• 医生平均为每个病人开大约处方德国这个数字的两

    On average doctors write just over seven prescriptions each year per patient; in Germany it is double.


  • 学校学生因为作弊离开了学校。

    During my first year in the school, seven students left the school because of cheating.


  • 一年第一我站门口心里上八下

    On the first day of my first grade, I stood by the door with butterflies in my stomach.


  • 如果有人年前告诉,也就是在攻读商业经济学学位最后一年以后没有的生活,边看电视边吃晚餐的我听了这话非得着。

    If someone had told me seven years ago, in my final year of a business and economics degree, that I'd now be living without money, I'd have probably choked on my TV dinner.


  • 今秋犹太农夫准备他们土地荒芜以色列将开始计划中一年,严守戒律的犹太人不会食用破坏戒条犹太农夫生产食物。

    This autumn, Israel begins the one year in seven when Jewish farmers are meant to let their land lie fallow; observant Jews will not eat food from Jewish farmers who break the ban.


  • 年龄小于30岁日光浴10使恶性黑色素瘤发病风险增加

    People younger than 30 who use a tanning bed 10 times a year have eight times the risk of developing malignant melanoma.


  • 芝加哥接下来一年季后赛首轮与波士顿浴血奋战让罗斯诺阿战斗力激增,雷霆去年湖人的六场鏖战同样取得类似效果。

    Chicago's seven-game blood bath against Boston the following year gave Rose and Noah some playoff exposure, and the Thunder's tough six-gamer against the Lakers last season did the same for that team.


  • 摩西吩咐他们说:“每逢一年,就豁免定期住节的时候。”

    Then Moses commanded them: "At the end of every seven years, in the year for canceling debts, during the Feast of tabernacles."


  • 英国经济衰退相对其他主要经济体也是较为严重的,根据国际国币基金组织的(推算),英国财政赤字GDP比例位居集团成员国之首,2007至2014年间期其债台也将是筑最高

    The deterioration in Britain’s public finances is also worse than in other leading economies. Next year’s deficit as a share of GDP will be the highest in the G7 economies, according to the IMF.


  • 根据协议密歇根州大学获得120万美金,允诺绝对超过840万美金。

    Michigan State University gets $1.2 million a year but is guaranteed at least $8.4 million over seven years, according to its agreement.


  • 1979ObamaPunahou学校最后一年当年的校鉴里的一张照片中,已经是个减掉年前的儿童年轻男人了。

    A photograph in the yearbook for 1979, Obama's final year at Punahou, shows a young man who has shed the puppy fat of seven years earlier.


  • 个人贪污数额在五千以上不满五万元的,处以上以下有期徒刑

    An individual who embezzles not less than 5, 000 yuan and not more than 50, 000 yuan shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than one year and not more than seven years.


  • 当中酷热一个月

    July is the hottest month of the year.


  • 参加了项比赛结果都赢了

    One year I entered seven competitions and won seven.


  • 山脉有时被称为美国瑞士,因他一年四季都丰富摄影素材但是尽量每年末来这里

    Sometimes called the Switzerland of America, this mountain range produces great photography throughout the year, but I try to be there every year in late July.


  • 初等教育是从年级;年级、年级年级中等学校初级高等学校所管理。

    Primary education ran from grades one through six; grades seven, eight, and nine were handled in intermediate or junior high schools.


  • 回想起一年菲利普真的很棒。无疑那种专一的奉献令深信母亲会过得舒适,尽管我的第生日宴会上

    The outstanding Philip memory of that first year, though - certainly the devotional act that convinced me my mother was on to a good thing - was at my seventh birthday party.


  • 如果相当于那么进入生育年龄一些人甚至有可能150岁。

    If a human year really were equivalent to seven dog years, then people would reach reproductive age by seven, and some would live past 150.


  • 又有学校引进类似项目

    Seven more schools introduced similar programs a year later.


  • 瑞典这样国家,寒冬笼罩,让人无法尽情外出活动,因此难怪这些乡村作家的很多作品里都充满了郁闷愁苦。

    And since portions of Sweden remain winterbound for more than seven months a year, it seems equally appropriate that much of these countrymen’s work is enshrouded in gloom.


  • 终结饥饿行走天地间”—一年一度全球义走活动有全世界70个国家人们参与到这一活动来。

    "End hunger: walk the World" - an annual event now in its seventh year - will see people walking for hunger in 70 countries.


  • 一旦提到休假接下来好点子源自

    Referring to one sabbatical year of his, he said that all the ideas in the following seven years came out from that one year.


  • 密歇根大学罗斯商学院要求其所有一年MBA学生在国外工作

    The University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business requires all first-year MBA students to spend seven weeks working abroad.


  • 里托说,话说在年前一年玻利瓦尔西南部,的250水果以及蔬菜农场邻居接管

    Mr Brito’s sad saga started seven years ago, when his 250-acre fruit and vegetable farm in the south-eastern state of Bolívar was taken over by neighbours.


  • 英国官员表示去年最后个月来自印度北部申请就多达13,500份,同期的

    British officials say in the last three months of last year, there were 13,500 applications from northern India alone, seven times as many as a year earlier.


  • 比如西班牙月份失业率六月份的18.1%上升至18.5%,前为12.5%。

    Spanish joblessness, for example, rose to 18.5% from 18.1% in June and 12.5% a year ago.


  • 整个地球,2010年一直非常暖和,从六月记录以来同期暖和一年

    For the planet as a whole, 2010 has been extremely warm, with the June to July period ranking as the warmest such period on record.


  • 虽然放贷速度骤降,但是今年银行放贷量

    Although lending slowed sharply in July, new lending by Banks in the first seven months of this year was almost three times its level a year earlier.


  • 虽然放贷速度骤降,但是今年银行放贷量

    Although lending slowed sharply in July, new lending by Banks in the first seven months of this year was almost three times its level a year earlier.


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