• 变换具有最优稀疏约束条件能使次波函数投影能量尽可能

    The transform is characterized by optimum sparseness constraint condition that makes the mapping energy of primary reflections on a set of basis function as small as possible.


  • 处理结果表明聚束方法可以消除相对强的多次增强一次

    The processing results show that beam-forming filtering method can attenuate some relatively very strong multiples generated by coral riff and enhance the relatively weak primaries.


  • 姨妈懊恼居然忽略了这个明摆着事实,因此错过了一次机会。

    Aunt Polly was vexed to think she had overlooked that bit of circumstantial evidence, and missed a trick.


  • 印第安纳利斯著名赛事印第安纳利斯500,每年举行一次的、受欢迎的500英里(805公里汽车

    Indianapolis is best known for the Indianapolis 500, which is a popular 500-mile (805 km) automobile race held once every year.


  • 今年3月亚历山大·利亚科夫领奖时说,获得300万美元的基础物理学奖金确实一次有趣的体验

    The US $ 3-million Fundamental Physics Prize is indeed an interesting experiment, as Alexander Polyakov said when he accepted this year's award in March.


  • 亨德森记起华盛顿出差的途中一次拉德结识的。

    Henderson recalled that he first met Pollard during a business trip to Washington.


  • 功地跳完一次“林舞”后,他们把杆子放低,再做一次

    After a successful "limbo", they put the pole lower and do it again.


  • 南丹麦大学的埃尔维斯·格·徐介绍,一次性口罩是塑料制品。

    According to Elvis Genbo Xu from the University of Southern Denmark, disposable masks are plastic products.


  • 虽然一次也同样令伤心欲绝,但是知道学会怜悯对了这件事,这都多亏,是它教会了一课

    This time, although extremely painful, I knew that I did the right thing out of compassion, thanks to the lesson Pepper taught me.


  • 如果科技想像成一系列一次取代过去可能移动应用上升引导断定基于浏览器的网页一个将死者

    If you think about technology as a series of waves, each displacing the last, perhaps the rise of mobile apps would lead you to conclude that the browser-based web is a goner.


  • 探测一次地震好比要听到雷声并且雨淋透之前看到闪电

    Detecting the primary waves from an earthquake is like seeing the flash of lightning before hearing the thunder and getting drenched by the rain.


  • 一旦病毒活动减弱关键沟通会议有助于减轻出现下传染可能性

    Once the level of disease activity drops, a critical communications task will be to balance this information with the possibility of another wave.


  • 好的机会实践多罗技术自己可以安排增加时间停顿间隔时间管理技术。

    This might be an excellent time to experiment with the Pomodoro technique, a time management technique where you budget your time into short increments and take breaks periodically.


  • 令人惊讶发现中,米切尔·内丽正确预测了成功引导硅片上的可以附近的另一条硅片产生机械的作用。

    In one surprising finding, Povinelli correctly predicted that light being guided down a strip of silicon would exert a mechanical force on an adjacent strip.


  • 罗马尼亚体操事业青黄不接的时候,卡特琳娜诺尔一次全国比赛中脱颖而出,入选国家队

    During a period when Romanian gymnastics needed new talent, Catalina Ponor was spotted during a nationwide talent search and chosen to train with the national team.


  • 俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫也说,希望明年春季莫斯科举行另外和平会议继续安纳利斯会议上开始的努力

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov also expressed hope a new peace conference, to be held next spring in Moscow, will continue the work begun at Annapolis.


  • 利特·科夫斯·卡娅安之若素,她往返50次,常常停留数日。

    Ms Politkovskaya was unfazed, making around 50 trips there, often for days at a time.


  • 卡尔卡斯帕罗夫之间的比赛记录共144局,包括1984年9月到1985年2月的棋王争霸赛中的40和局,两人之间最近一次交手是2002年。

    Karpov and Kasparov have played each other in a record 144 games, including 40 drawn games in their world title bout between September 1984 and February 1985. The two last played each other in 2002.


  • 重力频率30一次

    Gravity waves have a frequency of about once every 30 seconds.


  • 互联网热潮易手资金远远少于一次热潮。

    Much less money is changing hands in the current dotcom boom than in the last one.


  • Freund继续说道这个地区几个世纪以来都海啸记载其中最大1755年11月,高达10层楼的袭击了里斯本

    Freund says tsunamis in the region have been documented for centuries with one of the largest reported in November 1755 hitting Lisbon with a 10-story tidal wave.


  • 最近金牌2007年3月举行Yonex全英羽毛球公开赛上与郑搭档在三轮的决赛击败了英国组合克洛AnthonyClark

    Her most recent medal was in March 2007 at the Yonex All England Open Badminton Championships where she partnered Zheng Bo and defeated British pair Donna Kellogg and Anthony Clark in a 3 game final.


  • 第一广泛使用拒绝服务(denial-of-service)攻击当中,攻击令 Amazon.comeBay等其他网站陷于瘫痪,此类攻击利用虚假流量洪水般地冲击一个网站,虚假流量如此之大致使合法用户不能访问网站。

    eBay and other sites are crippled in one of the first widespread uses of the denial-of-service attack, which floods a site with so much bogus traffic that legitimate users cannot visit.


  • 笔者了蒙大拿州的沃尔夫因特(WolfPoint佩克印第安人保留地并见证该地一次巫医仪式。

    The author went to a powwow on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation outside Wolf Point, Mont.


  • 其中获得聚拢了1000的参与,他们同意捐献数百万美元解决非洲艾滋病问题,前提U2的主唱诺(Bono)退出公众生活

    One amassed 1,000 people committed to donating millions of dollars toward solving Africa's AIDS epidemic — on the condition that u2 front man Bono would retire from public life.


  • 为了记住这一点,随身携带填充绒毛玩具,是佛罗里达一次演讲结束时·玛丽带给我的一只斑点同时还有一个装有枚硬币塑料袋

    To remind me of that, I carry a stuffed toy, a small spotted dog that five-year-old Amber Mary brought me, along with a plastic bag holding a few pennies, at the end of a talk I gave in Florida.


  • 大约在公元3世纪利·尼亚一次航海这个小岛

    Some time around the 3rd century A.D, Polynesians first sailed to the island.


  • 大约在公元3世纪利·尼亚一次航海这个小岛

    Some time around the 3rd century A.D, Polynesians first sailed to the island.


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