• 不得不9月1放弃马拉松赛特里去世了短暂的生命中,他为癌症研究筹集了2400美元,祖国每人平均可得美元

    He had to give up his marathon on September 1. Terry died three months later, at the age of In his short life, he raised $24 million for cancer research one dollar for each person in his motherland.


  • 拉伊星期六南非首都比勒陀利亚宣布这一决定很快返回祖国参加决选

    Morgan Tsvangirai announced his decision Saturday in Pretoria, South Africa, saying he would return soon to his homeland to take part in the runoff.


  • 生前曾,这里蓝天想起自己祖国阿尔及利亚,晴空里。 在他开车巴黎回到卢玛宏村这个“”时,遇到了致命车祸

    He said the skies reminded him of those of his native Algeria — bright, wind-swept, unobstructed — and he was drivinghomefrom Paris when he had his fatal crash.


  • 墨西哥人尚存在这样问题就是他们与其祖国依然存在千丝缕的联系,或者至少某一些是如此

    The other problem with Mexicans is that they retained ties to the mother country. Or, at least, some did.


  • 他们如同我在国内以及全世界所遇到的成千正在服役或退役的军人一样,自豪、坚强、意志坚定,满怀响应祖国号召勇气,以及为美利坚合众国服务品格

    Determined. Men and women with the courage to answer their country’s call, and the character to serve the United States of America.


  • 联合国难民署统计,伊拉克总人口2700人,其中国内280人流离失所,220多人逃离祖国

    According to the UN's High Commissioner for Refugees, some 2.8m Iraqis are still displaced within the country; another 2.2m-plus have gone abroad, out of an original population of 27m or so.


  • 祖国之树屹立不倒祖国永不凋谢祖国长流

    The tree stand, the motherland flowers will never fade, the motherland forever flowing water.


  • 假如一对翅膀,我首都北京登上长城领略祖国雄伟

    If I have a pair of wings, I want to fly to Capital, Beijing, mount the Great Wall, have a taste of the grandness of the motherland;


  • 注意进展努力退回其他人成千他们祖国

    But it notes progress in efforts to return millions of others to their home countries.


  • 双手绘制祖国大好河山,瞭望千山水,不急我的爱情

    More than 10 million of you my hands, draw a great rivers and mountains of the motherland, Liaowang mountains, non-urgent my love!


  • 成千中国侨民要求回国受到种种无理阻扰,以致不能回到祖国

    Thousands of Chinese overseas have asked to be permitted to return to China, but they have met with all sorts of unreasonable obstacles, which have prevented them from returning to their motherland.


  • 祝愿新的一年世界和平祖国富强亲人朋友身体健康如意!

    Wishes in the New Year, world peace, prosperity of the motherland, family and friends good health and good luck!


  • 刚刚送走了美丽嫦娥,又迎来祖国华诞借此机会呈上衷心的祝福你一切顺利,如意!

    Just off the beautiful Chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success!


  • 抗战胜利后,历尽千辛回到祖国艰难中为新中国开创了力学科学教育体系

    After the war against Japan, he made an arduous journey back to China and created an educational system in mechanical science in hardships.


  • 虽然远隔我们无时不刻不为祖国强大而倍感光荣自豪

    Thousands of miles away from China, we are still proud of our country's great national strength.


  • 刚刚送走了美丽嫦娥,又迎来祖国华诞借此机会呈上衷心的祝福你一切顺利,如意!

    Just off the beautiful change, ushered in the birthday of the motherland. I take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: I wish you all the best and every success!


  • 祖国亿同胞一心,团结一致共度难关。

    The hundreds of millions of Chinese unite as one, united to tiding over the special time.


  • 祖国歌手的专辑突破白金销量5成为第一表演鲁斯兰已售出500张专辑在乌克兰的副本

    In the Ukraine alone, the album achieved five times platinum status, making her the first recording artist to domestically sell 500,000 copies of an album.


  • 祖国歌手的专辑突破白金销量5成为第一表演鲁斯兰已售出500张专辑在乌克兰的副本

    In the Ukraine alone, the album achieved five times platinum status, making her the first recording artist to domestically sell 500,000 copies of an album.


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