• 希望队员能够拥有和上赛季一样心态

    I hope that the players will take to the field with the same spirit as last season.


  • 键盘布局一样心态表示现在我们规划本土其他事情

    The keyboard layout is like a representation of the mindset I'm currently in: US for programming, native for other things.


  • 所以为什么一开头就把作为话题来谈尽管现在收藏你的作品不是像收藏凡高毕加索一样心态去收藏。

    So, that's why I took your works as the beginning of the topic, though people who collect your works have a different state of mind with that of collecting van Gogh and Picasso.


  • 最后他回想卡斯特罗安哥拉钻石放进高斯巴雪茄盒里情景,写道:“有时卡斯特罗还怀有跟加勒比海盗一样心态。”

    Recalling how Castro kept Angolan diamonds in a Cohiba cigar box, he writes: "Sometimes, Fidel had a little of the mentality of a pirate of the Caribbean. ""


  • 整个国家都处于某种烦闷抓狂心态中,就像中期选举的选民习惯性地这种心态归咎于总统所属的政党一样

    The country is in the sort of unhappy and scratchy mood that voters in mid-terms habitually take out on the president's party.


  • 尽管没有限制心态不是这种想法应该是绕过界限陷阱一样抑制界限最终解决它们

    The no limit mindset doesn’t really like this idea, though; it avoids boundaries and dismisses them as snares that would hold it down.


  • 认为初心就是那种孩子一样面对生活心态充满好奇探索惊诧

    I think of beginner's mind as the mind that faces life like a small child, full of curiosity and wonder and amazement.


  • 一位核能源官员叹息道,“遇见TEPCO的行政人员时,我没有看见任何心态改变好像什么都没一样”。

    When I meet with TEPCO officials, I don’t see any change in mindset; it’s as if nothing has changed, ” sighs a nuclear-energy official.


  • 还是以前一样考试,你的心态没有大起大落但是最后你就是考差了,于是大家都想你的心态是不是不够沉稳

    It has nothing to do with your psychological condition at that moment.You still take the exam as you used to and your mood does not change at all, but you do not perform well.


  • 金融市场的传统声明这次情况会一样的简单的乐观心态离开交易场所方式

    Financial-market lore has it that utteringthis time is differentis the easiest way to get laughed off a trading floor.


  • 还是以前一样考试你的并没有大起大落,但是最后你就是考了,于是大家都在想你的心态是不是不够沉稳

    You still take the exam as you used to and your mood does not change at all, but you do not perform well. Then everyone is pondering whether your psychology is not stable enough.


  • 初学者心态正如一个新生儿面对这个世界一样,永远充满好奇、求知欲、赞叹

    Think of beginner's mind as the mind that faces life like a small child, full of curiosity and wonder and amazement.


  • 坚固的代码突破注入这样一种心态安全的代码同样应该成为引以为傲的源泉,优雅的、表现出色质量代码一样

    Rugged code is a way of breaking through and instilling a mindset that secure code should be a pride-of-ownership issue just as much as elegant, high performing, and high quality code is.


  • 不想变得落伍,我真的不理解现在社会心态好像什么动作如果没有被大家广泛传播就毫无价值一样

    I don't want to be controversial, but I don't understand the current frame of mind in our society that seems to say that any action is not of value until it's broadcast somehow.


  • 若不是一次契机,西班牙来到南非的时候恐怕另一心态,当然夺冠的可能性会不一样了。

    Without it, attitudes coming into South Africa would surely be very different. The chances too.


  • 海蒂一样也是拥有CEO心态模特。 她同样成功地自己一个漂亮人体模特升格媒体中的显赫人物

    Like Heidi, she was a model with a CEO attitude that had successfully transitioned from pretty mannequin to media mogul.


  • 狄乔,此后心态有了很大改变,以至于老板都说,好像哪里一样了? 2010年至今,狄乔的销售业绩去年翻了一番。

    Mr. Di Cio and says his outlook improved so much that his boss asked, 'What's different about you?' His 2010 sales have doubled over a year earlier.


  • 我们环境一样,我们的心态不同

    The environment of our place is different, our mindset also different.


  • 同样生活境遇,同样一件事不同心态出现完全不一样看法

    The same living conditions, the same thing will be different because of the mentality of people there totally different view.


  • 尽管没有限制心态不是这种想法应该是绕过界限陷阱一样抑制界限最终解决它们

    The no limit mindset doesn't really like this idea, though; it avoids boundaries and dismisses them as snares that would hold it down.


  • 能够换个视角,以评判心态世事,你对事情的感受将会不再一样

    Shift your perspective and mindset to see without any judgment what actually happens, your perception of it will no longer be the same.


  • 其实觉得小新一样过人生不错那种乐观心态不得不令我佩服

    In fact, I think as small as a new life is also very good, optimistic attitude that I had to admire.


  • 12心态只能在的原位置附近活动,而且使他回传和向前传频率一样

    But mentality of 12 leaves him near his setting on the board, and makes him pass back almost as frequently as forward.


  • 同样境遇一个同事心态和我一样

    One colleague with the sample experience also had the same attitude.


  • 同样境遇一个同事心态和我一样

    One colleague with the sample experience also had the same attitude.


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