• 一旦承认可能存在性质超越标准弱相互作用重粒子粒子,人们自然而然联想还有没有其它可能。

    Once one admits the possibility of hidden particles with properties that go beyond the standard WIMP scenario, it is natural to consider the full range of possibilities.


  • 很清楚自己并非十全十美,可是承认自己犯了也是个难事——你担心的是,一旦承认了错误,对方生气,会拒绝原谅你,甚至你失去信任

    Still, it can be hard to admit it when you mess up. You worry that once you confess your mistake, the other person will be angry, refuse to forgive you, or lose trust in you.


  • 一旦能够做到这一点了,下一步就是必须承认需要帮助

    Once you can do that, you can take the next logical step and admit that you need help.


  • 一旦设计问题得到了承认,那么过失就应该得到记录不管担负还是识别的。

    Once the issue of design debt is acknowledged, debt should be recorded whenever it is incurred or identified.


  • 但是一旦我们承认事实会释放出极大的力量

    But once we admit the truth, great power is unleashed.


  • 承认这些提议不会轻易很快地得到实施一旦实施,我们就可以重建美国梦”活力

    I acknowledged that these proposals would not be easily or quickly implemented, but when they were, we could restore the vitality of the American dream.


  • 说法:“真相一旦暴露时那种如释重负感觉,让无法梦里摆脱。”丽萨承认

    What she did: "What really stuck with me from the dream was the sense of relief I felt once the truth came out," admits Lisa.


  • 一旦承认这样使你感觉差劲意识到什么后,下一步就应该轻按下开关,为咱们的比赛制订一个计划

    Once you have acknowledged what's making you feel bad and realized what you are doing to yourself the next step is to flip the switch and come up with a game plan.


  • BI团队通常承认用户项目开发过程中的参与非常重要一旦项目开始之后,用户的参与就变得非常有限了。

    The BI team often recognizes that user involvement is important through these development phases, but this involvement is very limited once the project starts.


  • 无论愿意承认一旦你们结了配偶债务也会变成你的麻烦

    Like it or not, once you're married, your spouse's debts can become your problem.


  • 起初真的很难道歉并不是那么容易件事,因为一旦道歉了,不仅仅是承认自己做错了那么简单,还要做好准备,你的道歉可能不被接受哦!

    That can be really, really hard at first. Apologizing isn’t easy because you’re not just admitting to a failure, you’re opening yourself up for the possibility that your apology will be turned down!


  • 孩子们一旦遭遇控诉必须承认自己巫师并且还得他们传授法力巫师”。

    Once accused of sorcery, children are forced to admit to being witches and to reveal the name of the "witch" that has passed on the evil power to them.


  • 富国或许承认穷国受到更大的冲击、需要帮助但是一旦空余资金他们分食羹。

    Rich countries may concede the poor are harder hit and need help, but once there is a pot of money, they too will want a share.


  • 一旦塞尔维亚符合成员国的严格标准的成员国资格就必须承认

    Once Serbia meets tough standards for membership, it must be admitted.


  • 一旦发现,你就要说服专家们承认你的贡献

    Once you've made a discovery, you have to persuade experts that you've made a legitimate, meaningful contribution.


  • 因为草稿一旦完成交由议会通过,德国人承认他们可能1月最后期限前完成

    Since it still has to be passed by parliament once the draft is done, the Germans admit they are unlikely to meet the January deadline.


  • 这项预付的固定成本非常巨大的,Mr . Mehdi承认但是一旦微软Bing的搜索上升广告收益增加,一个好的钱景就会出现。

    Those upfront, fixed costs are enormous, Mr. Mehdi acknowledges, but once Microsoft's search traffic and AD volumes rise, the financial picture could brighten quickly.


  • 贾森指望东盟很快采取强硬的立场因为一旦涉及缅甸的人权问题,迫使其他国家承认本国缺点

    Jason said he does not expect ASEAN to take a stronger stance anytime soon, because addressing human rights in Burma could force other member states to acknowledge their own shortcomings.


  • 而对于奥尔默特来说,一旦承认大部分1967年的边界为基础的两版图,便可能失去已脆弱联盟中大部分的支持,而且被迫举行大选

    For his part, Mr Olmert's admission that a two-state map would be based broadly on the 1967 one would lose him a chunk of his fragile coalition and maybe an election if one were forced.


  • 前方依然还有些路途,而一旦我们公开承认,和与你们相见,提升过程就会更好加速

    There is still a way to go yet, but the process of Ascension will be speeded up once we can meet you openly.


  • 一旦了,立刻承认2.

    Whenever you're wrong, admit it, 2. Whenever you're right, shut up.


  • 他们承认自己害怕一旦依靠另一半收入过日子便无法婚姻牢笼中逃脱,这种想法工人阶层年轻人中产阶层年轻人的两倍。

    They were twice as likely to admit fears about being stuck in marriage with no way out once they were relying on their partners' share of income to get by.


  • 这位左后卫承认没有早点领先让自己有点失望,一旦进球知道这场比赛不会就这么完了。

    The left-back admitted it was disappointing not to take the lead much earlier, but once the goals came he knew there was only going to be one winner.


  • 一旦受到触发他们非常预测的形式改变我们同时也没有受到我们的承认预期

    Once triggered, they change us in a very predictable way, but also in a way that we don't fully appreciate or anticipate.


  • 一旦受到触发他们非常预测的形式改变我们同时也没有受到我们的承认预期

    Once triggered, they change us in a very predictable way, but also in a way that we don't fully appreciate or anticipate.


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