• 工作环境中,一个隔间伙伴特殊知己很常见的

    It's common to have a "cubicle mate" or special confidant in a work setting.


  • 不要那些恼人的咖啡渍茶渍留在瓷器上,破坏了一个特殊场合

    Don't let those annoying coffee or tea stains on your good china and spoil another special occasion.


  • 爱情一个男人女人特殊好感比对其他任何人好感都强烈

    Love is a special affection for a man or a woman, which is stronger than that for any other person.


  • 难道又是一个关于“第六超然能力特殊案例

    Is this another case of a special "sixth sense" or supernatural ability?


  • 大多数情况下存储库提供转义字符字符序列用于对这些特殊进行转义如果可以连接器进行转义,那么应该这么做。

    In most cases, repositories will give an escape character or sequence for these types of special values, and if a value can be escaped by the connector, then it should be.


  • 根据特殊需求可能会发现上述框架中的几个最适合您。

    Depending on your specific needs, you might find one or more of the above frameworks a better match.


  • 大多数时候生态系统服务自然资本一个特定区域国家地域来说特殊的,就是他们应该支持水平

    Most of the time ecosystem services and natural capital are specific to a particular area, country or region, and that is the level where they ought to be supported.


  • 用餐者利用一个触摸面板其它这些食物再通过特殊传送带送到餐桌

    Diners use a touch panel to order soup and other side dishes, which are delivered to tables on special express conveyor belts.


  • 会话建立发起者希望使用特殊配置文件配置文件请求启动一个通道

    After the establishment of a session, the initiator asks to start a channel for the particular profile or set of profiles it wishes to use.


  • 有时经过一个特殊大楼角落时放慢车速,她坐在那里夜空,默默无言。

    Sometimes she’d ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.


  • 有时经过一个特殊大楼角落时放慢车速,她坐在那里夜空,默默无言。

    Sometimes she'd ask me to slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness, saying nothing.


  • 架构上组件通过抽象服务模型(一个消息传递模型位于任何特殊协议消息编码之上抽象中)进行交互

    Architecturally, components interact via an abstract service model-a messaging model that resides at a level of abstraction above any particular protocol or message-encoding format.


  • 仔细找找找到一些特殊头疼问题的解决办法,尤其是只在一个两个网站上出现的。

    Dig around, and you'll likely find fixes related to your particular annoyance, especially if it relates to one or two particular sites.


  • 如果一个特殊应用程序服务器实例停止因其它原因不可使用忽略该实例(不要尝试选择),直到验证了它可以重新提供服务为止。

    If a particular application server instance is stopped or otherwise unavailable, that instance is skipped (no attempt is made to select it) until it can be verified as being back in service.


  • 记住一个特殊日子方法就是便签笔记本时不时提醒着自己

    The best way to remember a special holiday is to write it down or put it in an organizer so you can be reminded of it constantly.


  • 这个发布版中不再需要仔细区分浏览器因为一个针对浏览器版本的特殊if语句。

    In this release, there is no more browser sniffing, where there are specific if statements for a browser or version.


  • 扩展处理器工厂返回扩展处理器实例然后该实例多个URL模式相关联这些模式那个特殊Web模块得到处理

    The extension processor factory returns an instance of an extension processor that is then associated with one or more URL patterns that it will handle in that particular Web module.


  • 只是一个特殊关键字它告诉sedTAB空格匹配。

    This is simply a special keyword that tells sed to match either a TAB or a space.


  • 可以实现一个具有特殊目的的.flush、。release. fsync方法的功能完备的文件系统。

    You can implement a full-featured filesystem with the special-purpose methods.flush,.release, or.fsync.


  • 另一项考虑服务就是My MileMarker可让通过网站输入燃料数据通过特殊移动设备,猜对了的Twitter

    Another service to consider is My Mile Marker, which lets you enter fuel data via its web site, or right from the pump through a special mobile site, or you guessed it, Twitter.


  • 两个语句通常放在if语句中,以便特殊条件触发continuebreak操作

    Often, these two statements are placed in the body of an if statement so that the continue or break action is triggered by a special condition.


  • Jelliffe公式计算元素类型属性各种特殊情况个数,可以使用DTD多个实例文档

    Jelliffe's formula was a count of element types, attributes, and various special cases of these measured either from a DTD or from one or more instance documents.


  • 默认指定子句可以常量一个特殊寄存器全局变量一个表达式关键NULL

    The default clause specified can be either a constant, a special register, another global variable, an expression or the keyword NULL.


  • 不象负责特殊功能组件开发人员测试人员懂得系统作为一个整体如何工作达到客户目标

    Unlike the developers, who are responsible for a specific function or component, the tester understands how the system works as a whole to accomplish customer goals.


  • 然后到了允许用户管理工作空间工具一个特殊任务活动所选择文件目录特定版本

    Then came tools that allowed users to manage workspaces: a collection of specific versions of files and directories chosen for a specific task or activity.


  • 进行成功引入关键建立一个特殊商业IT部门,它善于接受新的挑战

    Another key to a successful introduction is identifying a specific business or IT segment that will be receptive to new practices.


  • 一个特殊信号SIGKILL无法阻塞捕捉的,立即终止某个进程

    One special signal, SIGKILL, can't be blocked or caught, and it kills a process immediately.


  • 属性每个组件都有一个属性表;属性表中包含可以配置一些特殊组件、链接策略的属性。

    Properties sheet: Each component has a properties sheet; the properties sheet contains the properties for a particular component, link, or policy that are configurable by you.


  • 尽管厚厚一打量表、尽管诊断毫无变化试图自己事实保持清醒——那就是今天、对都是特殊一天

    In spite of foot thick charts, in spite of diagnoses which haven't changed for years, I've tried to keep myself open to the fact that today is a unique day for me and him or her.


  • 尽管厚厚一打量表、尽管诊断毫无变化试图自己事实保持清醒——那就是今天、对都是特殊一天

    In spite of foot thick charts, in spite of diagnoses which haven't changed for years, I've tried to keep myself open to the fact that today is a unique day for me and him or her.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定