• 署名珍妮特·侦探小说作者

    She's the author of three detective novels under the moniker of Janet Neel.


  • 艘船撞上恶名远扬的斯戈暗礁群

    The ship crashed into the infamous Sker Point rocks and broke into three pieces.


  • 普约的全本赛季红雀队选手打出全垒打。

    Pujols' grand slam was the third by a Cardinals player this season.


  • 拉赫已经7使邦兹不中出局了。

    Trachsel has struck Bonds out on seven occasions.


  • 年前,除了埃希一家,最后一个住在那里的人都搬走了。

    Three years ago, the last people that lived there, except Elsie's family, moved away.


  • 西斯高原发现了非常火山。塔西斯高原是火星赤道附近片广阔的地质区域

    Three very large volcanoes are found on the Tharsis bulge, an enormous geologic area near Mars's equator.


  • 德国前线部队主要负责人哈索··曼陀菲将军指挥着装甲部队

    The man chiefly responsible for the German forward units was General Hasso Baron von Manteuffel, who commanded the Third Panzer Army.


  • 店铺中,被锁链铐住的矮人正在全副武装的催促下,主人修理着高级的武器珠宝

    In one shop, bound with chains and prompted by three well-armed drow, a dwarf smithy grudgingly repaired fine weapons and jewelry for his captors.


  • 其它实验中两只不同——皮埃科布,独立场景中利用了工具进行初次接触

    In other experiments, two different birds, called Pierre and Corbeau, also made the first approach with tools on three separate occasions.


  • 邓维先生已经开始高中年级的学生带到工厂来,他们接触工厂的文化

    Mr. Dunwell has begun bringing high school juniors to the factory so they can get exposed to its culture.


  • 约翰逊斯堡德上场对阵曼城之后将会缺席本周末对阵斯托克城的足总杯赛。

    Johnson will miss this weekend's FA Cup tie with Stoke City after playing against Manchester City in Middlesbrough in the third round.


  • 怀德曼确定教学环境促进实现反思行为原则

    Wildman and Niles identify three principles that facilitate reflective practice in a teaching situation.


  • 1906年,还是伦斯堡州立师范学院的一学生。[2013·江苏卷】

    In 1906 young Dale was a junior at State Teachers College in Warrensburg.


  • 今年年初,英国探险家佩恩·赫德团队冰冻北冰洋跋涉个月,对冰层进行了测量记录

    Earlier this year, British explorer Pen Hadow and his team trekked for three months across the frozen Arctic Ocean, taking measurements and recording observations about the ice.


  • 斯·根据化石记录作出了好的估计方法不能扩展更早地质时期

    Charles Lyell made a good estimate of the Tertiary Period from the fossil record, but his method could not be extended to earlier geological periods.


  • 例如,彼得·登对于研究,那是灭绝身体海洋生物,他的研究让我们得以百万年以来一个海洋环境进化过程

    For example, Peter Sheldon' s studies of trilobites, a now extinct marine animal with a segmented body, offer a detailed glimpse into three million years of evolution in one marine environment.


  • 星期源自挪威神之沃登;星期四最初雷神节日,是为了纪念雷神托

    Wednesday derives from the ancient Norse king of the gods, Woden, and Thursday was originally Thor's day, in honour of Thor, the god of thunder.


  • 普雷从后出发,连续小鸟之后,在第13打出一个柏忌。

    Pressel started on the back nine and her birdie streak ended with a bogey on No. 13.


  • 年后他们德国人称明治为“汉堡包”,因为来自德国汉布格人们这种牛肉

    Some years later, they say that a group of Germans called his sandwich a "hamburger" because people from the German city of Hamburger ate this kind of beef.


  • 似乎对件坏事法则深信不疑。

    Hazel seemed so sure about the Rule of Three Bad Things.


  • 下来的年——2000年、2001年和2002年是湖人队的黄金岁月。科比·布莱恩特和沙奎·奥尼组成了梦幻组合,湖人队连续次夺得总冠军。

    The following three years—2000, 2001, and 2002 were the golden years for the Lakers. Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal formed a dream partnership, and the Lakers won three straight championships.


  • 年前,他们都搬进了布里斯托的一栋层维多利亚式住宅——他们是英国越来越多的多代同堂的家庭的其中之一。

    Four years ago they all moved into a three-storey Victorian house in Bristol—one of a growing number of multi-generational families in the UK living together under the same roof.


  • 为丹佛道小学的一名新教师,凯·施瓦兹想到了一个简单的方法来了解她的年级学生,他们大多来自贫困家庭。

    As a new teacher at Doull Primary School in Denver, Kyle Schwartz thought of a simple way to get to know her third graders, most of whom came from poor families.


  • 齐克排名第二·爱美克排名

    Bozic was placed second and Van Avermaet third.


  • 对阵卡莎竞技场轮比赛以4-0获胜

    The third-round game against Carshalton Athletic was won 40.


  • 1982年去世之前一个美国在世作家谁的作品可以传世”的调查排名排在·贝娄约翰·克之后。

    Before he died in 1982, Cheever was ranked third, behind Saul Bellow and John Updike, in a survey of living American writers whose work would live on for generations.


  • 约翰·爵士身边工作人员中发现兄弟,后者也对爵士礼敬有加。摩的礼貌、勇敢廉洁使他们佩服得五体投地。

    Thus, Sir John Moore early distinguished the three brothers Napier from the crowd of officers by whom he was surrounded, and they, on their part, repaid him by their passionate admiration.


  • 所需的时间新罕布什还要漫长。

    This time, it will take longer than three weeks in New Hampshire.


  • 至少瓦基酿酒人队的投手通过这一技术找出的结果调整自己的投掷动作。

    At least three pitchers with the Milwaukee Brewers have made adjustments to their pitching form based on the technology's findings.


  • 如果在下面的比赛普斯都能得到奖牌的话,总共获得14块奖牌。

    Should Phelps simply reach the podium in his final three events, he will have 14 career MEDALS overall.


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