• 突然小孩冲中窗口一边还兴奋地嘁嘁喳喳说着话。

    Suddenly a bunch of young children burst past her window buzzing with excitement.


  • 然后追赶盗贼一边还吓唬:“停住不然开枪! ”!

    Then he chased the thief, frightening him at the same time, "Stop or I will let off the gun!"


  • 看着满不在乎着系裤一边还吩咐做这做那,不禁吃吃笑了。

    Seeing him standing there nonchalantly buttoning his fly as he gives her orders I begin to titter.


  • 取出已经饱和的手术重重的一边还着血。了更多新的进去。

    She pulled out the lap pads, heavy and dripping, and stuffed in more.


  • 双鱼座一边漫不经心地擦着窗户一边还目不转睛地瞅着院子里的风景。

    PISCES: asks to do the Windows and then keeps staring out into the yard.


  • 东西时候小白总是会把整个脑袋里,一边拱着一边绕圈

    Small white always is able to nuzzle the entire small head into bowl lining when eating something, is bent at the same time the bowl circles times at the same time.


  • 结果是,新年之前的最后一天,一边还闹得不可开交,一边天然气涨价达成了一致。

    In the event, the two countries cantankerously reached a deal on an increased gas price just before their New Year's Eve deadline.


  • 就是这样的,你的姐妹们她们的男朋友,…”说道一边还着手,好象在一个很重要的会议总结

    "Sisters and their boyfriends... Well, that's it then," he said, clapping his hands as if he'd come to an important conclusion.


  • 如果以前怎么工作的,或者上一任老板时候是怎样的,别人不通,你为什么一边抱怨,一边还着不走。

    If you're constantly talking about how you used to do things at your last job or when the old boss was in charge, people will wonder why you stick around.


  • 马刺半场领先16分第三过后领先27分,这就意味着波波维奇首发球员们下半场大部分时间里都作壁上观,一边还琢磨骑士活塞

    San Antonio's lead was 16 at half time and 27 after three, meaning Popovich's starters spent most of the second half on the sideline thinking about Cavaliers and Pistons.


  • 他们声称治安名乘务员推到了一边

    They also claim that the security team elbowed aside a steward.


  • 他们一边轻松地描绘他们16个小时的工作日一边声称他们的婚姻幸福

    There they were, merrily describing their 16-hour working days while claiming to be happily married.


  • 奶奶反对咒骂粗暴地她推一边

    Grandma protested, but he cursed her and rudely pushed her aside.


  • 驾驶员老是沿街道错误一边快速行驶。

    Drivers routinely barrel down the wrong side of the street.


  • 一边

    And I laughed while I said it.


  • 当时拨打了不少电话,甚有至于一边马路一边纽约广播电话新闻播报员通话,这可能是有生以来做过的最危险事情

    I made numerous calls, including one where I crossed the street while talking to a New York radio reporter - probably one of the more dangerous things I have ever done in my life.


  • 很多场景中人类不得不同时出现卡梅伦希望能够普通真人电影一样一边拍摄现场走来走去一边指导影片的拍摄。

    Humans and na 'vi had to appear together in many scenes, and Mr Cameron wanted to be able to direct the filming while moving around on the set, as with an ordinary live-action film.


  • 杂志房间一边拍打了放在书架上相框,他对自己突然爆发出来愤怒感到奇怪

    He flung the magazine across the room, knocking a picture frame from the bookcase and surprising himself with this sudden burst of anger.


  • 并且一边幻想着终归天,他们会有那个潜力登上世界舞台并且决定到底应该加盟一支豪门会更加合适。

    One must imagine that they have the potential to make it on the world stage and are in the process of deciding which top team they wish to join.


  • 老人饭盒放在一边开始独自唱歌甚至开始跳舞了!

    The old man put his lunch box aside and started singing along and even started dancing!


  • 我们邀请了希拉里小石城第一联合卫理公会教堂牧师艾德.马修斯。 马修斯是个相当不错的,我们知道,假如午餐会陷入舌战,他我们一边

    We also invited Hillary’s minister at Little Rocks First United Methodist Church, Ed Matthews, a wonderful man who we knew would stick with us if the lunch deteriorated into a war of words.


  • 千万要避免一边看着电视一边大快朵颐相信那上面流行保证奇效的节食快速减肥法。

    Avoid the fad diets and fast-acting solutions that guarantee incredible weight loss while you watch television and eat deserts.


  • 全职工作的时候,一边小说再后来写博客一边工作一边私活

    I wrote fiction, then a blog, alongside a day job, and I started out freelancing while still working full-time.


  • 分钟搁下当时一边电视新闻一边喝来着,我确定。

    I just set it down five minutes ago. I had it when I was watching the news, I know that.


  • 有些司机一边开车一边闪动大灯同样也是为了这个目的

    Some also switched their headlamps on and off as they drove, no doubt for the same purpose.


  • 打电话老板你请个“病假”,一边打电话一边挤出声咳嗽

    You call your boss to say you're taking 'a sick day,' feigning a cough while on the phone.


  • 打电话老板你请个“病假”,一边打电话一边挤出声咳嗽

    You call your boss to say you're taking 'a sick day,' feigning a cough while on the phone.


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