• 到达海岸不会停下来而是成千上地游进海浪中。

    Upon reaching the coast, the lemmings do not stop but swim by the thousands into the surf.


  • 摆脱了事缠身的情况,你可以集中精力完成那件事,不琐事分心

    Now you just have one or two things to do, instead of a million. You clear distractions, and focus.


  • 但是患者进行植物饮食疗法后,一经历胸痛消失、体重减轻感觉良好他们通常排除难来坚持饮食疗法,留下深刻的印象。

    However, I am always impressed how well my patients do once they experience the relief of chest pain, weight loss, and the improved feeling of well being they have eating a plant-based diet.


  • 更为重要的是如果现在考虑这个如何生存的问题,那么需要时候您改变方向做好全的准备

    What's more, if you think about how to survive now, you'll be well prepared to change direction if the need arises.


  • 吉英只有事情的,那就是说要是格莱先生果真蒙蔽,那么,大白一定会分痛心。

    But Jane could think with certainty on only one point, — that Mr. Bingley, if he had been imposed on, would have much to suffer when the affair became public.


  • 出现问题,高管们就有可能面临牢狱之灾资产负债表保留一点现金也是为了以全。

    Executives face possible prison sentences if things go wrong; keeping a bit of cash on the balance sheet is a kind of insurance policy.


  • 多年来伊朗已经黎巴嫩巴勒斯坦代理人武装了成千火箭大规模发射可能以色列瘫痪甚至数月

    Iran over the years has armed its Lebanese and Palestinian proxies with literally tens of thousands of rockets, which, when launched en masse, could paralyze Israel for weeks or even months.


  • 名人死去,就会很大的压力轮到哪个人去神殿了。

    Once a couple of celebrities die, there is great pressure to elevate another dearly departed to the pantheon.


  • 而且我们消除了语言障碍更多分享信息,我们真正的维网迈出重要的一步

    And once we start breaking down those language barriers and sharing ideas with more people, that may be a real step toward a truly World Wide Web.


  • 白鼻子病毒感染洞穴里蝙蝠整个蝙蝠--有时-都会死掉

    Once WNS hits a cave, its entire bat population - sometimes tens of thousands of bats - can die.


  • 穆加贝加入正规谈判再也可能那么容易随心所欲;如果舞弊从中作梗,那么茨拉伊只能退出

    Once Mr Mugabe is locked into proper talks, it may no longer be so easy for him to have his way. And if he cheats and filibusters, Mr Tsvangirai should simply walk out.


  • 制作芙蕾就像初恋中的初吻件很容易办砸的事,不过成功大吉了。

    Making a souffle is like a kiss on the first date: it's easy to get wrong, but getting it right really impresses women.


  • 手指松开皮包拎手,坠落星球劫不复

    The moment his fingers leave the leather loop of the handle, he will fall off the planet.


  • 成千美国人电话调查证实度过半百标志着急担心50以后生活变得更好快乐。

    Life gets better after age 50. A new phone survey of hundreds of thousands of Americans confirms that people tend to be happier, less anxious, and less worried once they pass the half-century mark.


  • 如果是一张图案复杂怪圈优秀航拍照片电视台报刊采用,便英镑

    "A good aerial picture of a sophisticated circle picked up by TV or the press can make tens of thousands of pounds," says the head of one picture agency, who asked not to be named.


  • 得到反馈置之不理。

    Once you get this feedback, don’t ignore the results.


  • 得到反馈置之不理。

    Once you get this feedback, don't ignore the results.


  • 成千英国妇女可能正在自己全科医生\家庭医生开据的处方服用抗抑郁知道服用该药便很难把它停下来,更不知道服用该药可能导致新生儿先天缺陷

    Thousands of women in the UK may be taking antidepressants prescribed by their GPs without knowing that the pills, which are hard to stop taking, could cause birth defects in unborn children.


  • 这家名为光明之源”的不污染空气发电厂落成利用太阳多达14住户提供能源并且大约1千提供就业机会

    Once completed, the clean air power plant, called "Bright Source" will use the sun to provide energy for up to 140,000 homes and provide jobs for about 1,000 people.


  • 同时建议七月份伊拉克的“外科手术”式快速行动行动中3美军撤回伊拉克军力数量维持14左右

    He recommended that troop levels be maintained at around 140,000 once the withdrawal of 30,000 troops sent to Iraq in a "surge" operation is completed in July.


  • 德国科学家近日发明一种能够防止司机开车时瞌睡”监视器,据悉,一新发明一问世,每年可以拯救”30民众的生命

    German scientists have invented a device designed to prevent motorists from falling asleep at the wheel which could save 300, 000 lives a year around the world.


  • 2月下旬智利发生8.8地震成千条人命没有毁于一,应该归功于严格建筑法规

    Strict building codes were credited with saving thousands of lives when a magnitude 8.8 quake hit Chile in late February.


  • 也是个不错主意,不过对方的专业要是文学,我们还是换换别的方式吧,因为一专修文学的人写了诗,就会陷入大文豪莎士比亚大诗人多恩孰是孰非的较量中,将自己置身劫不复境地。

    Writing poetry is nice, unless your beloved is studying English literature, in which case you'll be facing strong competition from the likes of William Shakespeare and John Donne.


  • 2009年刚过陈勇军来到王莉家,要王莉一次他3过年费,王莉答应

    After the New Year of 2009, Chen came to Wang's home again and asked for 30, 000 yuan for the upcoming Spring Festival. But Wang did not promise.


  • 克利夫兰,崭新光亮大厦完工落成后,诊所占地面积达1200方英(110平方米),大约相当于五角大楼两倍

    When two gleaming new buildings are completed in Cleveland, the clinic will cover about 12m square feet (1.1m square metres), almost twice the size of the Pentagon.


  • Vanoc认为冬奥结束七年筹备工作会释出118000二氧化碳

    Once the games are over, Vanoc thinks 118, 000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions will have been generated by its seven-year effort to stage them.


  • Vanoc认为冬奥结束七年筹备工作会释出118000二氧化碳

    Once the games are over, Vanoc thinks 118,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions will have been generated by its seven-year effort to stage them.


  • 所以例中fibonacci大于400我们停止获取

    So in this case, as soon as we get a Fibonacci number greater than 4 million, we stop taking.


  • 所以例中fibonacci大于400我们停止获取

    So in this case, as soon as we get a Fibonacci number greater than 4 million, we stop taking.


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