• 数字比起《华尔街日报网站来,100用户

    That is far short of the one million paying customers of the Journal's Web site.


  • 洛普指出微软已经有4000用户使用公司提供服务相比下谷歌用户根本不值一提。

    Mr Elop points out that Microsoft already has 40m paying customers using online services from the company, whereas Google can only boast a fraction of that number.


  • 阿里巴巴拥有2460注册用户25.5用户长期以来,该公司一直是阿里巴巴集团最大收入来源

    Which has 24.6m registered users and 255,000 paying members, has long provided Alibaba group's largest source of revenue.


  • NewsGator企业产品过去18个月中实现纪录增长,并且社交网站产品拥有100多万付用户

    NewsGator argues that its enterprise products have grown at a record pace in the last 18 months. The company also announced that its Social Sites product already has over a million paying users.


  • 威望迪的主要游戏资产暴雪公司它旗下魔兽世界是一款广受欢迎网上奇幻类游戏拥有1,200玩家

    Vivendi’s main gaming asset was Blizzard, the firm behind “World of Warcraft”, a wildly popular online fantasy game played by 12m paying subscribers.


  • 拥有2000用户专职婚介网站eHarmony老板格雷格•沃尔;“单身多年突然集中精力开始寻找自己的另一半。”

    People who have been single for years are suddenly focused on finding someone, ” says Greg Waldorf, the boss of eHarmony, a wholesome marriage-oriented site with more than 20m paying subscribers.


  • 德国电信提供电视网络连接业务,今年春天该公司声称,计划能够2012年年底扩展到250 - 300用户(现在90)。

    Deutsche Telekom, which offers pay-TV over Internet connections, said this spring that it planned to sign up 2.5m-3m paying customers by the end of 2012 (it now has 900,000).


  • 个很棒的, 以结婚为目的, 拥有200会员的网站:eHarmony, 奎格卫道夫说: “那些单身了好几的人们,现在忽然之间专注想找到另一半.”

    People who have been single for years are suddenly focused on finding someone,” says Greg Waldorf, the boss of eHarmony, a wholesome marriage-oriented site with more than 20m paying subscribers.


  • 查韦斯先生以他所嗜好国有化作为消除私人企业毒瘤可能应灵药,但许多专家看来并非解决问题的办法,正是问题的一部份

    Mr Chavez's penchant for nationalisation as a presumed panacea for the evils of the private sector is seen by many specialists as part of the problem, rather than the solution.


  • 知道总会有一个碧空日子,前往有你的方向与你约。

    I know there is doomed a day when the sky is blue for ten thousand miles away.


  • 另外还有37千亿美金基于抵押贷款并承诺返的有价证券

    In addition, they have guaranteed repayment on $3.7 trillion worth of mortgage-backed securities they've issued.


  • 作为维萨事达规模小的公司,发现公司(此举)希望2.3亿支用户中的一部分人,能他需要申请一张新正的发现信用卡

    As for Discover, a smaller player than Visa and MasterCard, it hopes some of PayPal's 230 million customers will sign up for a shiny new credit card while they're at it.


  • 按照莱斯银行首席执行长丹尼尔斯(Eric Daniels)合同薪酬最高有望获得100英镑年薪的225%,形式可能延迟股票

    Under his compensation package, Lloyds Chief Executive Eric Daniels, could receive up to 225% of his GBP 1 million annual salary, which would be paid in shares deferred for three years.


  • 北京国际学校富人或是就职公司可以学费的人开的,那儿的学费每年高达2美元。

    International schools in Beijing are for the rich or those whose companies pay the fees, which range as high as, 000 a year.


  • 来自波士顿的歹徒WhiteyBulger莫尼卡长达十五,一直使用现金房租成千的美钞在了公寓的墙后。

    Whitey Bulger, the Boston gangster who lived in Santa Monica for 15 years, paid his rent in cash, and stashed thousands of dollars in his apartment walls.


  • 债权人——美国教师退休基金会保诚集团也在其中——要阿伦9%的利息意味每年1400美元利息。

    The creditors--TIAA-CREF and Prudential among them--hit Allen up for a 9% interest rate, which meant $14 million in annual debt service.


  • 准则指出,应该5000美元,更多需要验证,超过1美元就不恰当了。

    The guidelines say that payments of $5, 000 or more "require justification", and sums above $10, 000 "go beyond what is appropriate".


  • 正常时期开销适度每年有一千二百以色列克尔(280美元),这笔一分为二,其一给180名雇员,其二用于诸如垃圾收集服务工作,两者几乎持平。

    Its expenditure in normal times would be a modest 12m Israeli shekels ($2.8m) per year, divided about equally between pay for 180 employees and services such as rubbish collection.


  • 英国历史上最高的离婚保险大亨约翰2006年前妻4800英镑

    The biggest contested divorce settlement in English history was the 48 million pounds (about $90 million at the time) insurance tycoon John Charman was ordered to pay his ex-wife in 2006.


  • 当时夫妻手头存款4钱,一套中小户型二手房首期

    Back then, the 40, 000 RMB the couple had in hands plus the savings from both families was enough for the down payment of medium or small sized second-handed apartment.


  • 客户提供文件表达感谢那些文件是他们你钱他们

    You thank your clients profusely for providing you with pieces of paper which they're paying you to ask them to provide.


  • 因此他们很多寻找一位(梦中情人)。黄金单身贵族们的“水晶”的会员资格达到30($44,000)。

    So they pay, a lot, to find one. The Golden Bachelor "Diamond Love" membership goes for 300,000 Yuan ($44,000).


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    Note: this fee is paid, the next order will not have to pay this fee, number 100000 full refund all version.


  • :此版为一次性下次订单需要此版费,数量10个就退还所有版费钱

    Note: this fee is paid, the next order will not have to pay this fee, number 100000 full refund all version.


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