航空电子模块承包商

    Mitsubishi Electric Corp. is the contractor for the avionics module for the supply vehicles of the Japanese Space Agency.


  • 日本银行今年排名中相当不错三菱日联证券超过工商银行重返亚洲银行首位

    Japanese Banks also fair well in this year's ranking, with Mitsubishi UFJ taking back the top Asian bank spot from ICBC.


  • 日本最大银行--三菱UFJ金融集团股价下跌了6.8%。

    Shares of Japan's biggest bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, declined 6.8 percent.


  • 丰田、尼桑三菱少数企业该谈判结果密切关注,以作为剩余日本企业工资基准

    The closely watched outcome at a handful of firms-toyota, Nissan and Mitsubishi, among others-serves as a benchmark for wages for the rest of corporate Japan.


  • 日本银行巨头三菱日联银行购入摩根·斯坦利20%股份。

    Mitsubishi UFJ, a giant Japanese bank, will buy up to 20% of Morgan.


  • 787商业运作模式包含了一个三家日本企业三菱富士川崎等重工业巨头风险共机制。

    The business model for the 787 includes a risk-sharing partnership with three Japanese firms (the heavy industry arms of Mitsubishi, Fuji and Kawasaki).


  • 三菱日本90%驾乘者工作日行驶超过40km80%的驾乘者周末出行不超过60km。

    Mitsubishi says 90% of drivers in Japan cover less than 40km on weekdays and 80% cover less than 60km at weekends.


  • 1998年,三菱(日本汽车制造商)为了打造商务麦田怪圈,付给Carson先生笔费用以求取田地里一个星空怪圈中的一块。

    In 1998 commercial circle-makers acting for Mitsubishi, a Japanese carmaker, paid Mr Carson for the right to cut an outline of a new model named the Space Star in his fields.


  • Yabe博士三菱合作,已经日本千岁建立了座实验厂。

    Dr Yabe has built a demonstration plant at Chitose, Japan, in partnership with Mitsubishi.


  • 作为日本宇航探测总署三菱重工联合项目一部分,搭载WINDS卫星火箭于下午555分发射升空。

    The rocket carrying the WINDS satellite — a joint project of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries — lifted off its pad at 5:55 p.m. (0855 GMT).


  • 标致雪铁龙三菱之间谈判在继续,法国汽车生产商有望收购日本对手近50%的股份

    Talks are continuing between PSA Peugeot Citroen and Mitsubishi, which could see the French carmaker take a stake of up to 50% in its Japanese counterpart. See article.


  • 日本银行目前低于20%的门槛三菱日联金融集团没有透露水平;瑞2009年3月水平为8.5%)。

    Mr Uchida says Japanese banks are currently well below the 20% threshold (MUFJ does not reveal its level; Mizuho put its at 8.5% in March 2009).


  • 日本无论三菱铃木这样小型汽车制造商有多么不中用,本田或许还有马自达还是会继续挑战丰田本国国内市场上的主导地位。

    And in Japan, however great the cull of smaller outfits such as Mitsubishi and Suzuki, Honda and perhaps Mazda will still be around to challenge the dominance of Toyota in its home market.


  • 其他一些小汽车厂商比如三菱则反映日本爱知岐阜冈山的研发中心并未地震影响。

    Among smaller car makers, Mitsubishi said its production hubs in Japan's Aichi, Gifu, and Okayama prefectures were not affected by the earthquake.


  • 十多年来,英荷皇家壳牌公司及其日本合作伙伴三井公司三菱公司一直试图劝诱俄罗斯远东萨哈(库叶岛二号项目)附近冰封海上开采石油天然气

    FOR over a decade Royal Dutch Shell, along with its Japanese partners, Mitsui and Mitsubishi, has been struggling to coax oil and gas out of the frozen seas off Sakhalin Island, in Russia's far east.


  • 由于有消息称日立三菱重工两家日本工程公司巨头正在进行合并谈判,两家公司的股价随之上扬

    The share prices of Hitachi and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries rose as it emerged that the giant Japanese engineering conglomerates are in merger negotiations.


  • :有报道称日本三菱重工公司近日遭到黑客攻击,人称攻击可能来自中国

    Q: the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. of Japan was reportedly attacked by hackers recently. Some assumed that these attacks were originated from China.


  • 日本商事:三菱三井住友伊藤忠丸红比其他日本公司表现更为出色,他们涉足几乎所有商业活动以谋取利益。

    The five big houses-mitsubishi, Mitsui, Sumitomo, Itochu and marubeni-tower over corporate Japan and worm their way into almost all business activity.


  • 日本三菱日联金融集团摩根·斯坦利决定合并他们日本证券分支机构,将其打造成日本最大证券经纪商之一。

    Japan's Mitsubishi UFJ and Morgan Stanley decided to merge their Japanese securities units, creating one of Japan's biggest brokers.


  • 日本广播公司NHK报道,此次黑客病毒攻击的目标三菱重工位于日本长崎市制造驱逐舰船厂其位于神户,生产潜艇核电站设备配件的制造厂

    The viruses targeted a shipyard in Nagasaki, where destroyers are built, and a facility in Kobe that manufactures submarines and parts for nuclear power stations, public broadcaster NHK reported.


  • 通用电气之后丹麦维斯塔斯公司德国西门子公司日本三菱电机印度的Suzlun。

    After G.E., the current market leaders in this country are Vestas of Denmark, Siemens of Germany, Mitsubishi of Japan and Suzlon of India.


  • 日本三菱集团(Mitsubishi Corp)将最迟在2012年3月关闭石油衍生品业务

    Japan's Mitsubishi Corp is to close its oil derivatives business by March 2012.


  • 然而,随着20世纪60年代日本国内石油代替煤炭成为主要出口能源三菱公司1974年关闭了端岛的煤矿。

    However, in the late 1960s, petroleum began to replace coal as the predominant energy export in Japan, and in 1974 Mitsubishi closed its Hashima mine.


  • 三菱(Mitsubishi),它创立于1870年,最初业务是日本南部一个小岛上管理土佐(Tosa)家族的船只

    Mitsubishi, for instance, started life in 1870 running the ships of the Tosa clan from an island in southern Japan.


  • 智能手机操作系统方面Symbian由于日本市场缩减以及三菱公司退出市场,使其失去了部分份额。

    In smartphone operating systems, Symbian lost market share as the Japanese market declined and Mitsubishi exited the market.


  • 日本澳航日航以及三菱集团合作成立日本Jetstar,一个预计明年开始日本国内运行廉价航空公司。

    In Japan, Qantas is teaming up with Japan Airlines and the conglomerate Mitsubishi to form Jetstar Japan, a low-cost carrier that is expected to start flying within Japan at the end of next year.


  • 日本第六大小轿车制造商三菱汽车承认雇员某些车型燃油消耗测试中篡改数据使虚报里程数

    Mitsubishi Motors, Japan's sixth-largest carmaker, admitted that its employees had altered data in fuel-consumption tests for some of its models so that they would record better mileage.


  • 日本第六大小轿车制造商三菱汽车承认雇员某些车型燃油消耗测试中篡改数据使虚报里程数

    Mitsubishi Motors, Japan's sixth-largest carmaker, admitted that its employees had altered data in fuel-consumption tests for some of its models so that they would record better mileage.


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