• 金田一一边大叫一边床上毛毯

    Gold farmland one Geng helps part shout loudly, part for bind to cover woolen blanket at the naked female on the bed.


  • 一边继续金凤花餐馆工作一边将要开办餐厅进行计划

    I continued working at the Buttercup, making plans for the restaurant I would open.


  • 感到失望懊恼一边过去伤心,一边盼望永远可能的事。

    He was suffering from disappointment and regret, grieving over what was, and wishing for what could never be.


  • 毕业后,一边化学研究员,一边达特·福德保守党候选人努力

    After graduating, she worked as a research chemist while attempting to become a Conservative Party candidate in Dart ford.


  • 一边做研究一边一家杂志,《哈佛公民权利- - -公民自由法律评论撰写文章

    He researched and wrote articles for a magazine, the Harvard Civil Rights - Civil Liberties Law Review.


  • 纽约工作忧心忡忡说:广告音乐,他知道自己老板推动一边年轻人才

    His work in New York preoccupies him: he writes music for ads, and he knows his boss is pushing him aside for younger talent.


  • 老板阳光下放了一张椅子,一边为一杯鲜榨一边呼唤女儿鸡舍看看鸡是否下蛋

    The woman owner set a chair in the sun, poured me a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and shouted to her daughter to check the hen house for eggs.


  • 是的也许可以一边件不相干敲打键盘着你的iPod一边能完美地倾听或者理解某人

    Yes, you might be able to hear and understand someone perfectly while you are typing on the computer on an unrelated matter or listening to your iPod.


  • 这些都是匆忙的,从不会过于复杂一边微微推动他们疆界一边Butler异常难忘旋律留下宽敞道路。

    These songs are busy, but never overly complicated, subtly nudging at their boundaries while allowing wide lanes for Butler's perfectly memorable melodic turns.


  • 接到卡西尔女士电话几天回到斯普林菲尔德酒店房间一边观看篮球比赛一边我的演讲草稿,写下发言要点。

    A few days after the call from Ms. Cahill, I was back in my hotel room in Springfield, making notes for a rough draft of the speech while watching a basketball game.


  • 这位女星意大利的波托·菲诺游艇多人相伴,她一边为一系列高端豪华名牌手表做模特一边享受当地天气

    Joined on a yacht in Portofini, Italy, the star had to model the range of high-end, luxury, designer watches while enjoying the local weather.


  • 精心制作的挑战视频中,微软创始人比尔•盖茨一边挂冰桶的杠杆绘制图纸一边说到,“总是做好准备接受挑战。”

    I'm always up for a challenge " the founder of Microsoft said in his highly-produced challenge video while drawing sketches for an ice-bucket-dump lever."


  • 一边是林立公务员修建公寓,它们奢华厨房埋入茂盛草坪洒水系统

    On one side stand new apartment buildings for civil servants, with luxury kitchens and a sprinkler system embedded in the lush lawn.


  • 记者在采访村长邻居们后获知,上周,这位丈夫朋友们把他的财产到了房子一边然后锯子锯,用凿子凿,把房子一分二。

    Last week, the husband and his friends moved his belongings to one side of the house -- and sawed and chiseled it off, said the reporter, who interviewed the village chief and neighbors.


  • 因此这些这些钱放到一边与其把这笔钱别人,还不如让这笔钱工作。

    So take some of that money and put it aside and get that money working for you rather than for somebody else.


  • 其他人美国人,而且那些选择国王乔治三世而战的人选择错误的一边

    Everyone else was an American, and those who chose to fight for King George III had chosen the wrong side.


  • 奥特曼争取胜诉,投进了全部毅力、智慧物力——而法律,也在她这一边

    But Mrs Altmann was all persistence, charm and energy-and the law was on her side.


  • 一边大笔编造一些她保留颜面的话,再写一些很棒的评语,和颜悦色地把她送出门

    Take her to one side and offer her a lot of money, a face-saving story and a great reference, and usher her gently out of the door.


  • 第三个入口议员专用,大楼一边二号入口途径相汇

    The third entry (for deputies) is from the other side of the building, and its path meets or crosses that of the VIPs.


  • 一些特殊情况抛在一边,不要理睬它们,例如考试死记硬背我们压力之下是不能有效学习的。

    Leaving aside special circumstances like cramming for a test, we don’t learn well under stress.


  • RBS表示,如果管理者可以说服自己反对放在一边放手这些ETF交易,那么铜价(如今8750美元/可能超过1万美元。

    If regulators can be persuaded to set aside their objections and allow these ETFs to trade, copper, currently trading at over $8,750 a tonne could be pushed up beyond $10,000 according to RBS, a bank.


  • 一边手笨脚地咖啡一边是否点什么。

    When he sloshed a cup of coffee he asked her if she would like some drink.


  • 因此我们需要华盛顿——那些本职工作就是处理国家问题的人,我们选出大家服务——我们需要他们不同意见放到一边事情做好

    So we need folks in Washington - the people whose job it is to deal with the country's problems, the people who you elected to serve - we need them to put aside their differences to get things done.


  • 关注放在一边,这预算劳动力市场短期预算来看以一可接受成本提供了一个必要推动

    That concern aside, this budget provides a needed lift to the Labour market at an acceptable cost to the short-term budget picture.


  • 发现如果一边一边大声自己说话别人友好地让路的。

    And I've found that if you talk to yourself quite loudly while walking along, other people give you a nice wide berth, too.


  • 人们斯的提问而鼓掌,奥巴马一边笑着一边轻拍特伦斯肩膀。

    The crowd clapped for Terrance as Obama laughed and patted Terrance on the shoulder.


  • 他们不同岛上进行修炼进入新世界作好准备,一边伟大航路。

    Each have been in training on separate islands for what's to come in the New World, the second half of the sea called the Grand Line.


  • 他们不同岛上进行修炼进入新世界作好准备,一边伟大航路。

    Each have been in training on separate islands for what's to come in the New World, the second half of the sea called the Grand Line.


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