• 存在问题信用评级机构对他们投资部分债券给予了AAA 的评级。

    Part of the problem is that the rating agencies were rating their securities that they were investing in as AAA, in many cases.


  • 这个领域仍然存在很多无法回答问题但是鱼类海鲜地中海饮食一个主要部分

    There are still a lot of unanswered questions in this area, but fish and seafood are a major part of the Mediterranean diet.


  • 林的这些不同部分共同存在,为许多动植物以及人类创造了一个生态系统。

    These different parts of a rainforest exist together to create an ecosystem for many animals, plants and human beings.


  • 通常存在一个每个部分关联专门视图编辑器,其中提供了更多详细信息

    There's generally a specialized view or editor associated with each section that provides more details.


  • 其中存在关于战略设计师悲哀事实他们很少是个人几乎总是一个团队部分

    Therein lies a sad truth with Strategic Designers, they are always almost part of a team and rarely individuals.


  • 如果为适配器添加一个存在项目,可以部分内容

    If you are adding the adaptor to an existing project, skip this task.


  • 有着头令人吃惊爱因斯坦式白发的Gehry先生一个非常注重细节的人,这个24,000平方米(258,000平方英尺)的庞然大物上任何部分独特的,也不存在任何的对称

    Mr Gehry, with his shock of Einstein-white hair, was a stickler for detail. No two parts of the 24, 000 square metre (258, 000 square foot) leviathan could be the same-or even symmetrical.


  • 某个文件出现进程(意味着进程引用了文件部分内容,而这部分内容当前没有存在永久存储分页内存)的时候,该进程将产生一个缺页。

    When a process page faults on a file (meaning the process references a part of the file that is not currently cached in memory in a permanent storage page), the process generates a page fault.


  • 基本设计规则就是一个只要存在完成一个目标,那么应该该域包的部分

    A fundamental design precept is that a class should be part of a domain package only if it exists to fulfill the goals of that domain package.


  • 虽然以色列已经撤除了一个主要检查站大约50个路障但是绝大部分限制仍然存在

    While Israel has removed one major checkpoint and about 50 dirt roadblocks, it has left most of the restrictions in place.


  • 可能存在这样场景报告需要部分数据存在一个数据库,但几个关键表除外

    There may be scenarios where most of the data you require for reporting exists in one database with the exception of a few other key tables.


  • 逆向工程存在系统分析处理鉴别组成部分它们内在联系,从而以高层抽象性构建一个系统的框架。

    Reverse engineering is a process of analysing an existing system to identify its components and their interrelationships and to create representations of the system at a high level of abstraction.


  • 当然这个方面仍然存在很多无法回答问题但是鱼类海鲜地中海饮食一个主要部分

    Of course there are still a lot of unanswered questions in this area, but Fish and Seafood are a major part of the Mediterranean Diet.


  • 部分答案在于存在主义一个概念可能性无限的可能性。

    I think part of the answer is in another existentialist concept, possibility, infinite possibility.


  • 系列文章一个部分(最后篇),解决常见问题:即如果开源一个很好的东西为什么还一直存在商用软件

    In the next (and final) installment of this series, I'll address the frequently asked question: If open source is such a great thing, why is there still commercial software?


  • 有时我们可以不用重新运行测试直接编辑测试脚本或者我们只是重新录制一个测试一小部分然后将它粘贴存在的脚本中。

    Sometimes we directly edited the script without rerunning the test, or we re-recorded a small portion of a test and pasted it into the existing script.


  • 日志许多应用程序来说是都一个重要组成部分至少存在两种类型的日志。

    Logging is a vital part of applications, and there are at least two kinds of logging activities.


  • 一个软件系统架构形成所有其他部分存在基础如图1中的所示。

    The architecture of a software system forms the foundation upon which everything else sits, represented in Figure 1 as gray boxes.


  • 日志许多应用程序来说是都一个重要的组成部分至少存在两种类型日志:一般信息的关键业务的。

    Logging is a vital part of many applications, and there are at least two kinds of logging activities: informational and business critical.


  • 知道应用程序哪个部分能够安全一个数据库,而部分需要移动到不同分层

    You'll know which portions of an application can safely live in a database and which will need to be moved further up the stack to a different layer.


  • 美国不同,欧洲国家不是单个国家部分,不存在统一预算一种语言连接在一起劳工市场

    S. states, European countries weren't part of a single nation with a unified budget and a labor market tied together by a common language.


  • 可能数据库存在一个初步判断然后以此作为起点。当然,我会用进化的方式完成部分设计

    I would make an initial decision about the presence of a database and go from there, but I would still evolve most of the design.


  • 一个我们称为宇宙整体部分存在于有限时间空间中。

    A human being is a part of a whole, called by us' universe ', a part limited in time and space.


  • 欧共体来说还存在一个异议覆盖的范围欧洲一小部分

    A bigger objection to the EEC was that it covered only a small part of Europe.


  • 清单4可以看到一个分组计算中间结果内存中的部分都用粗体标识出来。

    Referring to listing 4, you can find the calculation of the new aggregate information that is kept in memory for each group set in bold.


  • 第二部分订阅源转换为全文输出时,你实际上创建了一个新的订阅,这转换服务生效时存在

    Second, when you convert a partial feed into a full feed, you are actually creating a new RSS feed and this will only exist as long as the conversion service is in business.


  • 部分来说计算机地方硬盘磁碟机,但是文件所有媒体存在闪现驾驶激光唱碟数字化视频光圆盘否则甚至带子绑起预备的系统

    For most computers, this place is the hard disk drive, but files can exist on all sorts of media: flash drives, CD and DVD discs, or even tape backup systems.


  • 良好核心通胀指标排除了噪音留下通货膨胀可以反映经济花费权重持续存在的这一部分

    A good core index excludes this noise, leaving only the enduring part of inflation that reflects the weight of spending in the economy.


  • 罗斯认为,自我所有部分都是同事存在的,彼此不停地争执竞争——工作一个想去电视等等

    For Ross, the various parts of the self are all present at once, constantly competing and bargaining with one another-one that wants to work, one that wants to watch television, and so on.


  • 罗斯认为,自我所有部分都是同事存在的,彼此不停地争执竞争——工作一个想去电视等等

    For Ross, the various parts of the self are all present at once, constantly competing and bargaining with one another-one that wants to work, one that wants to watch television, and so on.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定