• 南通万强机械配件有限公司坐落于中国长寿之乡——如皋市

    Nantong million strong mechanical accessories Ltd. is located in China Zhangshouzhixiang - Rugao.


  • 的嗅觉可能比人类强1万到10万倍。

    A dog's sense of smell may be 10,000 to 100,000 times stronger than ours.


  • 四种基本万有引力、电磁力核力核力中的每一种都理论上旋钮

    Each of the four fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces) has a kind of theoretical knob.


  • 科学早就通过测量观察实验告诉我们宇宙四种电磁力相互作用力、相互作用力和万有引力。

    Science has shown us through measurement, observation and experimentation that there are four forces in the Universe: electromagnetism, strong interaction, weak interaction and gravitation.


  • 曾经小孩,我们家狗时间观念都他们强。千真万确

    I once told my kids the dog could tell time better than they could!


  • 科学家们称之为暗物质未知物体组成万物聚集在一起的看不见,在大型强子对撞机证实另为他物之前也被认为是天使的功劳。

    And the web of unseen, unknown material that scientists call dark matter, holding everything together, might as well have been spun by the angels until the Large Hadron Collider proves otherwise.


  • 该项研究作者注意到,这项研究提醒我们人类心理可塑性多么强,同时也提醒我们不同文化中,人类认知的千差万别。

    The study author notes that this finding is a reminder of just how plastic the human mind is, and of the wide diversity in human cognition across cultures.


  • 这个计算网使得成千上万的科学家访问大型强子对撞机数据史无前例的方式共同工作成为可能。

    The grid also makes it possible for thousands of scientists to access LHC data and work together in unprecedented ways.


  • 万豪(MAR财富500强)联袂酒店业者伊恩施拉格推出全新时尚连锁酒店品牌EDITION——直接瞄准当前喜达屋酒店集团旗下W酒店占主要地位细分市场

    Marriott (MAR, Fortune 500) has linked with hot hotelier Ian Schrager to launch a new chain called EDITION hotels -- aiming squarely at the segment currently dominated by W Hotels owned by Starwood.


  • 不过刘强东还是批准了这个主意2005年,网上生意已经颇见规模,销售额逼近1,200万美元。

    Liu, 38, nonetheless approved the idea, and by 2005 his little electronics distribution business was on pace to do $12 million in Internet sales.


  • 如今的ChrisMittelstaedt一家水果公司总裁,旗下有600万公司资产,每周装运10万批次水果,服务于1000公司私企,大到世界500

    Today Mittelstaedt is CEO of the FruitGuys, a $6 million company that ships over 100, 000 pieces of fruit every week to more than 1, 000 businesses, from small firms to Fortune 500 corporations.


  • 2010年12月,强降雪长时间零下低温严重扰乱英国运输体系,打乱成千上万在圣诞节出行计划

    In December 2010, heavy snow and prolonged sub-zero temperatures severely disrupted the UK's transport infrastructure, affecting the Christmas getaway plans of thousands of people.


  • 中国南方航空公司2009年全年运输旅客6628万人次跃居世界第三,中国首家旅客运输量进入世界前三强的航空公司。

    China Southern airlines ranks 3rd in the world in terms of traffic with 66.28m passengers in 2009, the first Chinese airlines to enter the top 3.


  • 小说的热卖让迈耶今年赚了4000万美元,位列福布斯名人榜百强第59位。

    That success helped Meyer earn $40 million this year, ranking her 59th on the Forbes Celebrity 100 list.


  • 异常季风带来的无情洪水影响了2000万人民生活,加重国家灾难

    Relentless flooding from exceptionally heavy monsoon rains affected 20m people, adding to the country's woes.


  • 2009年,财富500强企业削减了82.1万个工作岗位,是财富500强企业历史上最大裁员,占500强企业员工总数3.2%。

    In 2009, the Fortune 500 shed 821,000 jobs, the biggest loss in its historyalmost 3.2% of its payroll.


  • 众所周知自然界中四种基本的相互作用力电磁力相互作用力相互作用力万有引力

    Well, as you all know, there are four fundamental forces in physics: electromagnetism, strong nuclear interaction, weak nuclear interaction and gravity.


  • 集团简介万豪国际集团世界著名酒店管理公司入选财富全球500强名录的企业。

    Group Profile: Marriott International Corporation is the one of the world's leading hotel management companies and is listed on Fortune Global 500.


  • 500强名单有十二家企业入围世界500强名单,包括华为技术有限公司、联想集团吉利控股集团大连万达集团。

    Twelve companies out of the top 500 are also on the list of the Fortune 500 globally, including Huawei Technologies co Ltd, Lenovo Group, Geely Holding Group co and Wanda Group.


  • AK一手非常强的这千真万确仍然是可以丢掉的。

    AK is a good hand, yes, but it can still be folded.


  • 尽管阿根廷没能挺进本届世界杯四强,但由主帅迭戈·马拉多纳率领的阿根廷队于上周日回国时仍然受到数万球迷热烈欢迎

    Diego Maradona and his Argentina team received a warm welcome from thousands of fans who turned out to GREet them Sunday despite the side's World Cup quarter-finals elimination.


  • 双方已经拿到16强席位,不过老谋深算苏格兰人利用这个机会约翰尼·伊万斯这样的小将能够首次登上赛场

    Both sides had already qualified for the last 16, but the Scottish tactician took the chance to give the likes of centre-back Jonny Evans his debut in Europe's premier club competition.


  • 由于父母全球互联网(也人称“万维网”)表示担忧,所以迪斯尼公司配置了“网络内容保护”程序。该程序可以防止好奇心强的孩子浏览不想让他们看的网站

    For parents worried about the World Wild Web, Disney has included a ContentProtect program that prevents curious tykes from visiting sites you'd rather they not view.


  • 尽管数以万计余震威胁疾病尸体许多其他朋友劝阻了那里

    Many other friends also discouraged me from going there as there were still threats of strong aftershocks and diseases from the thousands of corpses.


  • 中山世界百强港口,全国集装箱吞吐量超过100万标箱港口之一。

    Zhongshan Port is one of the top 100 ports in the world, its container handling capacity one of the 10 ports with container handling capacity surpassing one-million TEU.


  • 中山世界百强港口,全国集装箱吞吐量超过100万标箱港口之一。

    Zhongshan Port is one of the top 100 ports in the world, its container handling capacity one of the 10 ports with container handling capacity surpassing one-million TEU.


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