• 心肌纤维化一旦严重导致心脏变厚变粗糙,引发心脏功能紊乱最终衰竭

    Fibrosis, if it becomes severe, can lead to stiffening or thickening of portions of the heart, which can contribute to irregular heart function and, eventually, heart failure.


  • 一旦人类拥有了这样头脑他们能够找到一个富有想象力解决方案应对严重经济危机比如前面所描述农业困境

    Once humans possessed such a mind, they were able to find an imaginative solution to a situation of severe economic crisis such as the farming dilemma described earlier.


  • 一旦成瘾,若停止用药会造成严重心理生理障碍

    Addition causes severe psychological and physical disturbances when the drug is taken away.


  • 我们筏子小船之间了一根绳子毕竟一旦小船漂离了筏子的话,后果严重

    We tied a rope between the raft and the dinghy. After all, if the dinghy drifted away from the raft, the consequences would be very serious.


  • 可是一旦欢呼歌颂褪去,严重问题却依然存在

    But once the cheering and the chanting had died down, serious questions remained.


  • 不幸是这意味着一旦出现显著通胀上升那么可能带来更多的失业增加(严重衰退)使得通胀下降

    But it also implies bad news if inflation rises significantly. It would then take a much larger increase in unemployment (a more severe recession) to bring inflation down again.


  • 他们指出一旦英国省份干扰尼日利亚导致严重后果。

    They point out that if any English province intervened in Nigeria there would be hell to pay.


  • 不管规定是怎么欧盟肯定找到办法拯救欧元区内的一个小国,因为一旦一个国家发生主权违约,潜在传染性非常严重

    And whatever the rules say, the eu would surely find a way to rescue a small country within the euro zone, as the potential contagion after a default would be so severe.


  • 此外交易机构使用许多自动程序都会获取收盘时的价格一旦交易员开始纷纷选择卖出,这会带来严重瓶颈

    Additionally, many automated programs trading firms use are set to get end-of-day prices, which can create an even more frenzied bottleneck once traders start rushing for the exits.


  • 因为血管神经一旦受到破话,会产生诸如肾功能障碍,失明等并严重并发症

    As blood vessels and nerves become damaged, serious complications like kidney failure, blindness and other complications can result.


  • 一旦有了多个环境之后,配置文件就会成为严重问题

    Once you start having multiple environments the configuration files can become a serious problem.


  • 相对来说事故危险性的多,但是一旦发生就是非常严重的事故。

    The risks of a nuclear accident are small in comparison. But when one of them happens, it does so big time.


  • 因为一旦马云入主雅虎势必在线支付搜索显示广告等各个方面谷歌造成严重威胁。

    If Jack Ma controlled Yahoo, he could undercut Google on everything from online payment fees to search and display AD rates.


  • 当初一旦价格签订,洪水影响不会严重造成煤炭价格达到每吨300美元。

    Once prices were settled, the effects of the flooding turned out not to be as severe as the $US300-a-tonne prices suggested they would be.


  • 由于国内消费者信心低迷,日本的经济增长严重依赖出口意味着一旦其他主要经济体的增长放缓,日本遭遇池鱼之灾,过去一年发生的事情就证明了一点。

    With consumer confidence low, the economy is heavily dependent on exports for growth, meaning it suffers when other major economies slow, as they have over the past year.


  • 然而,有人担心严重信贷紧缩会于09年晚些时候开始出现,并且一旦整顿银行业行动适时展开,将有可能进入2010年。

    There are fears however that a serious credit crunch could begin later in 2009 and into 2010 once moves to clean up the sector start in earnest.


  • 如此漫长间隔也带来希望一旦发现神秘的,不可思议神经保护性因子,”Schenck就能够大脑严重受损之前使用

    Such a long interval brings the hope that once a "mysterious and magical neuroprotective agent is identified," Schenck says, it could be used before the brain is damaged severely.


  • 虽然药物治疗稳定儿童双相风险,但是一旦起病,没有药物已经证明预防延迟疾病发作的严重有效

    Although pharmacologic treatment may stabilize a child at risk for bipolar disorder, no single drug has proved effective in preventing or delaying the severity of the disorder once it develops.


  • 一旦所在的国家发生严重经济下滑工作本地股票投资在内一切都会受损

    If there's a serious downturn in the economy of your home country, it could hurt everything from your job to your local stock investments.


  • 一旦这些地方发生火灾其他地方发生火灾所产生后果严重

    When fires do happen in such places, they are far more devastating than would otherwise be the case.


  • 无论精确数字是多少房地产规模都如此之大以至于一旦信贷环境趋于宽松便可能吸入大量的额外流动性某些方面出现问题时,结果就将严重

    Whatever the precise number, property is so big that when credit conditions loosen it is likely to absorb a lot of the extra liquidity; and when something goes wrong the effects will be serious.


  • 一旦释放大气中,甲烷可能全球气候造成严重破坏

    Once released into the atmosphere, methane could wreak havoc with the world's climate.


  • 一旦机器过度碎片化机会遭受严重性能下降

    When machines get too fragmented, they suffer serious performance degradation.


  • 不过一旦法院发现当事人未能提供有效信息处罚相当严重

    But if a court finds out that parties have failed to produce discoverable information, the sanctions can be severe.


  • 一旦发生泄露打的可能性引起严重头痛,就好像脊椎抽液,或者脑膜被穿透的感觉。

    If you are leaking, your best possible outcome is you have a really bad headache, kind of like you have a spinal tap or other piercing of the dura.


  • 一旦发生泄露打的可能性引起严重头痛,就好像脊椎抽液,或者脑膜被穿透的感觉。

    If you are leaking, your best possible outcome is you have a really bad headache, kind of like you have a spinal tap or other piercing of the dura.


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