• 阻止了一次传球并且完成了次特勤组拦截

    He has also knocked down one pass and added three special teams tackles.


  • 4可以带球猛冲,可以全场范围内传球但是完成一次传球还是那么困难

    The quarterback can run with the ball. He has the whole field to throw to, and it’s still damned difficult to complete a pass.


  • 前者是在选秀日底特律雄狮交易来的球员,从2005年开始他还没有常规赛中作出一次传球

    McCown was part of a draft-day trade with Detroit and hasn't thrown a pass in a regular-season game since 2005.


  • 赛后儿子告诉同一位教练如何赞扬自己的球队的,同时也是如何地高度赞扬我们球队的一次传球或者争顶的。

    Afterwards my son told me how the same coach spent the rest of the game praising not only his own side but every pass and header from ours.


  • 通过计算完成一次射门所需传球次数路径,研究人员即可判断出球员的水平。

    And they were able to rank players based on how many times and ways the ball passed through them to finish a given shot.


  • 替补托尼·克洛斯获得波多尔斯基交叉传球一次触球就差点替德国队得分,但是卡西利亚斯挡开了的射门。

    Substitute Toni Kroos nearly scored with his first touch for Germany as he was found by a Podolski cross but Casillas parried his volley.


  • 杰拉德左路用一次美妙传球球传给门柱的谢鲁,后者高高跃起顶进了比赛的致胜球。

    Steven Gerrard powered down the left and when he produced a sublime cross to the far post Cheyrou rose to power in what proved to be the winner.


  • 一次背后传球,球(竟然!)落边线手中

    I once tried a behind-the-back pass that (surprise!) ended up in the hands of a person on the sidelines.


  • 一次鲜见的突袭达夫本切入前,接过传球左脚打门,但角度被瓦尔德斯封住。

    On a rare foray Duff struck a half volley wide before Robben cut inside onto his left foot and from the angle brought a save from Valdes.


  • 本文足球比赛一次传球方式作用特点训练方法分别了阐述

    This paper respectively elaborates the form, function, characteristics and training measures of ball-passing at one time in football contest.


  • 甚至半个玉米条发型越位也没有抓住了一次来自另一位上年纪带着一点常识男人)的完美计算的传球

    Drogba, not even half a cornrow offside, latched on to a perfectly weighted ball from Ballack, another elderly chap with a bit of nous about him.


  • 再说一次依赖球员质量,为了保住领先传球可以减慢尽量球。或者加快球速尽可能的将危险区域踢向前方。

    Again, depending on the player types, passing can slow down when defending a lead to try and get more possession, or speed up to get the ball up the pitch and away from danger as quickly as possible.


  • 梅西哥伦比亚90分钟比赛最好表现就是上半场传给边锋队员埃泽奎尔?拉维奇的漂亮的直传球,让他机会将球踢哥伦比亚队的球网

    Thee best thing Messi did in the 90 minutes against Colombia was the brilliant through-ball to Ezequiel Lavezzi in the first half that the winger should have buried in the Colombia net.


  • 科尔上半场直接面对守门员错过了机会,赛后透露认为必须传球射门机会的队友们一些赔偿。

    Cole had missed a straightforward chance in the first half, and revealed that he thought he would have to make amends to the friends that had backed him to score.


  • 罗马卡拉泽本场漂亮的传中帮助克雷斯波头球破门,谈到表现卡拉泽说:“是的一次美妙的传球尤其是我们带来了胜利

    ROME - Kakha Kaladze, who played the delicious cross that set up Hernan Crespo's goal, spoke about his performance and admitted: 'Yes, it was a beautiful cross, especially as it gave us a victory.


  • 罗比尼奥51分钟丧失缩小比分的机会,接拉诺的传球却把球打飞。

    Robinho spurned a good chance to reduce the deficit in the 51st minute, the Brazilian firing high and wide after Elano had unlocked the United defence.


  • 第29分钟葡萄牙门将一次证明了自己小罗非常有想像力的传球找到了哈维后者的射门势大力沉,角度刁钻,但希拉里奥稳稳的扑住了来球。

    On 29 minutes the Portuguese again acquitted himself well — saving low at his near post from Xavi after a very good Barcelona move in which Ronaldinho's speed of thought was key.


  • 队伍中永远不乏年轻、充满活力的足球天才但是对于最后参加重大比赛的安德烈亚•皮尔洛,届时他一次完美精准的传球成为本场比赛最大的看点。

    There are younger legs and livelier talents in this squad but for one last time at a major tournament just sit back and savour each and every perfectly-placed pass from Andrea Pirlo.


  • 但是对于足球本身兴趣,球场上发生的事情,好的传球优秀视野,一个好的团队精神这些更感兴趣。

    But I am interested in football more, what is happening on the pitch, a good pass, good vision, a good team spirit.


  • 蕾切尔妍吉60秒内获得射门的机会,当时她在禁区右侧接到威廉姆斯菲呢的传球,这位阿森纳队边锋射门稍稍偏出立柱。

    Rachel Yankey had the first effort on goal inside 60 seconds, in space on the left flank and found by Fara Williams, the Arsenal winger's effort sailed narrowly over the bar.


  • 蕾切尔妍吉60秒内获得射门的机会,当时她在禁区右侧接到威廉姆斯菲呢的传球,这位阿森纳队边锋射门稍稍偏出立柱。

    Rachel Yankey had the first effort on goal inside 60 seconds, in space on the left flank and found by Fara Williams, the Arsenal winger's effort sailed narrowly over the bar.


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