• 另外,可以看到诺基亚索尼爱立信以及三星手持设备世界其他地方多么流行

    You can also see how popular Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and Samsung handsets are in other parts of the world.


  • 此外,根据关于手机品牌关注度的调查,诺基亚三星索尼爱立信排名前3

    The report listed Nokia, Samsung and Sony Ericsson as the top 3 favorite brands, China National Radio reported.


  • 先前来自摩托罗拉三星东芝平板产品一样,索尼S平板也是基于谷歌安卓操作系统

    Like previous offerings from Motorola, Samsung, Toshiba, and others, Sony's Tablet s is based on Google's Android operating system.


  • 再者日本韩国的公司——索尼三星——花了几十方成为西方国家家喻户晓的品牌。

    Moreover it had taken decades for Japanese and Korean firms like Sony and Samsung to become household names in the West.


  • 索尼三星奥林巴斯松下其他公司单电相机不仅轻便,而且还能享受和单反一样效果。

    These so-called EVIL (electronic viewfinder, interchangeable lens) cameras from Sony, Samsung, Olympus, Panasonic and others offer the portability of a compact with the image quality of a DSLR.


  • 一个明显现象就是,有很多手机制造商已经开始表示要与塞班决裂了包括索尼爱立信以及三星在内的公司已经表示要搁置对于塞班未来开发

    Now it appears that some of the other phone manufacturers are backing away from Symbian. According to this article, both Sony Ericsson and Samsung are halting future Symbian development.


  • 包括三星索尼LGVIZIO其他电视厂商也推出了整合雅虎widget技术产品

    Other TV manufacturers including Samsung, Sony, LG, and VIZIO introduced sets with Yahoo widget technology integrated into their products.


  • 过去一年中英国家庭保险理赔常见物品32英寸的东芝电视机三星笔记本电脑索尼PS游戏机

    The most common items in home insurance claims over the past year were 32in Toshiba televisions, Samsung laptop computers and Sony PlayStation games consoles.


  • 上周消费性电子产品展会CES)上,参观者着傻傻的3D眼镜,索尼松下LG东芝三菱三星展台里,观看参展的大屏幕3D电视

    Donning dorky glasses, Consumer Electronics Show attendees crowded into the booths of Sony, Panasonic, LG, Toshiba, Mitsubishi and Samsung last week to gaze into the big-screen 3-D TVs on display.


  • 必定使摩托罗拉诺基亚三星忧心忡忡,伤脑筋的应该是索尼爱立信目前正集中力量销售Walkman品牌高端音乐手机。

    This must be worrisome to Motorola, Nokia, Samsung and, above all, to Sony Ericsson, which concentrates on selling high-end music handsets under its Walkman brand.


  • 雅虎TVWidgets软件植入连接因特网的电视中,电视品牌LG三星索尼Vizio。它将给观众带来特殊格式大量信息而不是常规网页页面

    Yahoo's TV Widgets, software built into Internet-connected TVs from LG, Samsung, Sony and Vizio, give you specially formatted bits of information instead of regular Web pages.


  • 忘了还有接下来移动通信世界大会,届时HTC三星还有索尼爱立信这些手机厂商可能公布更为先进的智能手机,而这些手机最终都就将使用Verizon的服务。

    Don't forget we still have Mobile World Congress coming up when manufacturers like HTC, Samsung, and Sony Ericsson may reveal even more new smartphones that will eventually launch on Verizon.


  • 现在最大问题HTCLG三星索尼戴尔联想其他安卓设备制造商如何应对条消息

    Big question now is: how will HTC, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Acer, Lenovo and other Android device makers respond to this news? Update: Google.


  • 几乎所有主要制造商索尼三星,都展出了他们新的3d电视,当带着特殊眼镜走进你的卧室的时候你就发现其带来的质量立体感画质的提升带来的震撼效果。

    Most every major manufacturer, from Sony to Samsung, showed new 3-d televisions that work with special glasses to bring a high-quality stereoscopic image right into your living room.


  • 当然这场松下参与的3d摄像市场中的选择有限但是索尼三星这样强大竞争对手必将很快效仿

    The options are, of course, limited, but with Panasonic in the game, big hitters like Sony and Samsung are bound to follow suit soon. But there's a problem.


  • 索尼需要替换symbianUIQ操作系统。Palm三星LG诺基亚以及摩托罗拉也需要各自移动手机策略

    Sony needs a replacement for Symbian's UIQ; and Palm, Samsung, LG, Nokia, and Motorola need to develop winning strategies for the smartphone game.


  • 讽刺其竞争对手包括苹果索尼都是三星芯片最大买家之一:苹果用于iPad索尼用于PS3

    Rivals such as Apple and Sony, ironically, are some of its biggest customers for those chip sets, using them in the iPad and the PlayStation 3.


  • 诺基亚三星LG只是推出了款中低端设备索尼没有发布任何新品,就连一向爱出风头华硕仅仅重新展出了了他们平板基座手机而已。

    NOKIA, Samsung and LG have just launched several low-end equipment, SONY has not released any new products, ASUS even has always been pushy is only to display their mobile phone with a flat base.


  • 的话在理:对于苹果而言,三星(Samsung)索尼(Sony)等大型电视机厂商竞争,无疑重大挑战当然苹果也可选择与其中之一建立合作伙伴关系)。

    He makes a good argument: Competing with the likes of Samsung and Sony on large sets would be a major challenge (though of course Apple could partner with one of them).


  • 索尼三星LG展出了曲面高清电视一些型号到279厘米

    Sony, Samsung, and LG all displayed curved ultra-high definition televisions, some models as big as 279 centimeters.


  • 索尼公司已经选择一个来自三星固态硬盘,128GB存储容量

    Sony has opted for a Solid State Drive from Samsung which has a storage capacity of 128 GB.


  • ESS技术销售产品各种全球消费电子制造商分销商包括三星LG电子飞利浦索尼夏普以及其他许多人。

    ESS Technology sells its products to a variety of global consumer electronics manufacturers and distributors, including Samsung, LGE, Philips, Sony, Sharp, and many others.


  • 松下为了索尼nex以及未来三星NX100等相机竞争将会降低现有松下GF 1的配件价格

    To compete against the Sony NEX and the future Samsung NX100 cameras Panasonic will lower the price of the current Panasonic GF1 kits.


  • 这边我们这里索尼JVC三星的。

    This way, please. We have Sony, JVC and Samsung digital video cameras.


  • 三星发布9新品LG推出了更多弧形设计索尼表示所有电视现在搭载Android电视操作系统

    Samsung announced nine new models, LG introduced more curved designs, and Sony said all its TVs will now be equipped with the Android TV operating System.


  • 马上要倒霉的依靠索尼三星这样强力合作伙伴,泰日子不错

    Trident, relying on the powerful partners like Sony and Samsung, had a good performance, but it is also facing a tough time ahead.


  • 紧随三星之后世界第二液晶显示器电视制造商索尼预计46英寸具有240功能的电视机大约价格在40万日元

    Sony, the world's second-largest LCD TV maker behind Samsung Electronics co Ltd expects a 46-inch model with the 240 frame function to sell for around 400,000 yen.


  • 一个更好三星索尼等离子或液晶显示器,1080p或1080i的-这么变数

    Which is better, Samsung or Sony, plasma or LCD, 1080p or 1080i - ugh, so many variables!


  • 目前各大面板厂商放慢扩产脚步,在此之前只有索尼三星合资建造线计划今年8月投产

    Currently, major panel makers were slow pace of expansion, Prior to this, Only Sony and Samsung joint venture construction of the eight-generation line in operation in August this year.


  • 目前各大面板厂商放慢扩产脚步,在此之前只有索尼三星合资建造线计划今年8月投产

    Currently, major panel makers were slow pace of expansion, Prior to this, Only Sony and Samsung joint venture construction of the eight-generation line in operation in August this year.


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