• 业务战略方面,实施成本质量工期”的“三先”战略,创造核心竞争力,赢得地铁建设市场

    In business strategy, the implementation of "cost leadership, quality leadership, time leadership" and "Three First" strategy, will create core competitiveness in subway construction market.


  • 看到你们双双轮车驶向市区的时候,时不以为意,不久,我慢慢地感觉到端倪。

    I did not take it to heart when I first saw you two sitting on a tricycle heading for town, but soon I sensed something wrong there.


  • 为了确定哪种职业适合朋友需要一些自我考察然后包含理想状态的工作。

    In order to determine which new career will be best for her, my friend will need to do some soul-searching first and then look for a job that will include these three ideals.


  • 吉姆补上课程才能获得学位

    Jim has three courses to make up before he can get his degree.


  • 建议孩子们别人什么议论别人时,自己个问题:这么说是善意的吗?

    She suggests that before they say something to or about someone else, they should ask themselves: 'Is it kind?


  • 简述一下主题

    Let me go over these three themes.


  • 经过一个叫做城门接着粪厂门,个门城墙一部分并且都经历很多年风风雨雨的洗礼。

    I went out through a gate called the Valley gate and then went to Serpent Well and then through Refuse gate, which were all parts of the wall that survived through the years.


  • 背景下我们不仅希望失败而且希望通过请求最少信息量完成

    In this context, we not only want to fail first, but also to do so with requesting the minimum amount of information from third party.


  • 到底谅解了,但是经过一番很大的努力,他一连赌了天气

    He finally pardoned her; but this cost him a great effort; he sulked for three days.


  • 希望成为语言博客上严肃对待动词“同性恋结婚”第一人,发现阿诺德•兹维基年前已经在《语言日志》捷足登了。

    I WAS hoping to be the first to give the verb to gay marry a serious treatment on a language blog, only to discover that Arnold Zwicky got there three years ago on language log.


  • 选择哪种可能的情况无关紧要,因此选择直角角形。

    It doesn't matter which possibility I choose first, so I pick a right triangle.


  • 不说人们对尺寸重量抱怨,问题很多适合摄影地方脚架被禁止使用

    Ignoring the obvious complaints, which include their size and weight, tripods are actually becoming banned in a number great shooting locations.


  • 建议杜绝动物产品,将植物油控制最低限度维持星期左右。

    I recommend setting the animal products aside and keeping vegetable oils to a minimum for just three weeks or so.


  • 这会带来难题第一,挪亚从来没有看过下雨因为洪水之地上的雾气滋润大地

    There were three problems that could have caused Noah to doubt. First, Noah had never seen rain, because prior to the Flood, God irrigated the earth from the ground up.


  • 不提定律要求机器人具有人类一样智能要求,现在根本不到其实这些定律本身有些说不通。

    Quite apart from the fact that the laws require the robot to have some form of human-like intelligence, which robots still lack, the laws themselves don't actually work very well.


  • 在转移版本建议使用一个文件添加应用程序需要可调项

    It is actually recommended that when moving to a new release you start with an empty file and only add tunables required by third party applications.


  • 梅德韦杰夫原定达沃斯论坛发表主题演讲,已经推迟了行程负责处理善后事宜。

    Mr.Medvedev, who was scheduled to give a keynote address in Davos on Wednesday, postponed his trip to manage the aftermath of the attack.


  • 梅德韦杰夫原定达沃斯论坛发表主题演讲,已经推迟了行程负责处理善后事宜。

    Mr. Medvedev, who was scheduled to give a keynote address in Davos on Wednesday, postponed his trip to manage the aftermath of the attack.


  • 去年同期美洲银行贷款损失准备金减少一半摩根大通减少分之一

    Compared to last year's loan loss provisions, this is a reduction of almost half for Bank of America and a third for J.P. Morgan.


  • ·泽科攻入随后亚亚·图雷下半场又攻入球。曼奇尼的球队不愧为联赛最佳票房球队。

    Edin Dzeko scored two early goals and Yaya Toure struck a third in the second half as Mancini's men lived up to their billing as tournament favourites.


  • 只说:你们聊了

    C: Talk to you later guys, I'm off to harass the cat.


  • 一路上我们拦住了扫地妇女然后一位男士最后L秘书

    On the way up the path we were stopped three times, first by a woman sweeping the ground, then a man, finally a secretary of Li Hua's.


  • 到达主人家之前可能确定件事情

    Before arriving at your host's home, you may want to make sure of three things.


  • 例如学院前旅游课程,或许不能学生转入所选大学提供修课程。

    For example, a junior college's curriculum in pre-tourism may not provide the prerequisites for transfer to a university of the student's choice.


  • 比如土家族男人必须过门的媳妇家活(没报酬的),然后才能娶媳妇过门。

    For example, Tujia men have to work for three years in the wife-to-be's household - free of remuneration - before they are allowed to marry their love.


  • 朋友可能找到了享受的双重婚姻方法虽然我对此表示怀疑。聪明女性约法章再一个一夫多妻的男性结婚。你的朋友可能找到了摆脱这个困难的方法—要么就是隐藏了自己的痛苦

    Wise women will have insisted on binding conditions before entering into a marriage with a polygamist. Your friend must have found a way to wriggle out of these - or he's hiding his pain.


  • 我们停下来讨论一下星期考试

    But let me just stop here and say just a word about the exam on Wednesday.


  • 我们停下来讨论一下星期考试

    But let me just stop here and say just a word about the exam on Wednesday.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定