• 孩子静脉注射了剂量

    The dose was administered to the child intravenously.


  • 利特年科的摄入量可能是剂量许多了。

    Mr Litvinenko probably received many times this dose.


  • 每天这种止咳糖浆,每次剂量

    Take a dose of this cough syrup three times a day.


  • 每天这种止咳糖浆,每次服剂量

    Take one dose of this cough syrup three times a day.


  • 结果显示剂量下,不同部位时间-强度曲线是有变化的。

    Results Mean transit time and the distribution volume of the compartment can affect the shape of the time intensity curve at the same dosage.


  • 但是大多数吸烟者知道耐受性从吸入剂量尼古丁时便已开始。

    But most smokers do not know that tolerance begins with the first dose of nicotine.


  • 也许有效发现深夜饮用剂量酒精抵消睡眠功效

    Perhaps the most potent finding is that just a single dose of alcohol in the late evening can zap the efficacy of your z's.


  • 放射疗法1950年代便开始运用,在传统上每日给予剂量

    Radiotherapy has been in use since the 1950s and has traditionally been given as single daily doses.


  • 剂量使用方式使得那些特点患者所使用的剂量太小而影响结果

    This approach, however, may result in the smallest patients receiving a dose that is too small to produce adequate results.


  • 目前维生素D推荐剂量400IU但是医学研究会重新调整一剂量

    Right now, the recommended daily allowance of vitamin D is 400 international units, but the Institute of Medicine is currently revisiting those numbers.


  • 结果表明,同剂量条件行为毒性作用剂量低于毒理学毒性的作用剂量

    The results showed that the effective doses in behavioral toxicity are lower than those of general toxicity in rats exposured to fenvalerate.


  • 采取一剂量屋子里下来,看看有什么感觉灵魂离开了整个身体动身

    Take this dose in a dark room, lay back, and see what it feels like to have your entire soul leave your physical body and go on a journey.


  • 研究人员给老鼠喝了天大剂量剂量对于来说相当于大约18红酒

    The mice were given generous doses of alcohol for three days - a dose being equivalent to around 18 units or a bottle-and-a-half of wine for a person.


  • 目的研究剂量不同时间不同剂量时间爱西特(活性炭血清中小分子尿毒素吸附作用

    To elucidate the adsorptive effect of activated charcoal on uremic toxin in blood serum with the same dosage of activated charcoal in difference time or in difference dosage in the same time.


  • STELARA患者接受16周三分之剂量安慰剂治疗的患者越过收到12至16积极治疗。

    STELARA patients received a third dose at week 16, while placebo-treated patients crossed over to receive active treatment at weeks 12 and 16.


  • 针对某种感染使用剂量某种抗菌剂时间会迫使微生物或是适应或是死亡这种现象称为选择压力”。

    The use of any antimicrobial for any infection, in any dose, and over any time period, forces microbes to either adapt or die in a phenomenon known asselective pressure”.


  • 商业的-可得的腐蚀抑制剂进入系统之内剂量介绍而且腐蚀保持可接受

    A commercially-available copper corrosion inhibitor was introduced into the system in a single dose and the corrosion rates remained acceptable throughout the year.


  • 临床上病理分型临床分期相同、用同剂量方式进行PDT治疗时,患者却有着不同敏感性效果

    Patients may also have different PDT sensitivity and PDT effect even the patients have the same pathological classification, clinical stage and the dose and mode of clinical treatment.


  • 高血压受损胰岛素敏感性糖尿病两个主要危险因素通过每日一剂量巧克力二者发生几率可以降低

    Hypertension and impaired insulin sensitivity are two major risk factors for diabetes; both have been shown to be decreased by a daily dose of dark chocolate.


  • 老鼠训练能够通过推动操作来自己施用药物时,它们就会反复不断——甚至上百——获得剂量可卡因

    When rats are trained to self-administer by pushing a lever, they'll push it over and over again — even hundreds of timesto get a single dose of cocaine.


  • 不管是剂量术前注射万古霉素,不管是使万古霉素耐药性增加还是使万古霉素敏感性降低,都得到过实证

    Whether a single preoperative parenteral dose of vancomycin is associated with increased vancomycin resistance or decreased vancomycin susceptibility has not been demonstrated.


  • 列入儿童使用的五种口服液体制剂三种用于癫痫种用于早产儿童以及种用于艾滋病毒/艾滋病药品虽然只有剂量

    Five oral liquid formulations were included for children - three for epilepsy, one for children born prematurely, and one new medicine for HIV/AIDS, although in single dose.


  • 抗生素般有感染迹象才给予。试验回顾显示妇女继续服用抗生素诊上常有困难所以剂量抗生素,在这些情况下可能适合

    The review of trials showed difficulties for women in continuing to take antibiotics and returning for care, so single dose antibiotics may be more suitable in these circumstances.


  • 已经有25研究调查过吃坚果健康影响研究人员查阅了25个研究结果发现坚果使被测试者的血脂水平有相当于一剂量的降低。

    Researchers who examined the results of 25 previous studies on the health effects of nut consumption found a dose-related improvement in participants' blood-lipid levels.


  • 里诺斯州西北大学罗伯特·墨菲正在主导这样的临床试验他说病人服用剂量的白细胞介素- 7,其血液中确实发现被重新唤醒的艾滋病毒影像。

    Robert Murphy of Northwestern University, in Illinois, who is leading one of the clinical trials, says blips of reawakened virus can indeed be seen in patients' blood after a dose of interleukin-7.


  • 里诺斯州西北大学罗伯特·墨菲正在主导这样的临床试验他说病人服用剂量的白细胞介素- 7,其血液中确实发现被重新唤醒的艾滋病毒影像。

    Robert Murphy of Northwestern University, in Illinois, who is leading one of the clinical trials, says blips of reawakened virus can indeed be seen in patients' blood after a dose of interleukin-7.


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