• 就像旋转式电话在那儿做个花头或者爆炸式刘海或者彼得潘发型也行。

    It's like a rotary phone, where you could turn to a pageboy, or that haircut that looked like a nuclear bomb exploded your bangs, and then the Peter Pan look.


  • 3D 电影《哪吒之魔降世记》中的哪吒不仅仅是个小孩子。

    New Ne Zha in the 3D movie is more than a child.


  • 表示:“约会时,就能了解什么样,会指引走向最终成功。”

    "Knowing what kind of person he is on the first date leads you to final victory," she says.


  • 以及孤儿院里其他九十几个院来说,每个礼拜三十分难熬的日子

    For Jerusha and the ninety-odd other children in the orphanage, the first Wednesday of every month was quite a torturous day.


  • 还有次,皮尔普斯太太保育室床上抱起赖利医院职工竟以为偷走这个宝宝。因为赖利是个有着金色卷发皮肤宝宝。

    And there was the hospital worker who treated Mrs. Peeples as though she was trying to snatch a white baby when she took Riley, who had blond curls, out of his crib in the nursery.


  • 知道因为所有神父都认识我,到了解室,只要我开口他们就知道是我了,感到非常害怕。

    Since all the priests knew me as an altar boy, I was convinced that they’d recognize me in the confessional the second I opened my mouth. I was scared of them.


  • 作为虔诚天主教徒传教士教堂托马斯教堂,早上六点作为圣迎接大批教徒,也会坐在右边条凳上祷告

    A devout Catholic, she'd drive me to St. Thomas the Apostle Church so I could serve the six A.M. mass as an altar boy, with her praying in the first row in the right pew.


  • 名BBC梵蒂冈通讯员自从大量报告浮出水面以来,罗马天主教堂似乎兴趣保护神父而不是惩罚责任人

    A BBC's correspondent at the Vatican says that since widespread reports of abuse first emerged, the Church has often appeared more interested in protecting priests than punishing those responsible.


  • 镇是宁海县古老城镇

    Qiantong is an ancient town in Ninghai County.


  • 1993年指控让怪异但是不会伤人形象变成了充满了邪恶的罪人,重重使得这歌手到去世都没有完全复原

    Allegations of child abuse in 1993 changed his image from odd but harmless to something more sinister, dealing the singer a blow from which he never fully recovered.


  • 被普遍接受地方父母提供有形鼓励使他们让他们的女儿继续上学往往防范这种有害做法最佳途径

    In places where child marriage is an accepted norm, providing parents a tangible incentive to keep their daughters in school is often the best means to prevent this harmful practice.


  • 西雅图所限制学校以严格的课程要求而著称,是个“聪明的”地方

    It was Seattle's most exclusive school and was noted for its rigorous academic demands, a place where "even the dumb kids were smart."


  • 2001年,那时还是红衣主教约瑟夫·拉辛格签署了份措辞不当的文件有可能下令对虐案件进行秘密处理

    One is that in 2001, when he was still Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he signed an ill-phrased document that appears to order that child-abuse cases be dealt with in secret.


  • 如果不行的话,可以试下那些酒店点小费

    Failing that, try the concierge at a more expensive hotel, and tip them.


  • 爱尔兰调查显示,六十年来,许多天主教派男孩收容所内,已经司空见惯。

    In Ireland, an inquiry found that, over six decades, child abuse had been endemic at many Catholic institutions for boys.


  • 如果孕妇吸烟,她会吗?或者处于胎儿的考虑,可能无法得到化疗?

    Could a pregnant woman be charged with child abuse if she smokes, or be denied chemotherapy if it might hurt the fetus?


  • 还有提前结束了圣训练我家附近马克公园真冰场曲棍球。

    Another time, I cut altar boy practice to play hockey on the frozen pond at Mack Park near my home.


  • 日记上整齐印度文写着:“在眼前永远不会允许发生。”

    One of the entries read, in carefully lettered Hindi: "in front of my eyes, I'll never ever allow child marriages to happen."


  • 认出这个小男孩谁家的但是起来出去走走或许会他的身体点,到外面去吃饭也能让自己提神。

    Old Chu didn't recognize whose serving boy it was, but he thought getting out of bed might do him good; a meal out would lift his spirits.


  • 暗黑猎手的贴子里合订本和单行本到底收藏哪更好

    WarChild and the Dark Huntress both asked me if it's better to collect trades or singles on the thread I set up.


  • 就像旋转式电话,在那儿做个花头或者爆炸式刘海或者彼得潘发型也行。

    Like a rotary phone where you could turn to a pageboy, or that haircut that looked like a nuclear bomb exploded your bangs. And then the Peter Pan look.


  • 直到2009年去世为人所知混乱生活方式,直受孪指控的纠緾。

    Before his death in 2009 he had become better known for his bizarre lifestyle and was dogged by allegations of child abuse.


  • 想象如果每个人都这样飞机里出来时候,飞行员门口恭候,酒店样:“希望你飞行愉快。”

    Imagine if everyone did that. As you file out of the airplane, there's the pilot, standing with his palm outstretched like a doorman who just let you into the hotel: "Hope you enjoyed your flight."


  • 进行巫术指控变相行为。

    From a child protection perspective, witchcraft accusations against children are a form of child abuse.


  • 活动,雨花婷婷幼儿园孩子爱心义工们表演了欢快的舞蹈儿歌制作了精美的贺卡和进行了集体游戏

    During the activity, the love-exchanging fans and the deaf kids performed dances and songs happily, made beautiful cards and played group games.


  • 好友起)梅丽莎•兰奏娃凯斯、莫珍妮•巴斯耶、•克里斯托弗、当•伊苟爱丽森•斯托姆共同持有集体日记帮助她们保持紧密即使她们她们不同

    Childhood friends (from left) Melissa Lanzourakis, Morgenne Basye, Tonya Christopher, Dawn Eagle and Alison Storm keep a group diary to help them stay close, even though they live in different states.


  • 好友起)梅丽莎•兰奏娃凯斯、莫珍妮•巴斯耶、•克里斯托弗、当•伊苟爱丽森•斯托姆共同持有集体日记帮助她们保持紧密即使她们她们不同

    Childhood friends (from left) Melissa Lanzourakis, Morgenne Basye, Tonya Christopher, Dawn Eagle and Alison Storm keep a group diary to help them stay close, even though they live in different states.


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