• 世界的东方,一个文明国家美丽宽广

    In the East, there is a civilized country, she was beautiful and broad;


  • 一个文明国家里,人们不会公共场合报纸醉汉罪犯辩护这种会在国家发生。

    In a civilized country people could not defense the drunks and the delinquents on a public site or on newspapers, this happens only in your country.


  • 东方文明国家漂亮广泛,在东方,有一个伟大的国家的勤奋坚强,她祖国国——中国

    In the East, there is a civilized country, she was beautiful and broad; in the East, there is a great nation, her industrious and strong, she is my motherland - China.


  • 作为一个有着5000历史国家中国有着灿烂文明文化

    As a country with a history of more than 5000 years, China is rich in civilization and culture.


  • 但是历史证明任何一个旨在文明进步国家最终达到食品形式便是面包

    But history demonstrates that in any country which aims at cultural advancement, the final food form arrived at, is bread.


  • 俄罗斯一个伟大的国家,俄罗斯人民创造了辉煌的历史灿烂的文化人类文明进步作出了卓越贡献

    Russia is a great nation and the people of Russia have created magnificent history and brilliant culture, making prominent contributions to human civilization and progress.


  • 国家内部国家之间人群健康状况方面更大公平性应当视为衡量我们作为一个文明社会如何取得进展的关键尺度。

    Greater equity in the health status of populations, within and among countries, should be regarded as a key measure of how we, as a civilized society, are making progress.


  • 作为世界贡献了英语以及1940年战役拯救了西方文明国家来说,一个不小耻辱

    And that's no small humiliation for a country that gave the world English and saved Western civilization in the Battle of Britain in 1940.


  • 看见一切时,我也许俄国成为标准的,文明国家不是一个冰雪覆盖尼日利亚

    I thought when I saw all this: Russia maybe does have a shot at becoming a normal, civilized country, rather than a kind of Nigeria with snow.


  • 换言之中国不像世界西方国家多数国家它自身文明形成,它是作为个文明国家不是一个民族国家而存在

    In other words, China, unlike the Western states and most countries in the world, is shaped by its sense of civilization, its existence as a civilization state, rather than as a nation state.


  • 被称为非洲文明一个国家警察死亡人数的确令人震惊

    The police death toll in a country that sees itself as the most civilised in Africa is indeed shocking.


  • 人民历来生活一个统一国家,几经沧桑创造了自己独特的文化亚洲世界文明作出过重要贡献

    The Afghan people have always lived in a unified country, experienced ups and downs, created its unique culture, and made important contributions to Asia and world civilization.


  • 坚持维护现状一些争论说,法国一个文明国家只是选择了不同优先事项

    Some of those who defend the status quo argue that France is a civilised country that has simply chosen different priorities.


  • 文明国度对立面富有创造力国家

    The contrary of a civilized nation is a creative nation.


  • 直到今天亚努科维奇无悔意,他诉苦说:“舞弊之说没有依据,乌克兰发生的事在任何一个文明国家都不会发生。”

    Even today Mr Yanukovich is unrepentant: "The rigging has not been proved." What happened in Ukraine would not have happened in any civilised country.


  • 我们一个参照对比社会模型,这是个文明的社会,我们缴税,国家关心人民的疾苦可是国家是否能够一直承受这样的负担呢?

    We have a model that we value. We are a civilized society. We pay taxes. We take care of your needy. The question is - is this sustainable?


  • 银色的树皮日落红叶造就新罕布什尔州巴特利特附近迷人组合,它是新罕布什尔州里一个中部白山国家森林所包围的文明小岛

    Silvery bark and sunset-colored leaves make for an enchanting combination near Bartlett, N.H., a tiny island of civilization surrounded by the White Mountain National Forest in central New Hampshire.


  • 是啊丹麦一个文明国家我们没有什么好的。

    Yeah, you're right. Denmark is a civilized country. We have nothing to fear.


  • Standard&Poor's,一个评价机构,厄瓜多尔监察113个国家里"偿还债务文明最差国家之一.

    Standard & Poor's, a rating agency, said Ecuador hadone of the weakest payment cultures” of the 113 countries it monitors.


  • 凯西:是啊丹麦一个文明国家我们没有什么好的。

    Yeah, you're right. Denmark is a civilized country. We have nothing to fear.


  • 文明代表一个国家精神面貌

    Civilization, on behalf of a country's mental outlook.


  • 一个很短车程市内热闹艺术文化国家博物馆现场新加坡美术馆亚洲文明博物馆和滨海艺术中心。

    A short drive to the city's lively arts and culture scene at the National Museum, Singapore art Museum, Asian Civilizations Museum and the Esplanade.


  • 这里重申一下中国一个具有五千年文明历史国家举办奥运会是多少梦想

    I want to reiterate that China is a country with a history of over 5,000 years.To host the Olympic Games in China is a dream Shared by people of several generations in this country.


  • 这里重申一下中国一个具有五千年文明历史国家举办奥运会是多少梦想

    I want to reiterate that China is a country with a history of over 5,000 years.To host the Olympic Games in China is a dream Shared by people of several generations in this country.


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