• 他们能否成功可能取决于梅奥诊所提起这个问题相关诉讼最高法院开庭期间审理此案。

    Their success may be determined by a suit related to this issue, brought by the Mayo Clinic, which the Supreme court will hear in its next term.


  • 播下颗种子可能引起最高法院事关重大的专利诉讼我们真的已经到了这个地步了吗?

    Have we really gotten to the point that planting a seed can lead to a high-stakes Supreme Court patent lawsuit?


  • 家长们指出,通过诉讼校舍坍塌事件提交到法院争取损害赔偿他们的次努力。

    Parents said the suit seeking damages over the Fuxin collapse was the first effort to put the issue before a court.


  • 以谨慎著称法律权威宣布这些诉讼争议可能最高法院终结

    A legal authority usually known for his caution declared that these controversial lawsuits would probably end up in the Supreme Court one day.


  • 比如某人提出法律诉讼有人法院时候很难感到快乐的。

    For instance, the other day someone presented me with a lawsuit, and it's hard to feel happy when somebody is going to be taking you to court.


  • 个经典案例就是某人期满投资者离婚欠款法院纪录进行核对,发现破产诉讼即将到来

    The classic case is someone on the brink of foreclosure . some investors check court records of divorces arrearages , and upcoming bankruptcy proceedings to find such people .


  • 关于超过700名女性对抗多公司案件推迟着,直到高级法院判定了沃尔玛这场诉讼

    A suit on behalf of more than 700 women against Costco Wholesale is on hold until the Supreme Court resolves the Wal-Mart case.


  • 富士康控告他们诽谤请求法院冻结他们个人资产,这一诉讼苹果惠普要求下被解除。

    Foxconn sued them personally for libel and secured a court order freezing their assets, backing off only at the behest of Apple and HP.


  • 现如今只要人们对银行存在着共同不满,便可以法院提出诉讼前提条件是他们必须开始就能够证明自己身份做好了经历大堆冗长繁琐的法制程序的准备

    At present, if people have a common grievance they may be added to a court action, but only if they identify themselves from the outset and are prepared to leap through cumbersome legal hoops.


  • 辛迪这种翻页跟踪似乎无害的,如果这家公司长期保留这种数据,那么这种信息可能会法院传唤验证证词诉讼中用作证据

    Cohn says this kind of page-view tracking may seem innocuous, but if the company keeps the data long-term, the information could be subpoenaed to check someone's alibi, or as evidence in a lawsuit.


  • 可能诉讼策略因为尤其是涉及集团诉讼或者反歧视案件最高法院明显倾向公司边。

    It is probably a smart legal move, given the court's clear tendency to rule in favor of corporations, particularly when big classes or discrimination claims are involved.


  • 购买游戏货币没有特殊密码要求,”诉讼如是说,诉讼加利福尼亚地方法院受理。

    No special Apple password is required to purchase Game Currency," according to the suit, which was filed in a Northern California district court.


  • 艺术新闻报纽约报道——美国芝加哥联邦上诉法院拒绝复审艺术家诉讼案件,他采用生命野花作品遭到破坏要求索赔。

    NEW YORK. The Chicago federal appeals court that denied an artist’s rights claim for damage to a work made of living wildflowers has refused to rehear the case.


  • 加州上诉法院星期四撤销了明确意见判决之后起针对含有致癌物质肉鸡三明治的医疗公益诉讼继续展开。

    A medical non-profit's lawsuit over a carcinogen found in grilled chicken is set to continue, after a California appeals court on Thursday reversed a ruling that would have burned the case to a crisp.


  • 周四孟买高等法院驳回了项针对占星术的公益诉讼重申科学

    The Bombay High Court reaffirmed this on Thursday when it dismissed a PIL that had challenged astrology as science.


  • 法院名自由派成员倾向将此笔诉讼驳回至更低级法院去审理,原告机会理清他们的控诉依据。

    The court's four liberals favoured sending the case back to a lower court to give the plaintiffs another chance to get their arguments straight.


  • 2004年,联邦地区法院法官她们构成了集团诉讼,今年的4月份第九上诉巡回法院支持判断,裁定诉讼继续进行。

    In 2004, a federal district court judge said they did, and in April the Ninth Circuit court of Appeals agreed, ruling the case could proceed.


  • 法院因此划定标准不能根据其成员是否受到同样不满来划定诉讼群体。

    The court has laid down a standard that the commonality of a class cannot be presumed just because all presumptive members feel the same grievance.


  • 最高法院裁决意味着父母无需审问”,他们有权子女地区服务项目提起诉讼

    The Court's decision means that parents have the right to Sue without having to first "try out" the district's program of services for their child.


  • 上个月名艾滋病患者的大学毕业生受到小吴鼓舞四川省法院提起类似的诉讼

    Last month, an H.I.V.-positive college graduate, who was encouraged by Xiao Wu, filed a similar case in Sichuan Province.


  • 但是现在美国最高法院颁布里程碑似的法规使医疗设备公司对于棘手医疗诉讼恐惧感开始消失。

    But now, after a landmark ruling by the American Supreme Court, the spectre of a blunderbuss of liability suits may have receded.


  • 提示:本周河北法院拒绝受理诉讼——原告方是遭毒牛奶致死或致病受害者家庭

    Here's a clue: this week a court in Hebei refused to accept a lawsuit by the families of children sickened and killed by the tainted milk.


  • 英国位退伍军人1950年代太平洋炸弹试验接触放射物,最近因为患有癌症不育症以及其他医疗问题伦敦法院提起诉讼要求获得赔偿

    British ex-servicemen exposed to radiation in bomb tests in the south Pacific in the 1950s recently sought compensation in a London court for cancer, infertility and other medical problems.


  • 相反的,法院给了我们个灵活标准,并且没有给予下级法院诉讼当事人们任何指导

    Instead, the court gave us flexible standards that offer lower courts and litigants little guidance.


  • 分析人士不确定此举是否使这家西班牙银行不再投资者的指控,而与同时,佛罗里达州法院收到集体诉讼

    Observers were unsure if this would stop investors from suing the Spanish bank; a class-action lawsuit had just been lodged in a Florida court.


  • 巡回法院专利案件的蔑视而臭名昭著:第八巡回法院几乎未有任何专利诉讼有效

    Certain circuits were notorious for their hostility toward patents: in the Eighth circuit, almost no patents were held valid.


  • 诺基亚表示,已特拉华州联邦地区法院提交诉讼技术有关这些技术移动设备制造起着关键的作用,并与多个移动标准兼容。

    Nokia said the suit, filed with the Federal District Court in Delaware, related to technologies that are fundamental to making devices compatible with one or more mobile standards.


  • 诺基亚表示,已特拉华州联邦地区法院提交诉讼技术有关这些技术移动设备制造起着关键的作用,并与多个移动标准兼容。

    Nokia said the suit, filed with the Federal District Court in Delaware, related to technologies that are fundamental to making devices compatible with one or more mobile standards.


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