• 为了报答好心原谅过去的一切胡闹

    In reward for your kind heart, I forgive you for all your old mischief.


  • 为了使工作日一切顺利试着有条不紊地安排工作上午精力相对充沛一些要求较高的工作;下午感到疲劳一些轻松的工作。

    To help your workday go smoothly, try pacing your activities: Do more demanding work in the morning, when your energy level is higher, and easier work later in the day, when you may be tired.


  • 为了在坚信一切天注定的精彩生活中,需要具备立竿见影和维持现状两种能力。

    There are two ways you can live your life.


  • 认为应该为了艺术牺牲一切认为不该牺牲任何东西

    You think you should sacrifice everything for your art; you think you should sacrifice nothing.


  • 为了避免一切我们应该牢记带来好处带来痛苦化为力量

    To avoid this we should remember your good points, and turn the pain you bring into strength.


  • 为了建立保持积极态度必须充满希望地谈论一切工作的客户,的经理,的雇员,的孩子,的健康,的未来。

    In order to build and maintain a positive attitude, you must speak hopefully about everythingyour job, your customers, your manager, your employees, your children, your health, and your future.


  • 为了完成我们例子并且了解一切重要性如果通过作弊方式获得奖励的话,可以内存中改变决定药剂力量值的数据

    To complete our example and see how all of this matters, if you wanted to fool this game into giving you a bonus, you could go into memory and alter the data that control the potion's strength.


  • 应该知道会喜欢那些一切

    But realize that no one likes a person who thinks they know everything.


  • 可是看了幅画自以一切

    But you presume to know everything about me because you saw a painting of mine.


  • 学会所做一切为了帮助客户成功。”麦戈文

    "What I learned was the orientation of doing all you can to help make your customers successful," McGovern says.


  • 普京的一名老朋友回忆说:“头发为了别人羞辱,他会不惜使用一切手段。”

    "He would scratch, bite, snatch tufts of hair, do anything to avoid being humiliated in any way," an old friend said.


  • 即使事情并不那么如还是不惜一切任何地方,只为了一眼。

    Even when things don't feel good you would do anything for her, go anywhere to see him.


  • 相信所做一切为了

    Believe me, I did this all for you.


  • 下一次,再遇到阻碍困难时候,不要阻碍前进,一下为了目标所在尝试所有努力,一切值得的。

    Next time there's an obstacle, don't let it hinder you, think about the fact that whatever you're trying to reach will be that much worth it on the other side.


  • 把另一个幸福看的自己甚至是自己的幸福更重要,是一切都是为了她高兴快乐

    It's valuing someone else's happiness as much as, if not above, your own, and doing something merely to make that person happy.


  • 医生可能其他一些测试超声波,这是为了确保的婴儿一切正常

    Your doctor will probably also send you for some other tests during the pregnancy, such as an ultrasound, to make sure that everything is OK with your baby.


  • 不是为了真正达到的目的而的生活将会变得阴暗而且沉重,最后却将不得不承受一切

    You don't live your true purpose and you become dark and heavy and the world suffers as a result.


  • 不管如何看待生活中的只要相信,所有一切为了带来机遇获得要的财富

    You can bet your ass that everything is happening the exact way it has to to give you the opportunities needed to reach the level of prosperity & abundance you want & desire.


  • 在尽情享受这种放松的气氛品味一下带有地道纽约口音南美主厨精心烹饪的国际化风味的美食一切都是为了它而来!

    Enjoy the casual "downtown" atmosphere while sampling a wide-variety of international foods prepared by a South American Chef with a decided New York inflection.


  • 的网站都会加载空白页面然后再加载新的用户为了获得需要的页面花费越来越多时间所以不惜一切代价避免这种情况。

    To load a header with a blank page, then load your new page, increasing the time it takes for a user to get to the actual page they want to go to - so.


  • 的网站都会加载空白页面然后再加载新的用户为了获得需要的页面花费越来越多时间所以不惜一切代价避免这种情况。

    to load a header with a blank page, then load your new page, increasing the time it takes for a user to get to the actual page they want to go to –So


  • 树林深处遇到了马修马修说完自己的遭遇他笑嘻嘻地说:“如果国王解释一切,我会告诉国王,为了让他机会,故意捏造故事。”

    Deep in the woods, he came upon Matthew. After hearing his story, Frederick grinned and said, “If you appeal to the king, I’ll tell him you spun a false tale to gain another chance.”


  • 首先必须明白做的一切都是为了

    First of all, you must understand that he is doing all this for you.


  • 拼命工作是否为了自己感觉一切控制当中?

    O Do I work too much because it makes me feel "in control"?


  • 为了设计需要上门课程或者学习新的软件 实际上 已经了.通过考虑每一步交互的用户期望结果从而移除那些分散用户精力不利于完成期望结果的一切因素.

    You don’t need to take a course or learn a new software package to design for flow. In fact, you’re probably already doing it.


  • 必须一边盯着微博客t witter,一边盯着女朋友而且还要关注工作甚至的“第三”要经常超额工作仅仅为了保证一切稳稳当当,这种情况下,该怎么办。

    When you've got to keep an eye on your Twitter, an eye on your girlfriend, and an eye on your work, even your third eye is working overtime just to keep even keel.


  • 才明白一切伤痛为了有的,而我这么幼稚

    I understand, you all pain of injury is to her and some, and I still so naive.


  • 才明白一切伤痛为了有的,而我这么幼稚

    I understand, you all pain of injury is to her and some, and I still so naive.


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