• 巴西臭名昭著的丹塔斯先生罚款500美元,判处10监禁

    Mr. Dantas, who has acquired great notoriety in Brazil, was fined $5 million and sentenced to ten years in prison.


  • 如,汉斯·斯隆爵士的8件藏品,构成了1759年开馆的大英博物馆的核心藏品。

    The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane, for example, formed the core collection of the British Museum which opened in 1759.


  • 1989年,蒂姆·伯纳斯·李发明了维网,这完全他自己发明的。

    In 1989, Tim Berners Lee invented the World Wide Web all by himself.


  • 2000年期间,阿拉斯加太平洋鲑鱼商业捕获量超过32价值超过2.6亿美元

    During 2000, commercial catches of Pacific salmon in Alaska exceeded 320,000 tonnes, with an ex-vessel value of over USD 260 million.


  • 四百年前一个苹果带来了有引力定律史蒂夫·乔布斯设计苹果大大地改变了我们生活

    An apple four hundred years ago led to the law of gravity while the apple designed by Steve Jobs has changed our life greatly.


  • 2016年,加拿大的英属哥伦比亚大学的博士生菲利克斯·博克发现,仅在温哥华,人们每天就会扔掉大约10双筷子。

    In 2016, Felix Bock, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, found out people threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks every day in Vancouver alone.


  • 澳大利亚气候学家威尔·斯蒂芬斯辩称,人类活动引起气候变化完全地改变空气土壤海洋

    Australian climatologist will Steffens argued that climate change caused by human activity will fundamentally alter the air, land and oceans for tens of thousands of years.


  • 长着头篷松头发弗兰西斯科人伊·多尔记得年前兄弟瑞恩驾驶一辆1981产的VW大巴车驶哥伦比亚的这座城市。

    Evan Dore, a shaggy-haired native of San Francisco, remembers driving through this part of Colombia four years ago with his brother, Ryan, in a 1981 VW bus.


  • 只是个开始,阿公司计划2012年第二季度发射拉斯2卫星以市场扩展非洲中东地区。

    It's also only just the beginning -- Avanti plans to launch Hylas 2 sometime in the second quarter of 2012, which will extend its coverage to Africa and the Middle East.


  • 赛诺菲安同意未来延长对世卫组织昏睡、布鲁里溃疡病加斯以及利什曼病规划支持

    Sanofi-aventis has agreed to renew its support for the WHO programme to eliminate sleeping sickness, and its support for Buruli ulcer, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis for the next five years.


  • 但是1602年1604年,路德牧师伊斯.毛里开始公众维也纳法庭申诉宫中谋杀案

    But from the year 1602 to 1604, the Lutheran minister István Magyari started complaining about murders happening in the palace both publicly and in the court of Vienna.


  • 1953年,美国某公司严重错误地估计了美国人民在感恩节消耗火鸡数量

    In 1953, someone at Swanson severely overestimated the amount of Turkey Americans would consume that Thanksgiving.


  • 我们进行多次会谈找到栋建筑于是提斯学院2006年开幕。

    We had the talks, found a building and opened it in 2006.


  • 凭借戴克斯特拉琼斯数据处理才能,该公司2007年的销售额达到了200美元。

    Dykstra and Jones' data handling smarts helped push 2007 sales to $2 million.


  • 他亲自承担解决国家庞大住房短缺的责任后,查韦斯已经承诺未来年内兴建200住房

    After personally assuming responsibility for solving the country's huge housing deficit, the President has pledged to build 2m homes in the next six years.


  • 起源于地球鸟类繁盛,据推测马达加斯加地区存活了近6000直至17世纪这一物种才灭绝

    The elephant bird evolved at a time when birds ruled the earth and probably existed on Madagascar for 60 million years until dying out in the 17th century.


  • 第二美国银行贷款一百一十五美金购买了他在马里兰州第二套府邸,后来成了美国国会调查对象

    U.S.-based Riggs Bank financed his purchase of the second Maryland home for $1.15 million the next year, which became the subject of a investigation by the U.S. Congress.


  • 吉斯·贝斯先生目标是2020年100“货壳”用于海上铁路公路货运,相当于市场总量的4%。

    Mr Giesbers aims to have 1m Cargoshells plying the seas, rails and roads by 2020, equivalent to 4% of the market.


  • 该节目于80年代开播,玛瑙斯的170民众受欢迎。但由于受到警方调查去年开始节目被停播。

    Canal Livre, which he started in the 1980s, was extremely popular among Manaus' 1.7 million residents before going off air last year as police investigated.


  • 第二级别地震1964年的阿拉斯加9.2地震,名列第三则是2004年的苏门答腊9.1级地震,地震引发的海啸导致20不幸殉难。

    The second largest was a 9.2 in Alaska in 1964, and the third was the magnitude 9.1 Sumatra quake of 2004 that created the tsunami that killed more than 200,000 people.


  • 2007年超过3美军伊拉克大规模增兵政策大卫·彼得雷乌斯上将执行但是盖茨的谋略。

    The 'surge' policy, in which an extra 30, 000 us troops were sent to Iraq in 2007, was implemented by General David Petraeus but it was the brainchild of Gates.


  • 戈麦斯先生20104月劳役70美金的罚款。

    Mr. Gomes was sentenced in April 2010 to eight years of hard labor and was fined $700,000.


  • 戈麦斯先生20104月劳役70美金的罚款。

    Mr. Gomes was sentenced in April 2010 to eight years of hard labor and was fined $700, 000.


  • 瑞士人获得了这项赛事2003- 04,2006 - 07以及2010年冠军,与皮特·桑普拉斯·伦德尔齐名,是历史上获得5次冠军的仅有3个人。

    The Swiss won the title in 2003-04, 2006-07 and in 2010, when he joined Pete Sampras and Ivan Lendl as the only five-time winners of the event.


  • 加斯帕停发奖金节约的开支相当于砍掉10公共部门岗位

    The saving from suspending bonuses for two years is equivalent to cutting 100, 000 public-sector jobs, says Mr Gaspar.


  • 根据洛斯阿拉莫斯数据,2015年,美国核电工业产生7高等级核废料其中包括550吨的

    The U.S. nuclear power industry will generate roughly 70, 000 tons of high-level nuclear waste by 2015, according to Los Alamos. That includes about 550 tons of plutonium.


  • 根据洛斯阿拉莫斯数据,2015年,美国核电工业产生7高等级核废料其中包括550吨的

    The U.S. nuclear power industry will generate roughly 70, 000 tons of high-level nuclear waste by 2015, according to Los Alamos. That includes about 550 tons of plutonium.


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