• 取样信号T3为取样变压器,将整流变压器一次电压(0 ~ 380v)变为0 ~10v交流电压

    T3 on sampling signal panel is sampling transformer, which can convert primary voltage (0 ~ 380v) of primary transformer into 0 ~ 10v AC voltage.


  • 并以额定电压35KV,额定二次电压100V,额定频率50HZ电压互感器为例,进行了有限元分析计算优化设计

    As an example, Finite element analysis and optimization design are made to a voltage transformer of rating primary voltage 35KV, rating secondary voltage 100V, rating frequency 50HZ.


  • 电容器电压达到一定程度便会激活晶体管;晶体管打开雨刷运转一次

    When the voltage in the capacitor reached a certain level, it triggered the transistor; the transistor turned on, and the wipers wiped once.


  • 为了解决这个问题我们可以多个柠檬电池串联起来一次产生较高电压

    To solve this problem we can combine battery cells to create higher voltages.


  • 起初房间里上百台计算机好像上百电压穿过墙上电线一样看起来有点咄咄逼人

    Hundreds of computers in a room could seem intimidating at first, just as hundreds of volts coursing through wires in the walls did at one time.


  • 尝试两个加快对立质子以3.5兆电子伏特电压加速,遭到了失败只是无意中关闭电源一个新的磁保护系统跳闸倾翻质子

    The first attempt to accelerate each of two opposing beams of protons to 3.5 TeV apiece failed when a power supply shut down inadvertently and a new magnet-protection system tripped, dumping the beam.


  • 电动机能量来源于组506电池组,豹公司表示,在240电压一次充满需要6小时

    Power for the electric motors comes from a 506-pound lithium-ion battery pack, which Jaguar claims takes a full charge in just 6 hours at 240 volts.


  • 拥有更低峰值电流场效应晶体管漏源极开通电压800伏特谐振设计展示出传导电磁干扰降低优势

    The 800v quasi resonant design with lower current peak and lower drain-source voltage during turning on of the MOSFET demonstrates advantages in conducted EMI spectra regarding the primary side.


  • 一次回路试送电过程,要特别注意电压互感器电缆的情况;

    When performing AC voltage testing on the main circuits, pay special attention during this procedure to voltage transformers, cables, etc.


  • 对于线性模拟电路节点电压关系函数函数,函数的斜率可以作为故障模型,同时可以诊断故障参数(软)故障。

    For linear analog circuits, the voltage relation function is a linear function and the slope can be the fault character to diagnose both catastrophic faults and parametric faults.


  • 电感电流断续工作的式变换器开关工作开关谐振(或值开关或零电压开关)模式。

    The flyback converter running in discontinuous conduction mode can be operated in hard switching or quasi resonant (or valley switching, or ZVS) mode regarding the primary side switch.


  • 例如,测量标准电池电压最好的方法仪器标准电池的连接线反向再作一次测量,然后对两次测量的读数进行平均

    For example, the voltage difference between two standard cells is best observed by reversing the instrument connections to the cells and averaging the two readings.


  • 采用了从一次系统试验电压方法进行发变组保护TA、TV回路试验的方法;

    The method of adding voltage to the equipment is applied to test the circuit of the TA and TV.


  • 高压开关柜温度过高而造成事故时有发生,由于处于电压状态该处温度监测较为困难

    The accident happens from time to time due to high temperature of main contacts inside HV switchgear cabinet. It is difficult to monitor the temperature there under high voltage condition.


  • 额定一次电流、额定电压准确级组合、额定输出及额定热稳定电流

    Rated primary current, rated voltage ratio, accuracy combination, rated output, rated dynamic and thermal current see form.


  • 我校继成功地将低电压电磁压制应用金属粉末压制,再一次率先将工艺引入功能陶瓷粉末的压制上。

    After applying the technology of low-voltage electromagnetic compaction into making metal powder products, we tried to introduce this technology into the compaction of ceramics powder.


  • 亨利示意助手线圈断开连接,此时,电流计上一次指示出电压这次电压反向的。

    Henry signalled his assistant to disconnect the coil. The galvanometer showed that once again a voltage had been produced, although this time in the opposite direction.


  • 一年巴塞罗那马德里最后一次火车旅行突然一场暴风雪中,个没有电压地方突然停止了。

    The last train travel of the year from Barcelona to Madrid, suddenly stops by a voltage drop in the middle of nowhere during a fierce snowstorm.


  • 尤其发电机变压器高压电动机电压互感器开关、电容式电压互感器电流互感器一次设备深入的了解

    In particular, the generators, transformers, high voltage motors, voltage transformers, switches, CVT, a current transformer and other equipment have an in-depth understanding.


  • 通过选择合适匝数输入电压任意转换成所希望的二次侧开路电压

    It has been shown that a primary input voltage can be transformed to any desired open-circuit secondary voltage by a suitable choice of turns ratio.


  • 呜兹一次过了500电压一样,全身的都直竖起来,眼睛几乎地上颗大牙不停地铛铛铛打颤

    Woods like 500 volts over again, like all body hair ruffled, eyes wide almost fell to the ground, the four teeth of the chattering constantly clang clang.


  • 该机矩形封闭电压互感器铁芯直接线圈,为之首创。

    The machine directly winds the primary coil on the rectangular enclosed voltage transformer core, which is originated by our institute.


  • 如果改变模式,只要不是正处于充电过程中,一次电池电压可能不会被保留

    If you change the mode Settings, the previous cell voltage values may be erased if the cycle does not include an immediate charge.


  • 互感器绕组重复耐压试验规定试验电压值的80%下进行。

    The testing voltage of the secondary winding of transformer has to be 80% stipulated testing voltage while repeated power frequency voltage with-stand test needed.


  • 实现整个电能表测过程一次性完成电流电压辅助接线端子自动对接

    The invention can realize automatic contact joint of the current, the voltage and the assistant wire connecting terminal in the whole electric energy testing process at one time.


  • 为了一次计算中抽取宽频带散射参量引入特征阻抗概念用于分离入射电压反射电压波;

    In order to extract wide-band scattering parameters by one computation, the concept of characteristic impedance is introduced to separate transmitted and reflected voltage waves.


  • 测量滤波电容电压测量数目等于至少产生至少一个结果确定接近性检测测量电容。

    A voltage is measured on the filter capacitance for a number of measurements equal to at least one to produce at least one result to determine the measurable capacitance for proximity detection.


  • 测量滤波电容电压测量数目等于至少产生至少一个结果确定接近性检测测量电容。

    A voltage is measured on the filter capacitance for a number of measurements equal to at least one to produce at least one result to determine the measurable capacitance for proximity detection.


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