• One worry is that demand creates supply.

    ECONOMIST: International adoption

  • Farmers also worry about uncertain market demand, pointing to the big surplus that developed in 2001.

    ECONOMIST: Ethically minded shoppers turn their focus to cotton

  • The worry is that strong demand for Treasuries as reserves might tempt America to overstretch itself.

    ECONOMIST: The path ahead

  • But that was much slower than at the start of 2007, and the worry now is that demand from Europe has started to flag.

    ECONOMIST: Decoupling 1: Emerging Asia

  • Even if scores continue to recover, the company may still have one problem to worry about: assuming demand increases as anticipated, how will they now deliver the necessary supply?

    FORBES: Maker's Mark Attention Score Way Up, but Brand Perception Down

  • But if I had a loved one who was another working reporter in Iraq, I would worry that agreeing to any demand would just encourage other kidnappings of reporters.

    NPR: Waiting for News About Jill Carroll

  • And the security problems in Mexico caused by the American demand for cocaine are a growing worry to policymakers in both countries.

    ECONOMIST: Canada and NAFTA: No mariachis, please | The

  • But given that higher energy prices generally boost inflation and shrink demand, it is not unreasonable to worry about the future.

    ECONOMIST: Reluctant party-poopers | The

  • There are still many things, including a property crash, or softer demand from commodity-hungry China, to worry about (see article).

    ECONOMIST: Australia

  • As for the dollar, the reason to worry would be if a falling currency prompted foreign investors to demand higher yields on American Treasury bonds to compensate them for the risk.

    ECONOMIST: Buttonwood

  • For medical critics of the product, that is precisely the problem: if firms selling herbal remedies are able to make dramatic, unsubstantiated claims with impunity, they have enormous power to generate demand for their products without having to worry about mundane details like safety or efficacy.

    ECONOMIST: Herbal remedies

  • This gives business managers an opportunity to improve budgeting for projects, without having to worry about utilization rates or idle hours if there is a gap in demand.

    FORBES: Temporary Help Wanted: Managing Contractors

  • The worry on every steelman's mind is that as the growth in demand for steel slows from its recent hectic rates, the huge increase in Chinese production capacity will be diverted to turning out steel for export.

    ECONOMIST: Steel industry

  • Of course back in the real world, Obama IS checked by the House and Senate, the Republicans have as mentioned controlled the House since 2010, so if spending and deficits worry the Republicans, they need only go to the House leadership and demand that they at the very least block Obama spending initiatives that would make the budget picture worse than it already is.

    FORBES: Documentary Review: Dinesh D'Souza Unsuccessfully Reaches With 2016

  • On the downside, worry about an oil supply disruption that both pushes fuel costs up while trashing demand for transportation.

    FORBES: Truckers: Don't Fear Higher Diesel Prices

  • Another worry: It could be that the creation of a fair trade market depresses demand for coffee from all the other sources, causing wages to fall in that end of the business.

    FORBES: When Do-Gooders Invest

  • For all the familiar signs of British economic frailty that are now making headlines, such as demand driven by consumption rather than investment, the biggest long-term worry is a different one: whether productivity growth, troublingly weak in the past few years, can revive.

    ECONOMIST: Living standards

  • But they worry Hirak's stronghold in the south will vote against the constitution in November and instead demand secession, spawning widespread violence.

    WSJ: Yemen Confronts Rising Pressure to Divide

  • Add in an anaemic recovery, at best, in America, and the worry that its economy might tumble off a fiscal cliff in December, and the outlook for external demand is bleak.

    ECONOMIST: Banyan

  • MSPs who had debated the bill in three parliamentary committees ignored Mr Dewar's demand to junk the bill, voting to carry on with it and let the executive worry about alternative means of debt recovery.

    ECONOMIST: Scotland

  • As the recovery slows, a growing number of people worry about a descent into competitive depreciation, as countries try to grab a bigger share of global demand at others' expense, a trend that could fuel protectionism.

    ECONOMIST: Currencies

  • Indeed, some economists worry that efforts to resolve Germany's supply-side problems may be worsening the economy's demand-side difficulties.

    ECONOMIST: Five million reasons to worry | The

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