• 二次的报告为您概括地区、各种主要设备预测信息。

    A bi-annual report that summarizes equipment forecasts by region and major equipment segment.


  • 已经到了他们真的应该担心的这样年龄我仍然没有做到,让他们不到时间内我感到担心

    I have reached an age where they really shouldn't have to worry about me, but here I am, worrying them terribly for the second time in less than a year.


  • 但是他们二次婚姻非常短命,他们在结婚再次离婚

    Their second marriage, however, was short-lived, and the couple divorced for a second time less than a year after the ceremony.


  • 该项调查InformationWeek主持进行,并且为期系列调查中的

    The survey was conducted by InformationWeek and is the second in an annual series.


  • 中国经常因巨额贸易顺差受到美国政界人士的指责,过去里,已经是中国进口超过出口

    Although China is often criticised by us politicians for running a large trade surplus, this is the second time in the past 12 months that Chinese data have revealed imports outstripping exports.


  • 委内瑞拉贬低玻利瓦尔汇率已经中的这次废除了原来1美元2.6波利瓦尔,官方汇率1美元兑换4.3强势玻利瓦尔。

    Venezuela devalued the bolivar for the second time in a year, abolishing a preferential rate of 2.6 bolivares to the dollar and unifying the official exchange rate at 4.3.


  • 二次大战结束一年霍珀艾肯(还有usnr)使用MarkI帮助海军制作用于火炮瞄准的计算

    Hopper and Aiken (also USNR) used the Mark I to help the Navy produce tables for aiming artillery shells and bombs in the closing year of World War II.


  • 很多一年复活节第一或者教堂(他们圣诞节会去)。

    Many people attend church on Easter Sunday for the first or second time of the year (they also come at Christmas).


  • 即使那些已经学会身体视为有洞察力顾问的人,也相当一部分进入工作后的经历崩溃

    Even among those who had learnt to treat their bodies as insightful advisers, a significant number experienced a second breakdown within the first year at their new jobs.


  • 使顾客反馈过程经常化而不是一到重大工作。

    Make the customer feedback process something that's always happening, not a grand event that occurs once or twice a year.


  • 现在情况地震幸存者搭建帐篷被洪水淹没居住这里的人们无家可归

    And what's happened is that people living in the camps that were set up for the earthquake survivors, those camps are now flooded, and so for the second time in a year, people have been made homeless.


  • 1945二次世界大战结束随后一年出现婴儿这种30年固定利率抵押贷款成了社会基石,社会群体最大化出现空前多的私房房主

    When World War II ended in 1945 and the Baby Boom began the following year, the 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage became a cornerstone of society and led to unprecedented levels of homeownership.


  • 养父母生活一天q二次离别离开养父母前往盲犬训练营

    After a year of living with the adoptive parents the day, it is a small Qs second farewell, leaving parents to guide dog training camp.


  • 但是一年这个时刻最大挑战度过节日二次购买服装。

    But our biggest challenge this time of year is making it through the Holidays without double-dipping on dresses.


  • 持续了20年的二次婚姻破裂了,现在另一个男人一起生活。

    Her 20-year second marriage broke up a year ago and she's living with another guy.


  • 报道二次出血机率首次出血一年较高此后迅速下降

    Rates of repeated bleeding have been reported to be higher in the first year after the initial hemorrhage, and to decline rapidly thereafter.


  • Keating将军印尼之行表达了美国-印尼关系的支持

    Admiral Keating, who is making his second trip to Indonesia in just more than a year, also expressed support for U. s.


  • 对此非常清楚因为今年参加了1945二次世界大战结束70周年纪念。1945年非常不平凡的一年

    I was very conscious of this as I took part this year in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in 1945. 1945 was an extraordinary year.


  • 但是,“教皇约翰,”梵蒂冈宣布召开了梵蒂冈会议教会历史上大事令人惊讶感觉迟钝职业外交家

    But "Good Pope John," a stolid career diplomat for the Vatican, surprised everyone by announcing a year later that he was convening the Second Vatican Council, a major event in church history.


  • 第一学期第一节英语上,第二学期的最后一次英语课上。一年内教师针对SILL中的一些英语学习策略对学生进行培训。

    Oxford's Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) has been conducted twice in class, one at the beginning of the first semester, the other at the end of the second semester.


  • 检查,即第一次检查之后,有1.8%的人因为结节结节生长过快而就医

    In a second round of screening, done one year after the first, 1.8 percent were sent to the doctor because they had a nodule that was large or fast-growing.


  • 二类包括宠物不断条件宠物的一生中,这样一个条件如果索赔不会排除以后几年

    The second category covers a pet for ongoing conditions for the pet's lifetime so that if a condition is claimed for in the first year it will not be excluded in the second of subsequent years.


  • 二类包括宠物不断条件宠物的一生中,这样一个条件如果索赔不会排除以后几年

    The second category covers a pet for ongoing conditions for the pet's lifetime so that if a condition is claimed for in the first year it will not be excluded in the second of subsequent years.


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