• 因为一个新的系列所以非常希望您一起来推动前进

    Because this is a new series, you're strongly encouraged to help steer its progress.


  • 植村秀最近推出了一个新的系列非常喜欢,因为这个品牌有着很了不起时尚影响力

    Shu Eumura recently launched a new hair care line and I was really thrilled to start using their stuff cause the brand has such a cool fashion influence.


  • 玩具制造商根据詹姆斯·卡梅隆执导3d冒险电影化身》推出一个新的系列玩具产品

    Major toy manufacturer Mattel has just announced a new line of products tied to the upcoming 3-d adventure movie "Avatar" directed by James Cameron.


  • 现在不能完全确定可以新的系列可能一个故事片它的构想非常鲜活的。

    Now what that portends I am not entirely sure. It could be a new series or it could be a feature film, but he was quite animated about it.


  • 一个新的系列文章记忆中的第一,那么首先我们先来说说时间流逝是如何影响我们的记忆的。

    This is the first in a new series on the 7 deadly SINS of memory. First up, how the passage of time affects our memories.


  • 一个系列香水注册商标

    She has registered a trademark for a new range of perfumes.


  • 系列包括一个活塞设计,它可降低阻力,增加间距滚转控制有助于军用车辆在崎岖地形和越野路面表现

    The new series also includes a piston design that makes digressive forces for added pitch and roll control. This helps with performance over rough terrains and on off-road surfaces.


  • 索夫先生目录简单写道:樱桃系列绘画的一个旅程

    In the catalogue Mr Kossoff writes simply that the cherry tree series is a new departure for him.


  • 如果工作负载接近大于40%,您需要升级现在网络,或创建一个新的网内集群网络(如系列第1部分所述)。

    If the workload is already at or near 40% or more, you will need to upgrade the existing network or create a new intra-cluster network (as described in part 1 of this series).


  • 加拿大国家广播电台公司计划开播上线一个新的才艺表演系列迪拉宾斯基先生将裁判之一

    The CanadianBroadcasting Corporation plans to air a new series of a talent show in which MrDrabinsky is one of the judges.


  • 过来聊聊为什么要住这里,”莎莉八岁大儿子马拉奇,在展示漫画书那是他所画一个系列之一,已经上了彩色正在装订,漫画满整个单元。

    "Come talk about why you live here," Singer asks her eight-year-old son, Malachy, as he shows his new comic book, one of a series that he wrote, coloured and stapled, scattered around the flat.


  • 一周作为一个叫《生活中产》的系列中的一部分NPR深入研究美国中产阶级到底是什么意思

    This week, as part of a new series called Living In the Middle, NPR takes a closer look at what it really means to be middle class in the U. S.


  • 一周作为一个叫《生活中产》的系列中的一部分NPR深入研究美国中产阶级到底是什么意思

    This week, as part of a new series called Living in the middle, NPR takes a closer look at what it really means to be middle class in the U.S..


  • 本周这个公司发布了Puma一个用于小型便携式电脑新的芯片系列

    This week the firm unveiled Puma, a new line of chips for small laptops, which includes technology from ATI for better graphics.


  • 所担心虽然十分欣赏新的纪录片系列,我却不能一个单独问题询问有关的事。

    And my worry was that while I quite enjoyed his new documentary series, I couldn't think of a single question to ask about it.


  • 这个事件处理函数启动一个新的服务器通过上面执行系列命令配置它。

    The event handler starts a new server and configures it by executing a sequence of commands on it.


  • 一些情况需要创建SDO对象(系列sdo对象)新的实例并且将其序列化一个XML中。

    There are also situations when you would need to create a new instance of an SDO object (or a graph of SDO objects), and serialize that into XML.


  • 例如扩展可以简单只是弹出菜单中的可以一个完全新型项目或是系列编辑视图这样包括众多。

    For example, the extension can be as simple as a new entry in a pop-up menu, or as comprehensive as a completely new type of project, or a series of editors and views.


  • 这个文章系列第 2部分演示如何信息转换XML创建一个原始数据进行一些修改电子表格

    Part 2 of this article series will demonstrate how to convert the information to XML and create a new spreadsheet with a few modifications to the original data.


  • 包含视频会议提供的脸部识别功能特性而且它将成为可以适用系列不同尺寸平板电脑上安卓系统

    This will include new features such as face recognition for video-conferencing, and will be the first version of Android that will run on a range of tablet sizes.


  • 博士后建立自己的实验室一个重要过渡时期。它提出系列新的挑战

    An important transition period is moving from being a postdoc to starting one's own lab, which presents a set of novel challenges.


  • 系列新的方案正在尝试中,这之中包括一个矿产检查体制交易商认证

    A variety of new schemes are being tested, including a mine-inspection regime and the certification of dealers.


  • 美国联邦存款保险公司提出了一个新的方案重建系列银行倒闭而几近枯竭的存款保险基金。

    America's Federal deposit insurance Corporation proposed a novel solution for rebuilding its deposit insurance fund, depleted after a spate of seizures.


  • 东芝公司为了打造一款新的Z830系列电脑,在一个版本基础上分别重量下降了20%、厚度也缩减了40%。

    Toshiba's shaving 20 percent of the weight and 40 percent of the thickness off its previous generation Portégé laptops to create the Z830 series.


  • 教程经历系列练习熟悉DB 2 9.5中的一个特性:可信上下文

    This tutorial takes you through a series of exercises to familiarize yourself with trusted contexts, a new feature in DB2 9.5.


  • 教程经历系列练习熟悉DB2 9.5中的一个特性:角色

    This tutorial will take you through a series of exercises to familiarize yourself with roles, a new feature in DB2 9.5.


  • 即使不是这样系列一个卫星初期问题可能导致至少几个月的间断

    Even if this is not the case, it observes, teething problems with the first satellites in the new series could lead to a gap lasting at least several months.


  • 喜达屋集团推出一个扩展雅乐网站,网站中提供系列交互式功能之前没有一家酒店品牌曾经开发过此类功能。

    Starwood has launched a newly expanded Aloft Web site featuring a range of interactive features never before developed by a hospitality brand.


  • 传言说导演马克·韦伯会重新启动墙者系列寻找一个新的恋爱目标。

    Word on the street is that director Marc Webb is looking to create a new love interest for his planned reboot of the wall-crawler franchise.


  • 传言说导演马克·韦伯会重新启动墙者系列寻找一个新的恋爱目标。

    Word on the street is that director Marc Webb is looking to create a new love interest for his planned reboot of the wall-crawler franchise.


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