• 甚至那些一点或者根本没有Domino管理经验的人可以阅读本文

    Even those with little to no Domino administration experience can follow this article.


  • 话说,不仅国家应该指定人民应该如何思考而且事实上国家根本没有能力做到一点

    In other words, not only should the state not dictate what people ought to think, it is also fundamentally incapable of doing so.


  • 糟糕管理根本导致许多项目失败一点不意外。

    It is hardly accidental that poor management is the root cause of many project failures.


  • 这个男人梦中情人照片上抬头看了一眼专注杂志根本一点好奇这个高挑的寻常女人发现了什么好笑的事。

    The man looked up once from the pictures of his dream girl then returned to his magazine, not the least curious about this tall, plain woman and what she found so funny.


  • 此外美国现在根本没有资源资金一个非洲这么大和复杂的大陆充当警察欧洲盟友可能做到一点

    Furthermore, the United States simply does not have the resources or the wherewithal to police a continent as vast and troubled as Africa; nor do its European Allies.


  • 一点应该引起注意,“公共通道根本算不上一个通道,尽管这种通道可以实现

    It should be noted that "public" chat is not a channel at all, though it could be implemented as such.


  • 显然所描述一些也根本不该被监禁有些并不太坏,只是疯狂一些更沮丧一点

    Clearly some of the people he describes don't belong in prison at all; some are more mad or sad than bad.


  • 莎特站队里,耳朵里棉花出来一点前面巨人了什么。他们说的肮脏,莉莎特根本不出口,没法写出来。

    Lizette took her place in line and (taking some of the cotton out of one ear) listened to the giants ahead of her, but they were speaking words too ugly for Lizette to say or for me to write here.


  • 设计一点不同于别的摩托它们身上获得什么灵感,它身上根本没有任何物体设计,恰恰代表了它自己

    Truly unlike any other bike design out there NONOBJECT designed this bike to stand on its own in terms of design rather than take inspiration from every other bike concept out there.


  • 我国纺织公司钢铁公司一点担心进口货因为那时根本没有什么进口货可言

    Our textile and steel companies never worried about imports, as there weren' t any to speak of.


  • 事实上编制程序(已经20多年了)根本一点艺术至少不小说(我干一行已经有20多年了)那样艺术。

    Crafting a program (and I've done this for over 20 years) is, in fact, nothing at all like art-at least not the art of writing fiction (and I've done that for over 20 years as well).


  • 当时没有一点兴趣,我不用ubuntu根本没有想到那么多人面前我还接受

    I really had no interest, I didn't use Ubuntu, didn't thinkI'd be welcome on a number of fronts.


  • 即使这样,如果如今希望回到苏联极其愚蠢的,干脆的说我一点不想因为根本适应不了。

    Still it would be insane to wish for USSR to return at this point, and I definitely would not want that - I wouldn't be able to adapt.


  • 感情属于的时候,根本没有一点价值所以不必认为损失

    When a feelings do not belong to you, there is no value for you, so you don't have to think it is a kind of damage.


  • 埃塞俄比亚仅有的一点耕地根本无法养活那么人口完全依靠降雨的农田因常年干旱而荒芜。

    Ethiopia still has too many people eking out a living on too little land, depending on rains that can never be relied on.


  • 小红帽走进森林遇到了大灰狼一点也害怕因为根本知道大灰狼很凶猛

    When Little Red Riding Hood walked into the forest? She met a Wolf. But she didn't know the Wolf was fierce? So she was not afraid of him.


  • 语气不是信服根本一点不。

    She didn't sound totally convinced, not by any means.


  • 的话不仅体面也根本说,表现出了我是个教养人,而且说得颇有特点,一点主要的。

    I did not only speak with propriety - those is, clarifying I were a man of decent breeding, but I spoke with originality and those were the chief thing.


  • 超过,世界最好天气预报只是一种推测,如果超过天或七天根本一点价值没有了。

    Beyond two or three days, the world's best weather forecasts are speculative, and beyond six or seven they are worthless.


  • 抓住根本就是「但得本,莫」,对于枝末问题不用忧愁了,这样一点一点慢慢都会明白的。

    " Holding to what is basic, you "only attain the root, and don't worry about the branchtips. " There's no need to worry about unimportant matters; bit by bit, everything will become clear to you.


  • 就是爱情体会到一点根本存在出路,存在幻想

    It was in love that I realized this to be so. There is no excape. There are only illusions.


  • 根本不知道他们多少收入,从来没有考虑一点

    This event had at last been despaired of, but it was then too late to be saving. Mrs.


  • 或许别人所说的,根本没有一点什么爱。

    Perhaps like what others say, you didn't love me, don't know what is love.


  • 然后毫不犹豫地,一点也浪漫声音回答到:“那种情况下根本不会受伤,我宁可到我自己。”

    He then said without any hesitation in his firm, unromantic voice, "I won't make you hurt in that case. I would rather hurt myself instead."


  • 这句话意思是:“到了偶这个年龄根本不用担心的车那些女孩子什么印象。”偶所要的就是辆便宜一点的车,既可以靠它天天上班不要很多保养

    I'm too old to worry about impressing the girls. All I want is a cheap set of wheels I can count on to get me to work every day and that doesn't cost a lot to keep running.


  • 这句话意思是:“到了偶这个年龄根本不用担心的车那些女孩子什么印象。”偶所要的就是辆便宜一点的车,既可以靠它天天上班不要很多保养

    I'm too old to worry about impressing the girls. All I want is a cheap set of wheels I can count on to get me to work every day and that doesn't cost a lot to keep running.


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