• 设计一个产品根本

    Goozgn is the basis for good product.


  • 查看网络营销机会一个产品计划参加

    Check whether the network marketing opportunity you plan to join has a good product.


  • 一个产品,它可以使避免去寻求危险外科手术疗法

    It's a good product and it has kept me from seeking out more risky surgical measures.


  • 实际上新的网站上线没有任何秘密,你需要的只是市场时机一个产品辛勤工作

    There really is no secret to launching a site, its all down to market timing, a good product and hard work.


  • 这种趋势也是关于计划性淘汰的例子设计一个很快流行无法使用随后需要替换产品

    The new trend was also a great example of planned obsolescence, that is, to design a product so that it will soon become unfashionable or impossible to use and will need replacing.


  • 一个理念产品比如更廉价X 光优质的风力涡轮机,都可以纳入全球范围销售制造体系中。

    A good idea or product, such as a cheaper X-ray machine or better wind turbine, can be plugged into a global system of sales and manufacturing.


  • 项目经理管理项目,这样成为产品经理。

    Finding a good project manager to manage your projects will help you be an even better product manager.


  • 然而没有这些愿望列表整合又容易上手产品

    No one has yet put this wish list together in one nice, easy-to-use package.


  • 甚至领头高科技公司——包括产品曾引发连锁反应那些公司——有时发现他们自己只有一个创意的企业所超越。

    Even leading high-tech companies----including those whose products started the chain reaction----sometimes find themselves out-paced by entrepreneurs with little more than a good idea.


  • 开发恰当产品困难的,困难的是建立一个商业模式

    Developing the right product is hard. But what is harder is building a good business model.


  • 决定项目应该选择哪个技术产品版本,做一次特性研究不失是个方法

    A features study is a handy tool when trying to decide on which product or version of technology to implement for your project.


  • 一个理念产品比如廉价X光更优质风力涡轮机,都可以纳入全球范围销售制造体系中。

    A good idea or product such as a cheaper X-ray machine or better wind turbine can be plugged into a global system of sales and manufacturing.


  • 假定资产注册根据产品或者项目命名的,那么一个测试计划进行分类模型就是根据产品组件或者特性区域命名它们

    Assuming that your asset registries are named for products or projects, a good model to follow for categorizing test plans would be to name them for product components or feature areas.


  • 一个没有品牌时代判断产品质量消费者往往找出产品的产地,因为大家知道有些工厂产品质量要比其它工厂

    To gauge quality in an era when there were no brands, consumers used to find out where products were made, because certain factories were known to produce better quality goods than others.


  • ,在开始编写项目之前,你应该一个部署你的项目代码产品系统(对于分期开发环境也是如此)。

    Well, before you start coding your project, you should have a system set up that lets you deploy your project code into production (and preferably staging and development environments as well).


  • 一个声誉公司标志就是回购措施,如果原本打算购买产品进行销售但后来觉得适合这个项目,有声誉的公司就会同意回购其产品

    One mark of a reputable company is that it will have a buyback policy if you purchase products to sell and then decide the business is not the right fit for you.


  • 市场营销用来促销企业产品而且一个提升企业形象方式

    Marketing is also used to promote business 'products and is a great way to promote the business.


  • 此时,问题的关键在于如何找到地段正确产品组合以及一个优秀的员工协助经营管理的注意。

    The key will be to find a good location and the right product mix, as well as a great staff to assist you when it comes to keeping the business running.


  • 但是我们得到非常反馈显然长期来看成为非常产品

    But we are getting amazing feedback, and its clear that it will be such a better product in the long term.


  • 问题确定一个价钱除非我能确定你们产品耐用的。

    The problem, however, is that I can't be confident in giving you a good price unless I am confident your product will last.


  • 一个过程需要定义各个角色工作承担责任,产品建立,不同角色之间的协同工作等等

    A good process defines the roles involved, the activities undertaken, the work products created, and the handoff points between the different roles.


  • 这种做法极其成熟的,并且对于创建软件产品不是个好方法

    It's not a very mature approach, and it's not the way we're going to create better software products.


  • 微软产品最新浏览器也是一个浏览器。

    Microsoft makes some fantastic products. The latest version of their browser is a good browser.


  • 如果成为一个产品经理,那你得擅长于做你不擅长的事情 。

    If you want to be a good product manager, be comfortable being uncomfortable .


  • 一个科技产品并不一定成功,因为早期用户已经遗弃他们尝试事物了。

    It might just be the case that a good technology does not make it because the early adopters abandon it to try something new.


  • 委内瑞拉已经开始购买尼加拉的出口产品主要是食物,作为一个标志

    Venezuela has also started to buy Nicaraguan exports, mainly food, at a handsome markup.


  • 一个设计师能够产品适应用户行为不是期待用户的行为来适应产品

    A good designer will adapt his or her product to fit user behavior (rather than expecting users to adapt their behavior to the features).


  • 讨论一个强大Demo实际价值、一些截图重要性以及一些附属产品(例如游戏原声、游戏攻略)的计划方法。

    He discusses the merits of a strong demo, the importance of good screen shots, and the wisdom of planning for accessory products such as a soundtrack or a strategy guide.


  • 讨论一个强大Demo实际价值、一些截图重要性以及一些附属产品(例如游戏原声、游戏攻略)的计划方法。

    He discusses the merits of a strong demo, the importance of good screen shots, and the wisdom of planning for accessory products such as a soundtrack or a strategy guide.


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