• 剑锋一睿语如是说。

    The wise saying, "The pen is mightier than the sword."


  • 但是只有极少数人(百威英博(BUD)拓便是其中)才是真正世界公民

    Only a few (A-B InBev's (BUD) Carlos Brito, for one) are true citizens of the world.


  • 眼下超便携笔记本市场均采用单核处理器产品,不过 华硕最近口气推出了7款CULV笔记本,而这些笔记本均采用新款低功耗版本的酷2双核处理器。

    These days, going with a consumer ultraportable laptop usually means settling for a single-core processor.


  • 理由认为这个失踪了”,寻找佐藤朋友在网上写道

    "I have reason to think this person is missing," a friend seeking Kimiko Sato wrote on the site.


  • 其中作者道格拉斯C认知科学博士这本重点放在了如何用和大脑运作模式匹配方法来管理组织你自己

    One of the author (Douglas C. Merrill) has a PhD in cognitive science, so this book has a strong emphasis on organizing yourself in a way that matches the way your brain works.


  • 所以都巴若那试图证明自己能力那边只需根枝杈叶子,就估算树上叶子的总数。

    So Rituparna tries to prove to him his abilities and he says, see that tree there, I can estimate how many leaves there are on that tree by counting leaves on one branch.


  • 难怪过去年中[纽约证券交易所代码VM W]年度里增长了32%。

    So it's no wonder over the past three years, VMware [NYSE: VMW] has seen its revenue climb at an annualized 32% clip.


  • 都巴若那了解赌博术,并且传授给那勒,只能是相传,因为秘密

    Rituparna tells Nala that he knows the science of gambling and he will teach it to Nala, but that it has to be done by whispering it in his ear because it's a deep and extreme secret.


  • 公司Roberts说给宠物名牌行头就成了没有孩子人们寻求溺爱替代对象,也是炫耀自己身份地位的手段。

    Pets are also getting a designer makeover as people without children look for a substitute to spoil and another way of showing off their status, according to Euromonitor's Roberts.


  • 罗凯表示:“我们努力成为解决方案部分。”

    "We are trying to be part of the solution," said Mr Rosen.


  • 尼桑北美产品规划负责人马克。佩(Mark Perry)表示:“不是老大哥’式的东西。”

    "It's not a 'Big Brother' thing," said Mark Perry, head of North Americanproduct planning for Nissan.


  • 去年这个时候得到了台崭新的DELLE6400工作用的笔记本双核2.8 Ghz,4gb内存硬盘到让忘了多少

    This time last year I got a new work laptop, a Dell E6400, dual core 2.8ghz, 4gb, enough hard disk capacity that I've forgotten what it is.


  • 域营销调研发现尽管人们大量时间(八分之在线时间)泡Facebook等网站上,但当他们希望与某家公司建立联系时,他们并不Facebook。

    The Razorfish survey found that despite the gobs of time people spend on places like Facebook (1 out of every 8 minutes online), they don't use Facebook when they want to connect with a company.


  • 该台电脑拥有2.5 -GHz英特尔2四核处理器6gb内存英特尔gma(图形媒体加速器)3100显卡

    This PC is powered by a 2.5-ghz Intel Core 2 Quad processor and has 6gbs of RAM and an Intel GMA (graphics Media Accelerator) 3100 for graphics.


  • 管理公司(Right Management)份调查显示,2011年,84%的员工计划跳槽,而去年比例仅有60%。

    According to a poll by the consultants at Right Management, some 84% of employees planned to look for jobs in 2011, up from 60% the year before.


  • 以下近来在西方社会流传具有代表性的单句语。

    Here's sampling of the some of the wittier one-lines circulating through Western society circles these days.


  • 11月7日公司宣布于年未离任。这出自彼启之手的处决——干净利落、兵不血刃

    On November 7th the firm said that Mr Pischetsrieder would leave at the end of the year.It was another swift and bloodless execution by Mr Pi? Ch.


  • 其中场筹款617日可口可乐中国总裁布鲁克斯位于北京家中举行。19日上海进行,将生产精密器件的美国固公司高管霍恩宾主持。

    One appearance will be at the Beijing home of David Brooks, a Coca Cola executive, on June 17, and the other will be in Shanghai hosted by Ted Hornbein, an executive of Richco, on June 19.


  • 新款MacBook:新的13英寸15英寸的MacBookPros都将展示3.06GHz英特尔双核处理器目前速度最快的处理器苹果曾经使用过

    New MacBooks: The new 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Pros will both showcase a 3.06 GHz Intel Core Duo processor, the fastest processor Apple has ever used.


  • 值得注意的是,13寸吋的MacBook Air虽然采用了主频1.86 GHz的酷2处理器,不过运行速度也算不上超还是要比11寸吋的Air快稍快点。

    It's worth noting that the 13-inch MacBook Air, with its faster 1.86 GHz Core 2 Duo processor, wasn't a speed demon by any stretch, but was a tad faster.


  • i7解决这个问题,处理器直接存储器联系起进行到点的数据传输不是整体传输。

    The Core i7 solves this by having processors attached directly to memory and communicating in a point-to-point rather than broadcast fashion.


  • 红杉资本(Sequoia Capital)看来投资者因为红杉资本的合伙人林君(Zappos首席财务官/首席运营官)列为Humble Bundle外部董事

    Sequoia Capital would seem to be the lead investor, given that Sequoia partner Alfred Lin (former CFO/COO at Zappos) is listed as the company's only outside director.


  • 有趣可能是,iPhone3GC达到基准点时间2GHz2双核Macbook12倍。

    Maybe even more interestingly, the current generation iPhone 3GS only takes 12 times as long to complete the benchmark as a 2GHz Core 2Duo MacBook.


  • 现在个人电脑笔记本电脑通常双核处理器(英特尔的“i3”)拥有甚至是六核处理器。

    Modern PCs and laptops typically have dual-core processors (such as the Intel core i3) and some have quad-core or even six-core chips.


  • 透露,首款酷i5Lynnfield处理器与九月中旬开始上市,正好与Windows7的推出日期保持致。

    According to our stinky tofu loving sources, the first Core i5 Lynnfield processors will start being sold sometime in mid September, just in time for Windows 7.


  • IPN250结合了GT240 96核心CUDAGPU英特尔2.26GHz双核处理器8G DDR3 SDRAM,可以提供高达390GFLOPS运算性能

    The IPN250 combines a single GT240 96-core CUDA GPU with an Intel Core2 Duo host processor operating at 2.26GHz and 8 GBytes of DDR3 SDRAM to deliver up to 390 GFLOPS of performance per card slot.


  • 没有花招了,接下来几个回合我们输赢最后回合比赛中不小心只鞋子,逗得哈哈大笑

    I do not play tricks, the next few rounds we lost win win or lose in the final round of the match, Rui Qi riding accidentally lost a shoe, makes me laugh!


  • 对科学何其深刻

    Science, this is a How deep Ferris!


  • 拿出国中基测401的成绩单,收到台中中的录取通知,不过选择舍弃心中的志愿。

    Showing off her 401 point test score, Chen Ruiting has been accepted by Taichung Girl's Senior High, but has decided not to go to her first choice school.


  • 拿出国中基测401的成绩单,收到台中中的录取通知,不过选择舍弃心中的志愿。

    Showing off her 401 point test score, Chen Ruiting has been accepted by Taichung Girl's Senior High, but has decided not to go to her first choice school.


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