• 速度高于1.2年前最后一次冰川消退

    That rate of heating is far greater than during the last glacial retreat some 12,000 years ago.


  • 2008年,当奥普拉·弗瑞个人名义参加奥巴马竞选活动时,成千粉丝们也争相来到了现场

    In 2008, thousands of Oprah Winfrey fans attended Obama campaign events where she appeared in person.


  • 加拿大钾肥公司钾肥生产能力达到每年1000吨以上,原料主要来自萨斯喀彻省的矿山

    Potash Corp. has the capacity to produce more than 10 million tons of potash a year, mostly from mines in Saskatchewan.


  • 马克·朋友美孚石油公司高级管理人员,曾有一个记者暗示这个朋友的贯家财很“黑”,吐回答说:“黑了又黑,黑了的又黑的。”

    When a journalist suggested that the vast wealth of one of Twain's friends, a Standard Oil executive, was "tainted," Twain replied, "It's doubly tainted-t 'aint yours and t 'aint mine."


  • 普拉.芙蕾脱口秀”节目听众1998年的1400缩减如今大约700尽管脱口秀节目中,收视率占据最高

    The audience for “The Oprah Winfrey Showhas shrunk from about 14m viewers in 1998 to about 7m today, though it still remains the highest-rated talk show.


  • 普拉。芙蕾脱口秀”节目听众1998年的1400缩减如今大约700尽管脱口秀节目中,收视率占据最高

    The audience for "the Oprah Winfrey show" has shrunk from about 14m viewers in 1998 to about 7m today, though it still remains the highest-rated talk show.


  • 北约40公里25英里),位于牛津宝马迷你(MINI)汽车工厂每年生产超过20辆汽车,他们装配的发动机车身来自伯明翰和斯顿的姊妹工厂

    About 40km (25 miles) to the north, the BMW MINI factory in Oxford makes more than 200, 000 cars a year, assembled with engines and body panels from sister factories in Birmingham and Swindon.


  • 但是人员迁居居民回流使萨斯喀彻人口数量超过100——尽管年前预计的1000相差甚仍可视做一个里程碑。

    Migrants and returning residents have nudged Saskatchewan's population back over 1m-a far cry from predictions of 10m made a century ago, but seen as a milestone nonetheless.


  • 当年决定即将接受检验,在十一月份加州大学出版社将会出版本共计50马克·吐自传第一卷。

    Twain’s decree will be put to the test when the University of California Press publishes the first of three volumes of the 500, 000-wordAutobiography of Mark Twain” in November.


  • 公司自动化情绪分析工具客户包括美国在线日产沃尔玛美国联合航空公司以及其他十几财富1000公司

    The company's automated sentiment tools are used by AOL, Marriott, Nissan, Wal-Mart, Wendy's, United Airlines and a dozen other Fortune 1,000 firms.


  • 公司自动化情绪分析工具客户包括美国在线日产沃尔玛美国联合航空公司以及其他十几家财富1000公司

    The company's automated sentiment tools are used by AOL, Marriott, Nissan, Wal-Mart, Wendy's, United Airlines and a dozen other Fortune 1, 000 firms.


  • 凯特斯莱特奥斯卡颁奖典礼上250美元钻石项链设计使人眼花缭乱。

    The British beauty dazzled at the Academy Awards in a $2.5 million diamond drop necklace designed just for her by Tiffany &Co.


  • 周二,奥斯卡影后凯特丝莱特英国一家报纸获得2.5英镑(4.1美元)的名誉损害赔偿。 该报纸之前声称丝莱特在健身方式的问题上说谎

    Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet accepted 25, 000 pounds ($41, 000) in libel damages yesterday over a British newspaper's claim that she had lied about her exercise regime.


  • 阿纳金·天行者第一位驾驶这种机型的人,很快就其他绝地紧随其后,包括欧比·克斯·

    Anakin Skywalker was the first to pilot this new model, though other Jedi soon followed in his path, including Tiin, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu.


  • 绝地武士欧比—·克比发出情报显示分离主义势力正在积极备战时,意识到,现在已经不是谈判时候了。

    When an intelligence report from Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi revealed the Separatists gearing up for war, Windu came to realize that the time for negotiation had passed.


  • 这里经历死寂春天,”保守党人保罗- 伊英格兰洛克大部分地区,“森林鹿根本没有的踪迹

    "It's the silent spring here, " said Paul Evans, a conservationist in Much Wenlock, England. "The woods are full of deer, but there's no one about at all.


  • 被迫最后时刻更换布里旗帜因为上面的对战球队印刷错误

    The FA were forced into a last-minute repair job after tens of thousands of Wembley flags were printed with the wrong teams on.


  • 秋季到去时,气候苏醒。农夫正在闲着播种

    When spring comes, the weather gets warmer and everything comes back to life. The farmers are busy with sowing.


  • 马克?毫无怒色,幽默地:“报道千真不过日期提前了一些。”

    With no angry look, Mark Twain humourously said :" The report of my death is true, but they brought forward the date."


  • 根据澳大利亚大学山姆·估计,约900-950变性人生活亚太地区,占人口总数的0.3%。

    There are 9m-9.5m transgender people in Asia and the Pacific, according to an estimate by Sam Winter of Curtin University in Australia, equivalent to 0.3% of the population.


  • 根据澳大利亚大学山姆·估计,约900-950变性人生活亚太地区,占人口总数的0.3%。

    There are 9m-9.5m transgender people in Asia and the Pacific, according to an estimate by Sam Winter of Curtin University in Australia, equivalent to 0.3% of the population.


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