• 故事不是随意,而是对一生价值成就的描述。

    The memory he relates is not a random one; it's a narrative that expresses the values and accomplishments of a lifetime.


  • 正如单调乏味几年厌倦一生价值预备因此发掘无聊乏味之外存在的奢华悲惨世界是有裨益的。

    Just as being bored by years of monotony is a valuable preparation for life, so is finding out that there's a world of luxury and misery beyond that tedium.


  • 故事精彩,但是华盛顿一生也没体现别的价值。华盛顿本人从未提及这件事。

    It's a good story, but it appears in no other accounts of Washington's life and was never mentioned by Washington himself.


  • 也许是Weinberg一生最有价值半个小时。

    That may have been the most productive half-hour of Weinberg's life.


  • 我们如何衡量时间价值如何使用我们时间分享以及每天每周终其一生要完成的“成就到底是什么呢?

    How do we measure the value of our time, how we spend it, who we share it with, and what "gets done" in a day, a week, or a lifetime?


  • 企业所面对战略问题如何找到一种方式通过提供生态学可行服务能为态系统贡献价值,又能从中获取价值

    The strategic question for an enterprise is how to find way of both contributing value to the ecosystem, and drawing value from the ecosystem, through the provision of ecologically viable services.


  • 早期地下采煤时候,矿井中的金丝雀常常拥有短暂价值一生

    In the early days of underground coal mining, pit canaries often had short but valuable lives.


  • 经历一生最有价值而且我们之间建立友谊将会天长地久的。

    The experience here will be the most valuable treasure in my life and all of us will keep the friendship.


  • 或许是继承得来的,一生并未任何价值的事情。

    Perhaps he inherited his money, and has done nothing of value in his life.


  • 就是一生已经找到价值而且如果有机会愿意它一次。

    This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.


  • 可是极其珍贵的因为一生可以很多价值的事。

    And yet it is infinitely precious, because much "valuable" can be done.


  • 甚至不能一生最有价值,因为我知道Yvette的将来究竟如何。

    Not knowing how Yvette will develop, I can't even say it will turn out to be the most rewarding thing I ever do.


  • 那些经历风雨坎坷困难不停跋涉所以一生过后他们就留下了价值脚印

    While those who experienced ups and downs of the weather and the people during difficult times non-stop journey, so after a lifetime, they left a valuable footprints.


  • 一生最大的敌人不是敌人,而是自己只要超越自我才懂得怎样衡量别人价值明白如何接纳自己以为一切

    Man's greatest enemy is not the enemy, but myself, just beyond the self to know how to measure the value of others, just understand how to accept ourselves thought everything.


  • 1950年,首任丈夫尼克希尔顿赠送给她价值1万美元的铂金钻戒。 这份礼物连同她婚姻堪称她一生至此重要的际遇

    So the $10, 000 diamond and platinum ring that Nicky Hilton, the first of her seven husbands, presented to her in 1950 was the biggest thing that had so far happened to her, as marriage was.


  • 仅此一生而已,需要尽力而为创造什么,身边人的生活增加价值

    You only have one life in this body so make the most of it by creating something that adds value to those around you.


  • 习惯一生当中最有价值财产

    Good habits are the most valuable asset in life.


  • 做成任何件有价值工作需要付出何等昂贵的代价,需要付出整整一生

    Make any a valuable work need how expensive cost, need to pay for a lifetime!


  • 就是一生已经找到价值而且如果有机会愿意一次。(全文终)

    This has been my life. I have found it worth living. And I would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.


  • 这就是一生已经找到价值而且如果有机会愿意它一次。

    T his has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.


  • 一生总是不断追求完美过程实现自我价值

    A person's life always aims at achieving self-worth during the process of constant pursuit of perfection.


  • 艾玛一生都在追求浪漫理想爱情追求爱情过程也是作为一个女性追求自由浪漫,实现自我价值的过程。

    Emma's life witnessed her consistent pursuit of romantic and perfect love. The experience is also one that seeks for freedom, romantic love, and self-fulfillment as a woman.


  • 哲学观蕴涵着极为丰富潜科学价值现实意义

    This Daoist understanding of life philosophy is an extremely rich source of potential scientific value and practical significance.


  • 公司主要目的客户创造价值获得一生忠诚

    Companies main purpose is to create value for customers in order to earn them lifetime loyalty.


  • 因为终生行业学习到种有价值技能如果这一行业所抛弃,我一生所学技能对于其他行业便毫无用处

    Because my life would be dedicated to learn a skill that was valuable in only one industry. If I were pushed out of that industry, my life's skills would not be as valuable to another industry.


  • 也许会发现自己所列清单如果自己一生总是很多的遗憾错误那么你会觉得一生价值吗?

    You may find yourself listed in the list is very long, if your life is always a lot of regrets and mistakes, then you will find in this life worth it?


  • 也许会发现自己所列清单如果自己一生总是很多的遗憾错误那么你会觉得一生价值吗?

    You may find yourself listed in the list is very long, if your life is always a lot of regrets and mistakes, then you will find in this life worth it?


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