• 该国由于失去240制造工作机会,濒临崩溃。

    The country was being brought to its knees by the loss of 2.4 million manufacturing jobs.


  • 纺织制衣失去7.5机会

    Another 75,000 jobs will be lost in textiles and clothing.


  • 尽管存在贸易竞争务外包但美国制造每年需要更替即将退休婴儿潮一代的人。

    Despite trade competition and outsourcing, American manufacturing still needs to replace tens of thousands of retiring boomers every year.


  • 尽管贸易竞争务外包现象依旧存在美国制造每年替换掉成千退休劳工的劳动力。

    Despite trade competition and outsourcing, American manufacturing still needs to replaces tens of thousands of retiring boomers every year.


  • 那以后大约有530工作岗位消失了,相当于制造劳动力三分之一。

    Since then, some 5.3 million jobs, or one-third of the workforce in manufacturing, have been lost.


  • 艾登市政府以不到10美元的价格一家私人公司购买架飞机他们希望这笔投资能旅游有所回报

    Aydin Municipality bought the plane from a private company for just under US$100,000, but they hope to see a return on that investment through the tourism industry.


  • 公司预计使用此次发售股票的收入作为资本支出包括改善葫芦岛奇异王国工厂设施

    The Company expects to use the net proceeds from this offering for capital expenditure, including improvements to the Huludao Wonder and Qiyiwangguo facilities.


  • 邮政将不再用货船运送货物数以网上书商准备迎接由此带来的麻烦

    The Postal Service is taking the "ship" out of shipping, and thousands of small online booksellers are bracing for trouble.


  • 资金紧张广告商减少了对广告公司付费广告削减了工作岗位。

    Cash - strapped advertisers cut the fees they pay their advertising firms, and tens of thousands of AD jobs were lost.


  • 博茨瓦纳奥卡旅游仅次于开采钻石赚取外汇的行

    In Botswana, Okavango tourism is second to only diamond mining as a foreign-exchange earner.


  • 信用巨无霸维萨事达控制美国75%市场

    The credit card giants Visa and Mastercard together control over 75% of the US market.


  • SOA围绕IT吵闹了将近10由于整体复杂性,至今没有无一失成功实施方案。

    After nearly 10 years of SOA buzz around it industry, there is still no guaranteed solution for successful implementations due to the overall complexity.


  • 全球范围内由于信贷危机成千金融工作机会消失,其中尤伦敦纽约遭受损失最为惨重

    Worldwide, thousands of financial service jobs have been erased because of the credit crisis, with London and New York suffering large losses.


  • 美国邮政管理局(USPS正在缩减一类邮件邮递务量,削减费用几十亿美元裁减人员。邮政如此地步

    USPS is slashing first-class delivery, cutting billions of dollars, and looking to cut thousands of workers. How did it get this bad?


  • 至高者将地赐给邦,将世人分开,就以色列人数目,立定疆界

    When the Most High gave the nations their inheritance, when he divided all mankind, he set up boundaries for the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel.


  • 具有讽刺意味的是,这次经济衰退使成千中国玩具制造商破产,从而有助于(玩具的规范)。

    Ironically, the economic downturn has helped by driving thousands of Chinese toymakers out of business.


  • 其它中国汽车制造商尚未发布2010年度销售报告,汽车分析师预计销量为175018002009年增长约30%。

    Other Chinese automakers have yet to report annual sales for 2010 but auto analysts expect total sales of about 17.5m to 18m vehiclesup about 30 per cent over 2009.


  • 大约2000民工由于各沿海城市建筑繁荣出口热潮戛然而止而纷纷,不得不踏上了返乡

    And around 20m migrant workers were wending their way back to their villages, jobless after the collapse of construction and export booms in coastal cities.


  • Anand古吉拉特合作营销联盟总部所在地。联盟下拥有270小农拥有著名Amul品牌

    Anand is the headquarters of the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, which includes 2.7 million small farmers and, in turn, owns the famous Amul brand.


  • 咸海扶持兴旺捕鱼。1960年代大概有6从事

    The Aral Sea supported a thriving commercial fishing industry employing roughly 60,000 people in the early 1960s.


  • 咸海扶持兴旺捕鱼。1960年代大概有6从事

    The Aral Sea supported a thriving commercial fishing industry employing roughly 60, 000 people in the early 1960s.


  • 作者认为服务很有可能雇佣7000

    The authors reckon that services could usefully employ another 70m people.


  • 总部设在里斯本的国际研究组织称,全球消耗了1812

    World usage totaled 18.12 million tons, according to the Lisbon-based International Copper Study Group.


  • 他们汽车国家很重要:汽车为国家提供80岗位,大多数都熟练工人如果这些工人对国家社会造成长远消极影响

    The sector is, they say, vital to the nation: 800, 000 jobs depend on it; much of that is skilled Labour, which, if lost, would inflict long-term economic and social harm.


  • 意大利有27公司从事旅游博卡预计今年下降15%,很快就导致机会减少

    Around 270,000 firms work in tourism in Italy and Mr Bocca says the 15% drop in turnover expected this year will quickly lead to job losses.


  • 意大利有27公司从事旅游博卡预计今年下降15%,很快就导致机会减少

    Around 270, 000 firms work in tourism in Italy and Mr Bocca says the 15% drop in turnover expected this year will quickly lead to job losses.


  • 但是者多达3500印度纺织却希望延长出口禁令并且提高出口因为国内棉花也是供不应求

    But the Indian textile industry, which employs 35 million people, wants an extended ban and higher taxes on exports because there is not enough cotton to meet demand at home.


  • 养鸡兴旺创造了大约9工作帮助成千小型饲养场主提高收入

    Cipriano credits the chicken boom with creating about 90,000 jobs, and helping tens of thousands of small farmers improve their incomes.


  • 养鸡兴旺创造了大约9工作帮助成千小型饲养场主提高收入

    Cipriano credits the chicken boom with creating about 90,000 jobs, and helping tens of thousands of small farmers improve their incomes.


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