• 施密特指出创造了个“一英里英寸”的教育环境

    This creates an educational environment that "is a mile wide and an inch deep," Schmidt notes.


  • 认为看涨的情感足英里深度只有英寸

    I'd call bullish sentiment a mile wide but an inch deep.


  • 龙卷风路径上英里英里摧毁家园企业

    The tornado tore a path a mile wide and four miles long destroying homes and businesses.


  • 地方达到英里造成了17英里长的裂缝景象

    It was a mile wide in some places, and it left a 17-mile long gash in the landscape.


  • 因为只有英里四分之英里我们很快便到达了目的地

    Soon we arrived at the place, because the island was only three miles long and a quarter of a mile wide.


  • 卡纳维拉尔角南部25英里(约40.23公里)印第安兰提克一英里宽宁静海滨小镇

    Indialantic, 25 miles south of Cape Canaveral, is quiet, mile-wide beach town.


  • 上周的研究曾附上了六月下旬长达22英里英里650英尺深海油污带中的取样发表在《科学》杂志。

    As with, Hazen's involved samples taken from the deep-sea oil plume that in late June was 22 miles long, one mile wide and 650 feet thick, and was published in Science.


  • 如果撞上地球砸出100英里大坑扬起巨大尘埃云团

    If it had hit the Earth, it would have made a crater 100 miles across and thrown up an immense cloud of dust.


  • “好奇号”实际所在位置火星赤道附近名为盖尔的96英里陨石坑

    Where the Curiosity actually sits is a 96-mile-wide crater named Gale near the Martian equator.


  • 纪念碑要求三角状地块,一英里轮种方式每个边种植季节性作物

    "Monument to the Plow" called for a triangular site a mile wide on each side to be planted with seasonal crops on rotation.


  • 纪念碑》形三角状地块,一英里轮作方式每个边种植季节性作物,象征翻耕播种收割,翻耕的循环。

    "Monument to the Plow" called for a triangular site a mile wide on each side to be planted with seasonal crops on rotation: ploughed, sown, harvested, ploughed, etc.


  • 我们营地座火山脚下,营地边上有英里湖泊

    Our first camp was at the foot of one of them, beside a three mile-wide lake.


  • 使得来自地中海密度较大河流在海床上流淌,冲刷蚀刻大概115英尺0.6英里水道河岸

    This causes the dense water from the Mediterranean to flow like a river along the sea bed, carving a channel with Banks around 115 feet deep and 0.6 of a mile wide.


  • 这个67英里池子里游段时间

    You can swim for a long time in a pool that is 67 miles wide.


  • 板块板块推挤造成海底大幅隆起导致200英里50英里宽地区发生震动。

    The jerking motion of one plate moving under the other caused a massive uplift of the seafloor, convulsing an area almost 200 miles long and 50 miles wide.


  • 乘坐提供服务瑞士火车可以小时内带你去到45英里长,将近9英里日内瓦湖任何地方

    Lake Geneva, at 45 mileslong and nearly 9 miles wide, is so well served by impeccable Swiss railwaysthat one can get from almost any point to another in less than an hour.


  • 在塔斯卡卢萨县形成,路向东北方向奔袭,席卷伯明翰的龙卷风威力巨大时速超过165英里,留下了1.5英里80英里的废墟带。

    The one that ran from Tuscaloosa north-east to Birmingham was immense, 1.5 miles across and 80 miles long, with winds exceeding 165 miles per hour.


  • 现在,20英里宽的默茨冰川南极的大型,将冰南极东部不断出。

    Today, the 20-mile-wide Mertz Glacier is one of Antarctica's great ice streams, draining the ice from this part of East Antarctica.


  • 190英里23英里

    The first was about 190 miles long and 23 miles wide.


  • 大洋出现新的冰山50英里20英里

    There is a new iceberg in the Southern Ocean, and it's big: 50 miles long by 20 miles wide.


  • 大约6500万年前至少5英里彗星小行星撞上地球在地表炸出了个大洞。

    Some 65 million years ago, a comet or asteroid at least five miles wide struck the earth and blasted out a tremendous crater.


  • 很多科学家都相信——6000万年前6英里小行星撞击了墨西哥尤卡坦半岛终结恐龙时代

    Many scientists believe that -more than 60 million years ago -an asteroid six miles wide struck in Mexico's Yucatan and triggered the end of the dinosaurs.


  • 很多科学家都相信——6000万年前6英里小行星撞击了墨西哥尤卡坦半岛终结恐龙时代

    Many scientists believe that - more than 60 million years ago - an asteroid six miles wide struck in Mexico's Yucatan and triggered the end of the dinosaurs.


  • Atafu仅有5英里托克劳群岛三个环礁最小个,领土属于新西兰

    Atafu is just five miles wide and is the smallest of three atolls in the Tokelau Islands, a New Zealand territory.


  • 坠落数千残骸掉落成10英里300英里长的长条区域,从德克萨斯州东部延续路易斯安那州

    It fell in thousands of pieces along a swath ten miles wide and 300 miles long, across East Texas and into Louisiana.


  • 随后1991年,研究人员墨西哥发现了与K-T界限年代直径120英里,1.5英里深的陨石坑被称为Chicxulub

    Then, in 1991, researchers discovered a 120-mile-wide, 1.5-mile-deep crater called Chicxulub in Mexico of the same age as the K-T boundary.


  • 他们估计碎片散落分布日本中途之间地区大约2000英里,1000英里宽的海域,1月份冲上岸。

    They estimate the debris field is spread out across an area that's roughly 2, 000 miles long and 1, 000 miles wide located between Japan and Midway Atoll, where pieces could wash up in January.


  • 新家长滩荒凉海湾旁,这个地方对这个5英里1英里的小岛而言,好像位于西伯利亚

    It's now in a desolate cove on the other side of the island - as close to Siberia as you can get on a slip of land about five miles long and a mile wide.


  • 之前认为是在皮面时候形成的,这些水道大概2500英里长和数英里

    Most are believed to have formed when sea levels were much lower and the channels have been found to be up to 2, 500 miles long and be several miles wide.


  • 但是看到遭到破坏路径在有些地方英里(8 -11公里)那么长英里英里(0.8 - 1.6公里)那么……简直是太夸张了。

    But when you look at the path of destruction that's likely 5 to 7 miles [8 to 11 kilometers] long in an area half a mile to a mile [0.8 to 1.6 kilometers] wide... It's an amazing scene.


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