• 全部运算完成

    The whole operation is performed in less than three seconds.


  • 一周来访本身就说明一切

    This is my third visit in a week, which says it all.


  • 肯定发生

    But it will certainly be within three weeks.


  • 破产了搬进别人车库公寓

    Taj was so broke that she was moving into someone's garage apartment in three weeks.


  • 我们往返火星

    We will be able to travel to Mars and back in just three days.


  • 研究生毕业大约结婚

    I want to get married after graduate school in about three years.


  • ,数千人在 GoFundMe 网站上向塔尼和他的家人捐赠了25余万美元。

    In three weeks, thousands of people gave away over $250,000 to Tani and his family on GoFundMe.


  • 即使时间暴露在温度下,有些种子发芽。

    Some seeds may germinate in three days even if they have been exposed to very low temperatures for a long time.


  • 由于许多患者停止服用这些药物,因此,在开了这些药物的情况下,再感染现象很常见

    Since many patients stop taking those drugs within three days, reinfection is common in cases where these drugs are prescribed.


  • 梅南指出可以成为名律师成为一名医生

    You can, Menand points out, become a lawyer in three years and a medical doctor in four.


  • 过去无人机空袭大幅增加。去年创了纪录达到 118 次,2011 年迄今为止达到50 次。

    The drone attacks have been ramped up over the past three years, with a record 118 stroke last year and 50 so far in 2011.


  • Strano团队发现他们可以小时产生微弱光线

    Strano's team found that they could create a faint light for three and a half hours.


  • 有趣的大脑大约秒钟吸收所有信息创造第一印象

    What is even more interesting is that the brain takes in all the information to create that first impression in about three seconds.


  • 一旦男孩女孩隔离老师们就会求助于传统性别成见管理他们班级短短六个学区就有五个恢复了男女同校

    Once boys and girls were segregated, teachers resorted to traditional gender stereotypes to run their classes, and within just three years, five of the six districts had gone back to coeducation.


  • 补充说,他曾警告过麦克劳克林发生起可预防事故可能被解雇事实上应该如此。

    He added that he had warned McLaughlin that three preventable accidents in one year could lead to his discharge, as indeed it should.


  • 威胁不准吃午饭晚饭没有圣诞节光明节礼物年、办生日聚会

    I threatened her with no lunch, no dinner, no Christmas or Hanukkah presents, and no birthday parties for two, three, four years.


  • 一名警方发言人表示一周炸弹恐吓我们应该保持警惕

    A police spokesman said that this was the third bomb scare within a week and that we should all be on our guard.


  • 醉酒司机通常被定义血液酒精含量为0。10小时差不多喝了杯啤酒一杯葡萄酒或几杯威士忌的人。

    A drunken driver is usually defined as one with a 0.10 blood alcohol content or roughly three beers, glasses of wine or shots of whisky drunk within two hours.


  • 发言开始后餐厅其余所有活动都要停下这样大家才能听见演讲者说话。

    When the speeches start, all activity must stop in tile restaurant, so that the three people giving them can be heard.


  • 马莱18世纪末19世纪初的前沿地区发现一个可能解释,这些前沿国家在平原上长期适应了瘦肉饮食

    Malainey et al. find a possible explanation in late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth century accounts from three frontiersmen who had adapted to lean-meat diets during extended periods in the plains.


  • 第一可能生物群落结构关键因素;也就是说所有生物种群生活在一起并且它们可能一个特定区域相互作用

    The first and the third can be key factors in the structure of a biological community; that is, all the populations of organisms living together and potentially interacting in a particular area.


  • 高上将被要求在找到一个快乐的人。

    The top general was told to go out and find a happy man in three days.


  • 条博文在短短就获得了184000次转发和61500个赞,引起了世界各地社交媒体用户的关注。

    The post has since gained the attention of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days.


  • 把我周围数百英尺范围各个方向的事物做成了维图像。

    I make a 3D image of the things around me for hundreds of feet in every direction.


  • 全球范围,动物园里分之一的苏门答腊老虎幼崽活不到成年,所以我决定在家里全天候照顾它们。

    Globally, a third of Sumatran cubs in zoos don't make it to adulthood, so I decided to give them round-the-clock care at home.


  • 项的获胜者通常需要在约9个小时完成比赛,但霍伊特父子需要的时间远长于此。

    The winner of a triathlon usually completes it in about nine hours but the Hoyts take much longer time.


  • 珠澳大桥是世界上最长的海基工程,它将这个城市的人们聚集在一个“一小时生活圈”

    Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the world's longest sea-based project, brings people in those three cities within a "one-hour living circle".


  • 未来暴风雪

    There will be a storm in three days.


  • 坐在机车后面的车厢

    I'll be sitting in the third carriage from the engine.


  • 模拟了聚乙烯填充体系淘析器

    Three-dimensional flow field in the elutriator of polythene packed system is simulated.


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