• The worst actress of the decade category is dominated by singers who have turned to acting, with Jennifer Lopez, Madonna and Mariah Carey nominated alongside Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton.

    BBC: Transformers leads Razzies worst films contest

  • In 1966, Wood was named the Harvard Lampoon's Worst Actress of the Year, but was deemed "a good sport" by the university paper when she unexpectedly turned up to collect it.

    BBC: Natalie Wood: A Hollywood enigma

  • Travolta's wife, Kelly Preston, finds herself in the worst actress list for the same film, alongside Sienna Miller for GI Joe, Transformers actress Julie White, Ali Larter for Obsessed and Candice Bergen for Bride Wars.

    BBC: Transformers leads Razzies worst films contest

  • Pop star Rihanna was named worst supporting actress for her debut film role in Battleship, based on the board game of the same name.

    BBC: Kristen Stewart

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