• 现实版是库斯教授认为设计了一个自我证实探究方法,在患者疾病欺骗患者,最后却并未治愈他们

    The reality: Professor Crews argues that Freud devised a self-validating method of inquiry, deluded himself about his patients' illnesses, and failed to cure them.


  • 我们可以说这个方法提供一个现实世界复杂准确呈现(例如模型)。

    We can argue that this approach provides a more complete and accurate representation (i.e. model) of the real world.


  • 叶芝时段诗歌一个反应现实生活方法

    There's a way in which Yeats's poetry of this period goes on resonating in the world we're living in.


  • 编写一个完美的equals()方法现实的。

    Writing an equals() method is not without pitfalls.


  • 这种方法用于解决论文提出一个问题:如果我们太多现实世界启发创建对象那么对象的隐喻可以延伸很远

    This approach addresses a problem elucidated in the paper: the metaphor of objects can go too far by making us try to create objects that are too much inspired by the real world.


  • 丑陋现实没有无痛方法可以救治我们金融混乱

    The ugly fact is that there is no painless way out of our financial mess.


  • 如果能够设计出方法幻想日常生活中变为现实,比如驾驭一个思想操作电脑移动义肢,那么其结果将影响深远

    If a way could be devised to turn fiction routinely into fact-harnessing a person's thoughts to manipulate a computer or move an artificial limb-the consequences could be huge.


  • 毫无疑问,全球变暖明确现实危险地质工程方法很有可能是解决问题的一把钥匙。

    There is no doubt that global warming is a clear and present danger, and geoengineering may be part of the solution to that problem.


  • 看到一个现实世界中的例子目的是说明如何考虑到API用户接口UI)的情况开发这类插件以及如何评估可供选择方法用户带来所需要功能

    You'll see a real-world example of how to develop such a plug-in, considering API and user interface (UI) issues, and also how to evaluate alternative ways to bring desired functionality to a user.


  • 介绍了JAAS授权模型中的矛盾之处,描述了一种解决实用方法并提供了它的现实世界实现一个例子

    I've documented a discrepancy in the JAAS authorization model and also described a practical workaround, offering a real-world implementation as its example.


  • Executor实际上充当一个提供Executor共同位置只有new方法例如用于创建线程);它没有预先创建实例。

    The Executor class does serve as a common place to get Executor-implementing instances, but it only has new methods (to create a new thread pool, for example); it doesn't have precreated instances.


  • 这里提供方法,这一个分3过程叫做重塑现实世界(Redesigning Your Reality)。

    I think there is a way with a 3 step process called Redesigning Your Reality.


  • 浏览org. hsqldb . ut il . databasemanager源代码之后,我们初始一个JDBC连接容易,但是必需的方法不是公共的。

    Browsing the org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManager source code, we find that it could be easily instantiated and initialized with a JDBC connection, but the required methods are not public.


  • 现实情况中我们表达方式可能紧凑一些我们mapper使用size方法方法引用以及整数求和会用到一个预先定义的reducer

    In reality, we would probably express this more compactly using a method reference to the size method for our mapper and a predefined reducer for integer summation.


  • 其实幻想现实打破惯性经验性思维一个方法纯粹是形式主义的!

    This is comical as I form an illusion and reality together to break the habit of empirical thinking, which is a way of purely formalistic!


  • 最好办法承认现实承认自我感受一个有富有成效方法解决问题

    The best strategy for moving on is to recognize the reality of the situation, acknowledge your feelings and find a way to cope productively.


  • 选择一个合适的推广方法可能容易或者现实理想之间存在一些冲突

    The selection of a proper generalization procedure may not be evident, or several disagreements may exist between the realized and preferred procedures.


  • 拍卖劳动力市场纳什均衡沉闷科学提供了基于一个动机信息做出现实生活预测方法

    From auctions to Labour markets, the Nash equilibrium gave the dismal science a way to make real-world predictions based on information about each person's incentives.


  • 简单的方法计数器或者一个可以存放拥有对象

    The easiest way is to implement instances counters, or one could store all owning objects.


  • 如果接口增加一个方法,那么,必须追查所有实现这个接口类,并且提供具体现实方法

    If you add a new method to an interface, you must track down all implementations of that interface in the universe and provide them with a concrete implementation of that method.


  • 相反应该选择这些困难挑战转变机遇要知道总会一个现实可行方法尽全力找到它吧

    Choose instead to transform those difficulties and challenges into opportunities. Know that there is always a realistic and workable way, and commit yourself to finding it.


  • 我们了解我们面临困境我们根本现实令人耳目一新的不同回答我们的问题方法

    We understand what got us into our predicaments and have a radically realistic and refreshingly different way of answering our problems.


  • 设计层次型数据库时,一个较好的设计方法走:首先利用实体联系方法抽象出现实世界的实体联系模型然后将实体联系模型变换具体DBMS支持的层次型模型。

    A good algorithm to design such a hierarchical database consists of two steps, first, to describe real world in E-R model and then, convert it to the model supported by the DBMS.


  • 我们开发了一个样品阐明我们提出模型化方法如何现实环境里应用

    A prototype is developed to illustrate how the proposed modeling approach is applied to real world situations.


  • 这个方法称之为目前现实固定下、建立一个简单的、有形的、实际联系

    I call this anchoring, establishing a simple, physical, factual connection with present reality.


  • 这个方法称之为目前现实固定下、建立一个简单的、有形的、实际联系

    I call this anchoring, establishing a simple, physical, factual connection with present reality.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定