• 该联合会首席执行官约翰万恩表示莫纳士大学的五星级的声望帮助了学生获得就业

    Association chief executive officer Mr John Vines said Monash's reputation helped graduates get jobs.


  • 万恩先生业界女性工程师需求日益增强女性工程毕业生所获得的工资高于男性

    Mr Vines said industry demand for women engineers was growing, with female graduates being generally better paid than their male counterparts.


  • 千恩万了,是个天使。

    Thank you a thousand times, you're an angel.


  • 科西科得到了大约2.4万美元,相当于他8年的工资。

    Nkosikho received around $24,000 as much as about his salary of eight years.


  • 图书馆建于1937年现有40多万本书籍期刊合订本

    Built in 1937, Doane Library today houses more than 400,000 books and bound periodicals.


  • 因为的眼睛已经看见救恩就是万民面前预备的,照亮外邦人

    For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles.


  • 万达资源集团确认首次涉足石油行业收购英国石油开采商凯恩能源旗下凯恩印度公司的大部分股票。

    Vedanta Resources confirmed that it would make its first foray into the oil business by acquiring a majority stake in Cairn India, part of Cairn Energy, a British oil explorer.


  • 约翰·霍尔蒂万格罗恩,哈维尔·米兰达最近一个严肃惊人研究数据表明创业产生最多工作机会。

    Recently, some seriously awesome research by John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda has concluded that the greatest number of new jobs are created by startups.


  • 长着头篷松头发弗兰西斯科人伊万·多尔记得年前兄弟瑞恩驾驶一辆1981产的VW大巴车驶哥伦比亚的这座城市。

    Evan Dore, a shaggy-haired native of San Francisco, remembers driving through this part of Colombia four years ago with his brother, Ryan, in a 1981 VW bus.


  • 尽管昆达将军发出威胁要对东部城市进行攻击,却迟迟没有采取具体行动,但成千上万无家可归平民仍处于孤立无援的境地。

    Although Mr Nkunda has backed away from threats to attack Goma, the main city in the east, the lot of hundreds of thousands of displaced civilians remains desperate.


  • 那双酷似戴恩眼睛,然而又不是戴恩的眼睛在望着;他大惑不解,痛苦万分,不知如何是好。

    Dane’s eyes, yet not Dane’s eyes. Looking at her; bewildered, full of pain, helpless.


  • 万豪(MAR财富500强)联袂酒店业者伊恩施拉格推出全新时尚连锁酒店品牌EDITION——直接瞄准当前喜达屋酒店集团旗下W酒店占主要地位细分市场

    Marriott (MAR, Fortune 500) has linked with hot hotelier Ian Schrager to launch a new chain called EDITION hotels -- aiming squarely at the segment currently dominated by W Hotels owned by Starwood.


  • 住房城市发展部秘书肖恩·多,“对于那些穿着国家制服人们我们正在努力结束他们无家可归的状态,注意不是减少不是玩文字游戏,而是实打实地帮他们结束这种状态。”

    "We're looking to end homelessness among the men and women who wore our nation's uniform - not reduce or redefine it - but end it," HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan says.


  • 人物:《X战警前传:金刚狼》中的金刚狼扮演者休·杰克曼主演导演肖恩·利维喜剧行家(《粉红豹》、《约会》)。迷失》剧好消息是伊万杰琳·莉莉将联合主演

    Talent: X-Men Origins: Wolverine star Hugh Jackman plays the lead for comedy director Shawn Levy (The Pink Panther, Date Night). Big news for Lost fans: Evangeline Lilly co-stars.


  • 这里5万姓名,他们向凯恩了电子邮件要求凯恩公布泄漏责任计划书

    I have with me the names of 50, 000 people who emailed Cairn to demand they publish their spill response plan.


  • 通过重点研究每个基因可获得能源莱恩马丁表明一个真核细胞平均惊人维持细菌20万基因

    By focusing on the energy available per gene, Lane and Martin showed that an average eukaryotic cell can support an astonishing 200,000 times more genes than bacteria.


  • 杰米交待盖恩斯给了30万美元作为提供信息报酬声称由于自己单身母亲反恐组低微的工资不够养活她的儿子

    Jamey divulges that she accepted three hundred thousand dollars to provide Gaines information, claiming that her low pay at CTU was not enough to raise her son as a single parent.


  • 块带有臼齿下颚犹他州韦恩1万英尺高处发现

    A jawbone with three molars was found 10,000 feet up Thousand Lake Mountain in Wayne County, Utah.


  • 块带有臼齿下颚犹他州韦恩1万英尺高处发现

    A jawbone with three molars was found 10, 000 feet up Thousand Lake Mountain in Wayne County, Utah.


  • 报道里时报杂志透露了这个高回报的珍品Faceboook的企业并购负责人沃恩·史密斯Facebook决定50万到100万美元的价格支付一位初创公司的工程师

    In the story, the Times revealed this juicy nugget: Faceboook M&A guy Vaughan Smith says that when Facebook is deciding what to pay for a startup "engineers are worth half a million to one million.


  • 那时,人类祖先第一头盖骨非洲出土:生在300万至200万年前的小孩汤恩现在公认是一南方古猿非洲成员

    That's when the first skull of a human ancestor was unearthed in Africa: the Taung child, now recognized as a member of Australopithecus africanus, which lived about 3 million to 2 million years ago.


  • 盖恩斯曼迪发出指示,搞定布瑞吉特,后者要求添加100万美元作为送来马丁·贝尔金身份证的酬劳。

    Gaines orders Mandy to handle Bridgit's request for an additional million dollars as payment for the delivery of Martin Belkin's I.D. card.


  • 高盛董事会近期将1260万美元限制性股票授予布兰克费恩包括总裁盖瑞柯恩在内的一系列其他高级行政人员

    The firm’s board of directors recently granted restricted stock valued at $12.6 million to Mr. Blankfein and a number of other senior executives including Gary D. Cohn, the firm’s president.


  • 高盛董事会近期将1260万美元限制性股票授予布兰克费恩包括总裁盖瑞柯恩在内的一系列其他高级行政人员

    The firm’s board of directors recently granted restricted stock valued at $12.6 million to Mr. Blankfein and a number of other senior executives including Gary D. Cohn, the firm’s president.


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