• 还有女人酒吧里里、大街上,甚至,越来越的,在私下了,其中大学生特别

    And so do women in bars, at mixers, on the street and, increasingly, in private - especially when those women are college students.


  • 太太孩子还要哈福德几天因为觉得,待在这里可以外甥女一个帮手。

    Mrs. Gardiner and the children were to remain in Hertfordshire a few days longer, as the former thought her presence might be serviceable to her nieces.


  • 伦敦南部一个公共住宅区当地有名的持刀犯罪混战的发生地,优渥中产阶级家孩子们并不见,且离得比较远

    Pampered middle-class kids are few and far between on the Doddington estate in south London, a public housing complex known locally for knife crime and dogfights.


  • 最近来自一家会计公司坎贝尔·达拉斯做调查显示2009年,阿伯唯一座成立公司的数量失去英国城市中的其中个。

    A recent survey by Campbell Dallas, an accounting firm, found that Aberdeen was one of only two British cities in 2009 to create more new companies than it lost.


  • 戈兰伊奇认为人们亚斯伯格人沟通应该尽量地具体清晰

    Grandin and Deutsch say you should communicate with Aspies as specifically and clearly as possible.


  • 获奖者包括饰演主角的女演员克莱尔迪恩,杰克逊——影片的英国导演以及扮演格兰母亲女演员朱丽叶奥摩

    They included honours for actress Claire Danes in the title role, for Mick Jackson, its British director, and for Julia Ormond, the English actress who played Grandin’s devoted mother.


  • 发现我们预算只能维持这么“,学校管理人员约翰。撒目前我们最好选择

    "We found our budget could only stretch so far," says superintendent John Sartin. "This was the best alternative under the circumstances."


  • 波兹”这么以致无法区分哪些手臂哪些是腿。 婠。

    The dimpods have so many arms and legs that you can't tell which is which.


  • 随着恋情纷扰谣言继续处于漩涡中消息人士告诉《人物》罗伯特·克里斯汀·斯图尔特约会之后已然分手。

    As rumors of relationship trouble continue to swirl, a source tells PEOPLE that Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have called it quits after more than three years of dating.


  • 然而利党下院议员瑞斯对一建议提出批评,她高跟鞋带来额外高度工作场所对女性有所帮助

    Nadine Dorries, the Tory MP, however criticised the motion and said the extra height heels give women can help them when in the workplace.


  • 暴君克劳·听到一奇迹后感到非常害怕匆忙下令瓦伦斩首示众。

    Claudius the cruel hearing of the miracle, felt very frightened, hurriedly ordered Valentin beheaded.


  • 这个进球给予了动力,不久之后伊尔迫使切赫第二次18码射门尝试进行扑救。

    The goal gave Reading extra impetus and moments later Doyle forced Cech to save his 18-yard shot at the second attempt.


  • 后来证明之战帝国是灾难性的:帕尔帕执行人达斯·双双死于第二使帝国陷入了一混乱。

    The Battle of Endor proved disastrous for the Empire; Palpatine and his enforcer, Darth Vader, were killed aboard the second Death Star, throwing the Empire into a state of chaos.


  • 循环伏安控制电位库仑法研究了洛哌纳米管电极(MCNT - PE)上的伏安行为反应机理

    The voltammetric behavior and oxidation mechanism of loperamide were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and coulometry at a multi-wall carbon nanotube paste electrode (MCNT-PE).


  • ·一次暴跳如雷,命令士兵神庙瓦沦一对正在举行婚礼新人身旁拖走投入地牢

    Crowe doss once again fly into a rage, he ordered the soldiers stormed into the temple, dragged from a pair of being held wedding couple side will be Valentine, into a dungeon.


  • 结论肺结核采用含左氧氟沙星方案治疗MDR-TB效果肯定。

    Conclusion The treatment scheme of combine levofloxacin and amikacine was appropriate to apply on MDR-TB.


  • 西咪替为组胺H2受体阻断剂治疗十二指肠溃疡疗效显著复发率副作用

    Cimetidinum is a type of H2 receptor antagonist, which is markedly effective in the treatment of gastroduodenal. ulcer, but with many side effects and high recurrence.


  • 年轻人这样告别爱人悲愤走向战场姑娘们也因失去爱侣抑郁神伤。 善良的瓦伦修士对克劳斯的虐政感到非常难过。 。

    In this way many young people bid farewell to love, grief and indignation towards the battlefield, the girls lost lover and grief depression.


  • 某种程度上,是个先锋希望事例精神将会影响遥远英国爱尔兰的作翔者。

    In a sense he was a pioneer and I hope that his example and spirit will influence the distance flyers of Britain and Ireland to follow suit.


  • “妇好”(商王武配偶之一)中,即出土青铜器440玉器590件。

    Only in "good woman" (Wang Wuding to one of the spouses) in the tomb, unearthed over 440 pieces of bronze ware, jade more than 590 pieces.


  • 皮埃尔·一生是个神话参加的比赛育种鸽舍称为“耐心农庄”。舍坐落于法国哈尼斯教堂下方

    Pierre Dordin was a legend in his lifetime and his racing and breeding lofts were called 'Villa Patience' which stood below the Church tower in Harnes, France.


  • ·一次暴跳如雷,命令士兵神庙瓦沦一对正在举行婚礼新人身旁拖走,投入地牢

    Crowe Doss once again fly into a rage, he ordered the soldiers stormed into the temple will be Valentine from a wedding being held next to the new towed away, into a dungeon.


  • 埃里克·沙内甚写了最畅销康斯坦·布朗·库西,萨尔瓦·达利,大卫·霍克尼沃霍尔波普艺术伦敦印象派书籍

    Eric Shanes has also written best-selling books on Constantin Brancusi, Salvador Dali, David Hockney, Warhol and Pop Art and on the Impressionists in London.


  • 众人期待迷你旗下车手克里斯·梅克丹尼·索尔驾驶队赛车上演车队的处子秀。

    The eagerly anticipated MINI effort breaks cover in Sardinia with Kris Meeke and Dani Sordo piloting the two factory-entered John Cooper Works WRCs.


  • 一米非常衣服了起来”,随后拖拽十几地上

    "This is one meter more than nine people, very strong, pulling my clothes for me to put up," said Ding Mou, then ten meters he was dragged on the ground after the throw.


  • 德国杜塞尔附近根(Uerdingen),西门子(Siemens)火车制造厂的工程师们3D眼镜审视公司最新火车设计详细投影图

    At Siemens'train-making plant in Uerdingen, near Düsseldorf, engineers wear 3-D spectacles as they examine detailed projections of their company's latest designs.


  • 严格管理原则或许源自事实以前一个士兵世界大战响应祖国号召保卫国家。

    His discipline in his management, and it was hard, perhaps also derived from the fact that he was an ex - soldier who had answered the call in defence of his country in the World War.


  • 严格管理原则或许源自事实以前一个士兵世界大战响应祖国号召保卫国家。

    His discipline in his management, and it was hard, perhaps also derived from the fact that he was an ex - soldier who had answered the call in defence of his country in the World War.


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