• 株型性状方面与对照相比,普遍表现为正优势,可见三交改变水稻株叶形态。

    In aspect of plant type traits, three way-cross combination behave positive predominance comparing CK, it is obvious that the breeding of three way-cross can change plant type.


  • 结果表明,三交种高、叶绿素含量性状与单交种变异系数差异不显著,但群体抽穗延长

    The variation coefficient of TCH was similar to CKs in plant height, chlorophyll content, panicle length, and so on. The heading duration of TCH population was longer than those of CKs.


  • 抗旱鉴定结果表明,水早稻抗旱系数为51.21%,高于两对照交种44.8%和25.88%。

    The drought-resistance coefficient of three-way hybrid was 51.21%, higher than related single cross hybrid's 44.8%, 25.88%.


  • 每周不同类型家庭作业,一般是一周以后作业。

    There are three types of home assignments given on a weekly basis.


  • 本文提出方法利用体积技术物体轮廓生成线性八元树。

    This paper gives a method to generate a linear octtree of an object from its three orthogonal views using the volume intersection technique.


  • 特别的,文中给出了证明单项式空间曲线都是集合论完全方法从而简化结论的证明过程

    In particular, the thesis points out that the third method to show that all monomial space curves are set-theoretic complete intersections, thus simplifying the process to come to this conclusion.


  • 本文采用新型神经网络,即隐蔽具有知识神经元的神经网络(NNKBN)模拟带状线电路中的十字越不连续性。

    A novel three-layer neural network with knowledge-based neurons (NNKBN) in hidden layer has been applied to model the crossover discontinuities in stripline circuits.


  • 本文介绍了图解线方法中心投射法、平行投射法、弧线投射法。

    Three approaches to the graphic representation for lines of intersection are introduced in this article, namely, central projection, parallel skew projection and arc line projection.


  • 介绍异步电动机直轴模型建立方法,并利用MATLAB语言模型进行仿真,仿真数据包括定子电流、电磁转矩以及转速。

    Introduces a constituting method for A-axis and D-axis models of three-phase asynchronous motor. Simulating for those two models by MATLAB language.


  • 分期付分为半年方式,保险费到期日分别为本合同半年、季和月生效对应

    The premium may be paid semiannually, quarterly or monthly, and the premium expiration date is the corresponding day of semiannual, quarterly or monthly effective date of the Contract, respectively.


  • 根据原型结构实测数据分析,本文把直立结构的挤压荷载分为不同的模式静态、稳态变冰力以及随机变冰力。

    Based on analysis of the field tests data, crushing ice forces on vertical structures are classified into three modes: quasi static ice force, steady state dynamic ice force and stochastic ice force.


  • 实践中形成改良混合选择是把单株选择、混合留常规的方法有机地结合起来,使之成为育过程中的3个步骤。

    The modified method of mixing selection comes from practice. It gangs 3 breeding methods as self-cross and plant selection and mixing save seeds together, and forms 3 paces in the course of breeding.


  • 首先介绍光线与角形的简洁算法。

    First of all, a minimum storage ray triangle intersection was introduced.


  • 模型表达空间拓扑关系常用方法,存在着余度问题

    A nine-intersection model is a common one used to represent the topological relations between 3d spatial objects, but it has a problem of great redundancy.


  • 之后采用有限元方法求取转子不同轴位置电机电感,得到了电机直轴电感参数的变化规律;

    Then the variation of direct axis and quadrature axis inductances was obtained by 3D finite element method for the taper permanent magnet motor with the taper rotor at different axial locations.


  • 之后采用有限元方法求取转子不同轴位置电机电感,得到了电机直轴电感参数的变化规律;

    Then the variation of direct axis and quadrature axis inductances was obtained by 3D finite element method for the taper permanent magnet motor with the taper rotor at different axial locations.


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