• 每当这种场合十二船如箭在弦,即发,船上击鼓声岸上观众呐喊声中力争超越对手。

    On such an occasion, a dozen boats went off like so many shots at the starting order, each striving to outpace the other amid the beating of drums on the vessels and cheers of onlookers on the Banks.


  • 男人无法抵制魅力

    She had a charm that men found irresistibly attractive.


  • 戒掉嗜好自尊心受挫经历

    Giving up an addiction is a humbling experience.


  • 文档目录删除

    This command deletes files from the directory.


  • 他的,读来生活更添滋味,可谓乐事

    His letters, like his poetry, are life-enhancing and a delight.


  • 从审美角度满意的雕像可能反感

    A statue which is aesthetically pleasing to one person, however, may be repulsive to another.


  • 重要证人失踪诉讼出现了新的变数

    The disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case.


  • 博尔该国率先施行禁烟城市

    Boulder was one of the first cities in the nation to enforce a ban on smoking.


  • 他们已经得到阻止这家公司出售产品的禁销

    They have obtained an injunction restraining the company from selling the product.


  • 甚至是小型月食都会兴奋,而且应该任何业余的天文爱好者着迷

    Even small eclipses get him juiced and should be fascinating to any amateur astronomer.


  • 这些贫困数字无疑总统难堪件事。

    The poverty figures were undoubtedly an embarrassment to the president.


  • 方形果实苹果树专家们感到困惑。

    An apple tree producing square fruit is baffling experts.


  • 只需杀掉犯人

    Just need the order to kill the prisoner!


  • 道德标准下降长期以来社会分析人士担忧,现在终于引起了普通美国人注意

    The decline in moral standards—which has long concerned social analysts—has at last captured the attention of average Americans.


  • 消息投资者消费者大为震怒时尚界人士来说,这点也不意外

    The news has left investors and consumers outraged but comes as little surprise to those in the fashion industry.


  • 裁决消费者怒不可遏许多自由贸易者大喊不公

    It was a ruling that had consumers seething with anger and many a free trader crying foul.


  • 除了通过划分各个专业更加职业化之外,美国顶级大学实现教授职业的专业化。

    Besides professionalizing the professions by this separation, top American universities have professionalized the professor.


  • 当然发现如此不寻常部分原因天球仪构成。

    Of course part of what made this find so unusual is that the Antikythera Mechanism is constructed of bronze.


  • 这个首先出现九月份峰会公报中,法国高兴英国担忧

    This word first appeared in a summit communiqué in September to the delight of France and the concern of Britain.


  • 急于分发这些设备教授感到担忧,他们表示如果学生同时处理多项任务,他们上课可能性就会降低。

    The rush to distribute the devices worries some professors, who say that students are less likely to participate in class if they are multi-tasking.


  • 个国家重拾了自己感到骄傲文学艺术形式

    There was renewed pride in the literature and art forms of individual countries.


  • 越来越多公司正在意识到变革性技术重要性,它几乎产品线甚至整个业务部门都因过时而被淘汰。

    More companies are learning the importance of destructive technologies—innovations that hold the potential to make a product line, or even an entire business segment, virtually outdated.


  • 然而,事实证明这些孤注措施是正确的,而且许多记者感到悲哀的是,这些措施还可以推行

    Yet these desperate measures have proved the right ones and, sadly for many journalists, they can be pushed further.


  • 们告诉我,你想做个我的雕像是吗,维尼小姐?

    They tell me that you'd like to make a statue (塑像) of me, is that correct, Miss Vinnie Ream?


  • 了解决这些问题,中国在今年年初出台了项为期10年的休渔,以保护鱼类资源。

    To solve these problems, China put a 10-year fishing ban at the beginning of this year to protect fish resources.


  • 吃惊的是,木匠做成动物饲料

    To its surprise, the carpenter made it into a feed box for animals.


  • 鼹鼠惊喜是,发现自己竟然坐在船尾上。

    The Mole to his surprise and rapture found himself actually seated in the stern of a real boat.


  • 科学家们困惑相关问题,现存最大物种科莫多巨蜥分布情况

    A related puzzle for scientists is the present distribution of Varanus' largest surviving species, the Komodo dragon.


  • 科学家们困惑相关问题,现存最大物种科莫多巨蜥分布情况

    A related puzzle for scientists is the present distribution of Varanus' largest surviving species, the Komodo dragon.


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