• 京都知事表示:“疫苗带来了线希望,我们将能够在7月23日到8月8日期间享奥运会。”

    The Tokyo governor said, "Vaccines have brought a ray of hope and we will be able to enjoy the Games from July 23 to August 8."


  • 可以首歌破费之前,同时如果你每月花费五美元升级帐户,则能够免除广告的打扰并且享受无限听服务

    You can listen to a song five full times before having to pay for it, and a premium account without the ads and unlimited streaming ability is only five bucks a month.


  • 结果:到目前为止减掉了35皮肤更光滑大便十分眼睛明亮了,切都非常好!

    Results: Lost 35 pounds so far, skin is clear, poops are out of this world, eyes are clear, all is good!


  • 梦想着可以我们加勒比蜜月之旅浅酌甜美的鸡尾酒蔚蓝的大海新婚丈夫慵懒地躺在床上休憩。

    I'd been dreaming about fruity cocktails, swimming in the bright-blue sea, and lounging in bed with my new husband on our Caribbean honeymoon.


  • 就读于北大医学专业年级,18岁的(音译)表示这样课程新生们的欢迎。

    Gao Chang, 18, a medical science freshman at Peking University, said such courses are very popular among new students.


  • 其实只是令人心微笑而已

    Well, it is just a pleasant smile.


  • 接到儿子电话后父亲立即租车临近河北省衡水市农村老家赶到北京

    As soon as he received his son's call, Liu's father raced to Beijing in a rented vehicle, driving all the way from a rural area near Hengshui city in Hebei province.


  • 但是活动可以科学家们实验室,让他们进入社区吃饭喝茶的时候料科学。

    But there is a movement to bring scientists out of the lab and into the community for a chat over dinner and drinks.


  • 我们比较大盛会并且(与他人)所有发生我们生活中的

    We have a big feast and chat about all the things that have happened in our lives.


  • KTV位于南阳方城,业主希望设计师可以新鲜时尚潮流娱乐理念带入到这个城市从而成为方地标

    Chang song KTV in nanyang Fang Cheng, owner hope stylist can bring fresh, fashion, the trend of entertainment concept into the city, and become a landmark.


  • 读者热切投入大脑便悠游各种新知有趣的故事中

    Once a reader dives in, the brain swims in all kinds of new knowledge or interesting stories.


  • 如果客户地板辐射供暖系统作为附属系统,他们可以更少使用空调舒适生活

    If client family uses floor panel heating system just as subsidiary system, they can have a comfortable life with less air-conditioning facilities.


  • 真的开始喜欢了,看起来我们相处真的很好,我们共同的爱好,我们起欢笑,我们

    I am starting to really like him, and we seem to get along really well - we laugh a lot, have good conversations, and have similar interests.


  • 北京科技有限公司成立于2006年初家及软件开发销售高科技公司

    Beijing Chang Luan Technology Limited, was established in early 2006, and is a software development and sales and in one of the high-tech companies.


  • 凯投宏观马克·威廉姆斯测算,如果GDP平减指数更加精确,那么季度实际增长率将会再二个百分点。

    Had the GDP deflator been more accurate, Chang Liu and Mark Williams of Capital Economics reckon, real growth in the first quarter would have been one or two percentage points lower.


  • 那些运动型的人来说,还有什么学习之余、约上三五好友轻松下午来得更惬意呢?

    But for those who are not that sporty, what could be nicer than having a relaxing afternoon tea with a few good friends and taking a break from studying?


  • 不过令人心微笑而已。由衷地热爱同胞的微笑。

    The smile that bubbles from the heart that loves tis fellow men.


  • 亲爱的我们人间相爱成为痛苦错误的时候,有什么来生工作蝴蝶那么幸福的呢?。

    My dear, when we love in this world turned into painful mistake, why not lets become into butterflies and dancing lightly and happily in our next samsara?


  • 南巡的时候无锡的寄园,第二早就品尝当地的小包,之后小笼包就红的发紫啦!

    The first time when the southern tour, living in Wuxi sent Chang Park, the next morning to taste the local dumplings, and after the dumplings have been red and purple it!


  • 工人

    Qu Chang is a worker.


  • 所欲言意在求新公司企业精神激励着

    "Speaks freely, intends to strives for newly" is company's spirit of enterprise is driving each smooth Italian person.


  • 眼角,转而惊喜着刘道:“看看是谁

    "The canthus sweeps to a person and corners but the startle ground clap Liu Chang Dao:"Is your seeing that who?


  • 在从书架本书

    Take just one book off your shelf and read it - and enjoy it.


  • 记者蜂拥而上,前去欢迎载誉归来英雄鲜花掌声面前,英雄激动说。

    The reporters came in droves to welcome the hero returning home with high praise. In the face of flowers and applause, he waxed eloquent excitedly about his space trip.


  • 假如不在了,我希望过的幸福,我远方看着你。

    Chang, if one day, I'm not, I hope you happy, I look at you in the far distance.


  • 分析我国化肥市场、两年滞、年平”的运行规律以及化肥积压滞销的深层次原因,并提出了若干政策性建议。

    The operation regular pattern of fertilizer market, e. g. two year vigorous, two year stagnant and one year level, together with its reasons have been introduced in this paper.


  • 留言看后无语相信那些不是真实表达不是最在乎以来支持我的朋友们、不是最可爱的迷们写下的话。

    There are also some messages which really have made me speechless. I don't think that is true expression, not from my friends who have been consistently supporting me, not from my lovely fans.


  • 最能赋予生命价值代价最廉回报最多东西不过令人心微笑而已。英语经典双语美文文章。 。

    Thee thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.


  • 最能赋予生命价值代价最廉回报最多东西不过令人心微笑而已。英语经典双语美文文章。 。

    Thee thing that goes the farthest toward making life worthwhile, that costs the least and does the most, is just a pleasant smile.


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