• 一个发自内心称赞可以成为激励人向上动力不仅提高当事人士气而且鼓励再接再厉。

    Just think what a force for good a sincere compliment can be. It not only can boost a person's morale but also can give the incentive to go on doing well.


  • 无论是发自内心的微笑,一种个性鲜明风格,一份独具特色的幽默感,一颗深厚博大的同情心,一类特殊才能或者我们世界一种方式——所有这些我们贴上了个性的标签。

    Whether it is an original smile, an extraordinary sense of style, peculiar humor, deep compassion, special talent or the way we see the world - all these things make us who we are.


  • 同情发自内心情感它能将爱和善意传递给所触及一个人。

    Compassion is a heartfelt emotion that delivers loving-kindness to everyone it touches.


  • 说,一个重要的原因是狄更斯在发自内心地写作。

    One important reason, she says, is that Dickens wrote from his heart.


  • 宽恕敌人。”我想要跟你们分享一个故事,那是发生在很久以前发自内心宽恕

    "I had to Forgive my Enemy". I wanted to share a story from my past about forgiving from the heart.


  • 但是批评你的不一定是别人,就像故事中的史蒂夫那样一些青少年内在批评”,就是那种自己什么事情都找茬发自内心的声音

    But criticism doesn't have to come from other people. Like Steve in the story above, some teens also have an "inner critic," a voice inside that seems to find fault with everything they do.


  • 跟你们分享一个故事,那是发生在很久以前发自内心宽恕

    I wanted to share a story from my past about forgiving from the heart.


  • 但是小丑一个人生如此糟糕的角色,他表演如此发自内心、令人恐惧、仿佛亲临其境,因此他的角色立刻吸引住

    But his Joker is a creature of such ghastly life, and the performance is so visceral, creepy and insistently present that the characterization pulls you in almost at once.


  • 如果我们不能发自内心倾听别人的意见,或者热衷于将自己观点强加的话,我们无法建立一个强有力的社会关系

    We cannot build strong Social relationships if we're not prepared to listen to others, or when we seek to force our own views on them.


  • 怀恩·豪斯欢迎您进入一个充满别扭世界。怀恩·豪斯对于美国黑人灵歌发自内心的兴趣尽管是个白种英国女人

    Welcome to the World Series of Awkwardness: Winehouse had a genuinely interesting take on black American soul, yet she was a white British woman.


  • 最后一首发自内心的情诗是献给另一位女孩的,我在遇到布丽安娜一个遇到她。

    The last genuine love poem I wrote went to a girl I met a month before I met Brianna.


  • 总是发自内心快乐,如同一个兴高采烈朋友那些为了工资笑容的女招待。

    And he's pleasant in a real way, not like a waitress paid to be bubbly, but like a friend in high spirits.


  • 对“热爱发自内心的甚至阐述伊朗政策时(他支持严厉制裁),他接了自己农场”打来的电话获知一个马驹流产后他轻轻地埋怨了一声。

    His love of horses is authentic: even as he explains his policy on Iran (he would support tougher sanctions), he takes a call from his farm, and swears softly on learning of a stillborn foal.


  • 但是批评的人不一定是别人,就像故事中的史蒂夫那样一些青少年会内在批评”,就是那种自己做的什么事情都找茬发自内心的声音

    Like Steve in the story above, some teens also have an "inner critic," a voice inside that seems to find fault with everything they do.


  • 如果发现了发自内心的份额不仅可以拿出圣诞节但是每次你这么一个机会那么,你如此幸运

    If you have found it in your heart to share and give not only during Christmas, but every time you are have the chance to do so, then you are so blessed.


  • 然而从未见过14女孩所做的,发自内心无法受感动了

    But for him to do this for a 14-year-old girl he'd never met, and for it to be his idea... I couldn't be more impressed.


  • 身边一个热情拥抱因为发自内心的给予他人的唯一财富并且一文

    Give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent.


  • 庆祝发自内心而言一个伟大的进球因为常进球。

    My celebration was spontaneous, it was a great goal for me because I don't usually score headers.


  • 只有一个感受到的时候,才会努力超越自己,去做发自内心持久性改变

    Only when a person feel loved, from his heart he will seek the real, thorough, and permanent positive change.


  • 不仅仅儿童看护人发自内心的呼唤,也是重大科学问题

    This isn't just a caregiver's cri DE coeur — it's also an important scientific question.


  • 发自内心的你们不管怎么样你们曾经的,谢谢

    I was heartfelt love every one of you, no matter what, all of you ever loved me, thank you.


  • 参观基地第一发自内心感受建筑时,我就希望光线作为我设计的一个手段。

    I knew from the beginning when I visited the site and first had that visceral experience of mass that I wanted to use as light a hand as possible.


  • 尽管我们失物走了来回一个多小时的时间,而且也疲惫,但我们能为找到失物感到发自内心高兴

    Though we spent about an hour looking for the articles making a round trip and we felt very tired, we all were glad to find the lost articles from the bottom of our heart!


  • 理由满文军一个发自内心做慈善的艺人,承诺过的一定会做到,而不有些艺人做公益只是作秀。”

    The reason is that, Man Wenjun is a kind person heartedly; he can realize what he promised, rather than just showing of other stars.


  • 一个被延长的瞬息,它夕阳、像发自内心长叹,是很特别独特且只有能体会的回忆

    It was a long drawn out moment, like a deep sigh, like a sunset... a special, and unique memory, just for me.


  • 他在声明中称:“这项工作需要一个能够得到国会美国人民发自内心完全信任领导者来担任

    This work will require a leader who can operate with the full faith of Congress and the American people, and without distraction.


  • 他在声明中称:“这项工作需要一个能够得到国会美国人民发自内心完全信任领导者来担任

    This work will require a leader who can operate with the full faith of Congress and the American people, and without distraction.


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