• 民事责任义务关系以及保证责任的自身特征角度来思考普通意义上所说的保证责任只能一种特殊的“一般债务”。

    Thought from the relationship between civil liability and obligation and its characteristics, the guaranty liability, in the common sense, is only a special general debt.


  • 通缩则相反它会加重债务负担感觉就像的被子一般透不过气来。

    Deflation, on the other hand, increases debt, and feels like being smothered by a lead blanket.


  • 大学毕业生拥有最好工作前景强制纳税人购销这些人债务不公平的。撕毁借款人私人贷款人之间合约一般也不会是个点子

    Imposing write-offs on all taxpayers to benefit those with the best job prospects is unfair; and ripping up contracts between borrowers and private lenders is usually a bad idea.


  • 使很多企业心惊肉跳普华永道是一家会计师事务所发现新规定使一般企业带息债务增加58%。

    That will make a lot of firms look wobblier: a survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers, an accounting firm, found that it would add about 58% to the average company's interest-bearing debt.


  • 关于这些趋势存在一些例外,尤其一些存在债务管理或者较弱财政系统国家但是一般而言,较富裕的国家最终变得更加绿化

    There are exceptions to the trend, especially in countries with inept governments and poor systems of property rights, but in general, richer is eventually greener.


  • 证券汇兑委员会关于华纳音乐申请资料(filing这里是上市的申请材料,而不是备案材料。)显示,不久的将来这笔现金用于一般用途用于减少公司债务

    Warner Music's filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) says that in the immediate future the cash would be used for general purposes and to reduce the firm's debts.


  • 许多担忧,背负高额债务并且经济状况不景气这些引发长期通货紧缩,如同日本过去20多年所经历的状况一般

    Many people worried that the overhang of debt, and the depressed state of the economy, would cause a prolonged period of deflation, as experienced by Japan over the past two decades.


  • 首先讨论技术债务(technical debt),然后讨论复杂度最后讨论过度的一般性(rampant genericness)。

    First, I discuss technical debt, then complexity, and finally rampant genericness.


  • 非洲商业法规一体化组织负责监督执行商业法规(一般商业法、安全交易法、公司法仲裁法债务回收法、破产法核算法、货物公路运输法)。

    OHADA oversees eight business laws (general commercial, secure transactions, company law, arbitration, debt recovery, bankruptcy, accounting and transportation of goods by road).


  • 一般来说一家公司如果资产丰厚,而债务相对较少,运营状况很好

    Generally, if a company has lots of assets relative to liabilities, it's in good shape.


  • 有人一个正式债务重组系统将会提高借贷成本并且吓坏惊弓之鸟一般市场

    Some say that a formal debt-restructuring system will raise the cost of borrowing and frighten skittish markets.


  • 看似很难但雇主们一般不会在乎是不是得起下次月或是信用卡债务缠身

    As harsh as it may seem, employers generally don't care if you can't make your next mortgage payment or are swimming in credit-card debt.


  • 债务一般宣称(可能甚至相信)自己能够偿还贷款,酗酒否认自己存在上瘾问题

    Debtors will usually claim (and may even believe) they can service their debts, just as alcoholics deny they have a drinking problem.


  • 由于可控资本,并可预期长期收益,所以非常适合贷款资金支持,故债务股本一般很高(通常是80对20)。

    And because they are regulated assets with long-term pre-defined revenue streams, they are particularly suited to debt finance, and therefore tend to have high debt-to-equity ratios (typically 80-20).


  • 一般认为无因管理产生一个双向债务本人管理人支付管理费形成以及管理人本人返还管理利益的债。

    Generally believed that non-management will have a two-way debt that I pay management fees to the manager and the manager form of debt interest should I return the management of debt.


  • 美国违约不归还债务就好像是一头大象跳进后院中的游泳池一般

    The U. S. defaulting on its debt is like an elephant jumping into a backyard swimming pool.


  • 一般意义上资本结构就是债务资本权益资本(自有资本)比例关系

    In general sense's capital structure is refers to the debt capital and the rights and interests capital (own capital) the proportional relationship.


  • 来自信用咨询机构Springboard梅琳达·欧泊曼(Melinda Opperman)一般债务管理规划通常需要35完成。 Springboard目前西南部个州开设业务。

    Melinda Opperman of Springboard, a credit-counselling agency with offices in five south-western states, says a typical debt-management plan takes three to five years to complete.


  • 教育合同终止原因一般包括合同履行完毕、合同解除(如退学)、债权债务混同、受教育者死亡或教育机构终止情形。

    The causes of termination of education contract generally include: the contract has been implemented completely, the contract is relieved, bond, students die, education organization terminate, etc.


  • 工资优先权根据法律直接规定劳动者从事劳动而获得相应的报酬请求权债务一般财产享有优先受偿的权利。

    The wage priority is priority of claims of payment by workers for accorded work directly provided by law, on the general property of the debtor.


  • 平均收入一般清偿债务增长得快些

    Average earnings generally increase faster than pay settlements.


  • 一个针对美国智库学者论文一般的美国居民国家经济不了解的,还有悬而未决的债务危机

    A foreign correspondent for the paper interviewed US think tanks and scholars who said that the average US citizen was "uninformed" about the country's economy and pending debt crisis.


  • 是一种未经担保债券持有人发行人抵押其它债务所有财产具有一般债权人要求权

    An unsecured bond whose holder has the claim of a general creditor on all assets of the issuer not pledged specifically to secure other debt.


  • 一般较长的时间偿还债务贷款巩固长远

    It generally takes longer to pay off a debt consolidation loan and it's more expensive long-term.


  • 一般情况下这些代价(具体来讲潜在债务保险成本)最后纳税人或者电力用户买单而不是核能产业

    Typically, the costs (particularly the implied liability insurance costs) end up being borne by the tax payer or electricity consumer, not by the nuclear power industry.


  • 由于这些问题许多负面影响一般情况下,信用卡债务目前影响大学生一个重要问题

    Because of the many negatives of these issues, Credit CARDS and debt, in general, are a significant problem that is currently affecting college students.


  • 由于这些问题许多负面影响一般情况下,信用卡债务目前影响大学生一个重要问题

    Because of the many negatives of these issues, Credit CARDS and debt, in general, are a significant problem that is currently affecting college students.


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