• 2017年5月7日,超过1名选手参加了在南京仙林举行的半马拉和迷你马拉

    Over 10,000 runners joined a half and a mini marathons in Xianlin, Nanjing on May 7, 2017.


  • 不得不9月1放弃马拉特里去世了短暂的生命中,他为癌症研究筹集了2400美元,祖国每人平均可得美元

    He had to give up his marathon on September 1. Terry died three months later, at the age of In his short life, he raised $24 million for cancer research one dollar for each person in his motherland.


  • 院子里千里马温室里长不

    A fiery steed is not trained in a courtyard, nor does a pine grow sturdy in a greenhouse.


  • 那之后成千跑步通过邮件马拉赛上告诉我们这个方法他们真的帮助

    Since then, literally thousands of runners have told us at marathon expos or in e-mails that the program has worked for them.


  • 同时开内战时期的决定权移交地方法院负责

    He also handed responsibility for decisions to dig up civil-war mass graves to regional courts.


  • 长着头篷头发弗兰西斯科人伊·多尔记得年前兄弟瑞恩驾驶一辆1981产的VW大巴车驶哥伦比亚的这座城市。

    Evan Dore, a shaggy-haired native of San Francisco, remembers driving through this part of Colombia four years ago with his brother, Ryan, in a 1981 VW bus.


  • 吉鲁2008年北京奥运夺得男子马拉金牌成为赢得奥运马拉赛金牌第一肯尼亚人,成绩是2小时632,刷新奥运纪录。

    In the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Wanjiru became the first Kenyan to win a gold medal in the marathon, finishing with an Olympic-record time of 2hr, 6min 32sec.


  • 昨天真是鼓舞人心的一天成千一起为参加伦敦马拉选手欢呼鼓劲。我是一个常有话说的人,但昨天我真的失去了自我。

    I had a truly inspirational day yesterday when I joined hundreds of thousands of other people cheering on the runners at the London Marathon.


  • 根据美国跑步协会调查,20092010年,跑完半程马拉人数增加的惊人大道24%,从2009年的1100人到2010年的1400人。

    From 2009 to 2010, the number of half marathon finishers grew an incredible 24%, from 1.1 million finishers in 2009 to nearly 1.4 million finishers in 2010, according to Running USA.


  • 成千肯尼亚参加奥林匹克马拉冠军塞缪尔-吉鲁(Samuel Wanjiru)葬礼上月坠落阳台之后不幸身亡

    Thousands of people have attended the funeral in Kenya of the Olympic marathon champion, Sammy Wanjiru, who died last month after falling from a balcony.


  • 马拉参与者美国将近1,500经常跑步人群中的一小部分。

    Marathoners represent only a small fraction of the nearly 15 million frequent runners in the U.S..


  • 参加5千米或者1米的长跑经历马拉有帮助,这使你有更好的身心准备去跑马拉

    It's helpful to get that kind of long distance race experience because you'll feel more physically and mentally prepared to go the marathon distance.


  • 今年大约有20美国人马拉估计,他们40%遭遇"撞墙"。

    About 200, 000 Americans will run marathons this year, and by some estimates about 4 out of 10 of them will bonk.


  • 一年一度纽约马拉赛于上周日举行,“阿汤嫂”凯蒂·赫尔姆斯也出现人的参赛队伍中,她5小时2948完了比赛全程。

    Holmes was among the tens of thousands of runners participating in the annual New York City Marathon on Sunday, finishing the race in 5 hours, 29 minutes and 58 seconds.


  • 还有,拜托,拜托,那些蓝色啊、色啦、绿(其他所有珠宝色调)的眼影留到明年圣节再用哈

    And please, please — leave the blue, turquoise, bright green (and all other jewel-tone) eye shadows for next Halloween.


  • 现代建筑经典作品神殿中创作

    In the pantheon of classic modern buildings, Utzon's creation has the status of myth.


  • 包括正宫斋、东宫建筑。

    The buildings fall into four groups: Central Palace, Pine and Crane Studio, Valleys and Pines, and East Palace.


  • 成千其他选民一样,队伍自己心声唯一不同的是——安·尼克·已经106了。

    She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard in this election, except for one thing: Ann Nixon Cooper is 106 years old.


  • 肯尼亚警方宣称奥运会马拉冠军塞缪尔“塞米”季茹自家阳台上跌落致死

    Kenyan Olympic marathon champion Samuel "Sammy" Wanjiru has died after falling from a balcony at his home in the Rift Valley town of Nyahururu, say police.


  • 昨日记者获悉,永川已开始投入1000打造古镇旅游景区

    Yesterday, reporter learned that Yongchuan started to invest more than 1000 ten thousand Yuan making pines to irrigate the old town tourist scenic zone.


  • 丰田汽车公司华负责销售高管野崎寿(ShojuNozaki本周出席广州汽车展期间表示,该公司预计中国的汽车销量2010年增长14%,达到80

    Toyota expects its China sales to grow 14% to 800,000 vehicles in 2010, Shoju Nozaki, a senior Toyota sales executive in China, said on the sidelines of the Guangzhou auto show that began this week.


  • 协会表示,长跑举办数量包括马拉微型马拉今年底有望达到600次,预计会有500人参加

    The number of long-distance running events, including half and mini marathons, is expected to hit 600 by the end of this year, with an estimated 5 million participants, according to the association.


  • 资金用于癌症疾病研究兰斯阿姆斯特朗基金会今年ING纽约市马拉赛中筹集了60美元的资金。

    The Lance Armstrong Foundation, which funds cancer research, raised about $600,000 at this year's ING New York City Marathon.


  • 冬天,冬天美丽只有他们知道

    In winter, the beauty of winter only they know, cicadas, sticks, grass, pine and other things.


  • 千年积雪,听说大连旅游景点介绍。直上世间一峰

    You will see the millennium-snow very goodd longevity-pine! only if you climb up the first peak in the world.


  • 千年积雪,听说大连旅游景点介绍。直上世间一峰

    You will see the millennium-snow very goodd longevity-pine! only if you climb up the first peak in the world.


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