• 其他三星平板电脑一个屏幕上两个应用程序之间分离方便的。

    As on other Samsung tablets, this one lets you split the screen between two apps, which can be very handy.


  • 澳大利亚一家法庭临时禁止三星平板电脑国内销售,这苹果这家韩国公司关于全球专利问题大胜利

    Australian court has temporarily banned the sale of Samsung Electronics' tablet computer in Australia, a victory for Apple in its global patent dispute with the South Korean company.


  • 澳大利亚一家法庭临时禁止三星平板电脑国内销售,这苹果这家韩国公司关于全球专利问题大胜利

    An Australian court has temporarily banned the sale of Samsung Electronics' tablet computer in Australia, a victory for Apple in its global patent dispute with the South Korean company.


  • 澳大利亚苹果公司上周争取到了三星平板电脑销售禁令延长,期限本周五澳大利亚高等法院审理此案为止。

    In Australia, Apple won an extension last week of a ban on sales of Samsung's tablet until the Australian High Court hears the case on Friday.


  • 然而摩托罗拉惠普三星这样公司不得不通过平板电脑批发零售商赚取利润

    However, companies like Motorola, HP, and Samsung have to make all of their profit by selling their tablets wholesale to retailer partners.


  • 苹果三星互相控告对方侵犯彼此手机平板电脑技术专利,他们在米兰和悉尼的诉讼没有最终判决

    Apple and Samsung have accused each other of infringing patents for technology used in handsets and tablets, with court cases still pending in Milan and Sydney.


  • 三星世界最大电脑芯片平板电视制造商也是仅次于诺基亚公司的第二大的手机制造商。

    Samsung is the world's largest maker of computer memory chips, flat-screen televisions and the second-largest maker of cellphones by shipments behind Nokia Corp.


  • 三星苹果正在争夺智能手机平板电脑市场老大。

    Samsung and Apple are fighting for supremacy in the smartphone and tablet markets.


  • 那些进入平板电脑角逐公司享受三星RIM推出的相似产品这个价位间或高于这个价位。

    Companies like Samsung and RIM have entered the tablet race with similar devices at those prices and above.


  • 其他制造商们利用这次大好机会展示难以计数设备的时候,三星苹果两家最优秀平板电脑生产商却显然没有出现展会上。

    Samsung and Applethe two best-selling tablet makerswere conspicuous in their absence from the show, while other manufacturers are using it to launch numerous devices..


  • 但是现在- - -至少平板电脑领域- - -摩托罗拉、三星惠普RIM其他公司越来越难以苹果挑战

    But right nowin the tablet space at least — the problem for Motorola, Samsung, HP, RIM, and anyone else who is challenging Apple becomes infinitely more difficult.


  • 贵方见到所有平板电脑相比三星品牌最有可能替代死去掌上宝。

    More than anything your correspondent has seen so far, the Samsung tablet actually comes closest to being a worthy replacement for his dead palmtop.


  • 看到这些数字之后奇怪三星黑莓抢着占有平板电脑市场

    With numbers like these behind it, it's no wonder that companies like Samsung and Research in Motion are rushing to score a piece of the touchscreen tablet market.


  • 2011年,7月20韩国首尔三星公司楼前男子平板电脑GalaxyTab 10.1广告牌使用智能手机

    A South Korean man USES his smart phone in front of an advertisement for Samsung Electronics' tablet computer, the Galaxy TAB 10.1, at the company's main building in Seoul on July 20, 2011.


  • 怎么平板电脑趋势倾向比如三星生产7英寸屏模式

    But say what he will, the trend in tablets is now towards seven-inch models like Samsung's.


  • ipad成功引发了许多消费电子公司诸如三星HTC争相开发自己平板电脑产品,以此分享不断增长的市场份额

    The success of iPad has seen many consumer electronics companies, like Samsung and HTC, launch their own versions of the tablet PC in an effort to capture a share of the growing market.


  • GalaxyTab来说具创造性事情三星第一Android(安卓)平板电脑带到大众市场上的厂家。

    The most innovative thing about the Galaxy TAB is that Samsung was the first vendor to finally bring an Android tablet to the mass market.


  • 苹果在诉状中表示,三星银河(Galaxy)智能手机平板电脑一直在全盘照抄iPhoneiPad外观触感甚至包装也不放过

    According to that suit, Samsung's Galaxy smartphones and tablets have been "slavishly" copying the look, feel and even the packaging of the iPhone and iPad.


  • 消费者10英寸外形偏爱解释了为何人们三星的7英寸Galaxy平板电脑反应冷淡对其系列更大屏幕的产品迅速追捧的原因。

    Consumer's preference for the 10 "form factor explains the lukewarm response to Samsung's 7" Galaxy tablet and the rapid introduction of larger screen models in that series.


  • 三星指出他们配置了摄像头平板电脑可以使用户享受Android市场可以获得那些增强实景应用好处

    Samsung points out that its camera-equipped tablet allows users to take advantage of augmented reality apps available in the Android Market.


  • 考虑亚马逊现有Kindle普及分析师相信设备市场上将迅速超越所有其他Android平板电脑的销售,包括三星GalaxyTab

    Given the popularity of Amazon's existing Kindle, analysts believe the new device will quickly outsell all other Android tablets on the market, including Samsung's Galaxy TAB.


  • iPad三星galaxyTab平板电脑之所以市场取得了成功,是因为它们采用基于平板电脑操作而设计移动操作系统。

    The iPad and the Samsung Galaxy TAB have been successful in the market because they are both powered by mobile OSes designed from the ground up for tablet operation.


  • 1版本应用10英寸平板电脑上,三星10.1英寸的平板电脑GalaxyTab但是现在蜂巢3.2系统将会被应用在更设备上正如上述的华为MediaPad

    Version 3.1 has been used on 10tablets such as the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1”, but now Honeycomb 3.2 will run smaller devices such as the newly announced Huawei MediaPad.


  • 三星响应了消费者功能ipad不相上下,更小便于携带平板电脑的需求。

    Samsung struck a cord with consumers wanting a tablet that functions more-or-less like an iPad, but with a lighter, smaller form that is more easily carried around.


  • 想想典型平板电脑iPadXOOM三星(Samsung)上面提到的优派平板电脑为例。

    Then consider a typical tablet, be it an iPad, XOOM, Samsung or the Viewsonic above.


  • 平板电脑现在面临着来自惠普公司,三星电子公司RIM公司生产的同类产品竞争其中RIM公司昨天已经推出了款7英寸平板电脑

    The tablet faces competition from similar products by Hewlett-Packard co., Samsung Electronics Co. and Research in Motion Ltd., which unveiled a 7-inch device yesterday.


  • Kindle Fire199美元(130英镑)的定价比NookColor的价格要50美元(30英镑),也其他功能强大的平板电脑品牌苹果三星摩托罗拉等的售价要低得

    The Kindle Fire's $199 (130) price tag undercuts the Nook Color by $50 (30) and is significantly cheaper than more powerful tablets from Apple, Samsung, Motorola and others.


  • 三星芯片业务得益于苹果Iphone芯片IPad平板电脑使用,当然包括自己银河系列智能手机

    Samsung's chip business is also benefiting from strong demand for mobile processor chips used in Apple's iPhone and iPad tablet as well as its own Galaxy smartphones.


  • 三星芯片业务得益于苹果Iphone芯片IPad平板电脑使用,当然包括自己银河系列智能手机

    Samsung's chip business is also benefiting from strong demand for mobile processor chips used in Apple's iPhone and iPad tablet as well as its own Galaxy smartphones.


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